Saturday, April 30, 2011

Week 17

We're 17 weeks into 2011. (I guess that's right on par for beginning the fifth month of the year.) Here's what's been going on:

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):  WooHoo!  I abandoned Lesson 7 (the setting is completely messed up -- so bad I wasn't even making notes anymore, just slogging through the manuscript in despair).  I'm working on Lesson 8 now, which is interesting.  We're starting to pull all the observations from the first seven lessons together to form a coherent picture of what's right and wrong with the book. I've written at least my 750 words each day and have a current streak of 320 days (must have been a typo in last week's report, because I know I wrote for seven days; it says my current streak is 320 days; yet 319 plus seven is not 320 -- even when employing my worst mathematical skills, I know that).  For the month, I've logged 23,378 words.

Internet Responsibilities:
- I blogged three times this week.

- Dazzle is having a tough time walking straight, but she's still up and about, seemingly enjoying life.
- I've concluded the kittens just don't like traveling.  I rode back to Central TX to a chorus of hisses and growling from the carriers in the back seat.  When I let them out, they were a little grumpy but calmed down within a couple hours.
- I picked up the cat food the night before driving, and Ajax did not vomit in his crate during the trip.  That's worth it to have grumpy cats in the morning, I think.
- Natasha has been her normal self.

- I've been dragging water hoses.  The grass looks ok in San Antonio for a little bit.  Now to begin working in Central TX -- we've lost a lot of our St. Augustine.
- When I returned to Central TX, I trimmed the hedge on the corner in an effort to keep trees cut to bush height low enough not to bother drivers.  Can't wait until hubby gets the fence up and we pull those things.
- Hubby has began scraping and primering the other garage door this week.  He had color coat on the first garage door, and it looks great -- still needs a second coat.

- I have gotten lots of outdoor work done, and that's where most of my efforts will be for the next couple weeks in the mornings.  In the afternoon, when it's warmer outside, I'll focus on indoor work. 
- I am at 25 pounds lost (five bags of flour) on the WW program and mostly two inches on all the measurements (only one inch on the arms).  Obviously, this week, the metabolism kicked into overdrive.  The WW website said I was losing weight too fast, but they still reduced my daily points allowance by one -- that seems a little contradictory to me.  This is pretty exciting.  I don't imagine I'll lose much weight this week -- I think my metabolism will even out a little, but I'm pleased.  I'm on target to reach my 10% goal by the end of May, I think.
- I logged 23.82 miles for Walk Across Texas.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Great quote from Do the Work

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. I learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets:
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!”
From W.H. Murray’s The Scottish Himalayan Expedition (1951)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Checking in

Well, here I am late again. Wish I had a better excuse than I simply didn't do it, but there it is. Better late than never, I guess. Here's my report.

Apples: The only fruit I'm allowing myself during the beginning of this low carb diet. A small apple. I like them cold and crisp.

Bananas: Okay, I have one of these sometimes, too. But a small one.

Blogging: Attempting to keep up with 51313 Harbor Street. I'm getting more visitors as I post more. And a few more comments. Which is cool.

Depression: Dang it, the black dog is snapping at my heels. Very annoying. Got to keep moving and not let it pull me down. Life is too important.

Diet: 20.5 pounds down as of Sunday. Only need another 54.5. Blood sugar is going okay, but not as good as I had hoped it would be by this time. Well, it will come. I suspect the depression is tied somewhat to the changes my body is going through. It's an extended sugar withdrawal.

Job search: Sigh. We're not going to talk about this. Eventually I will find one. Or move to a place where I can find one. I will be employed again.

Publishing: A setback. Lulu was supposed to have Floozy and Other Stories out on Amazon and Barnes and Noble this week. It isn't. And according to Lulu, it won't be there for a few more weeks. They blame "technical difficulties." I have difficulty believing that. I have plans for a publicity campaign, but can't start it until libraries can purchase it. Will keep you updated.

Timed writings: Doing three of these a day. Do you ever use this trick? It's like word warring with yourself.

Writing: Attempting to get that jump started again. Been using timed writings to keep my fingers on the keyboard. It's getting better, but I'm still not putting in the time that I should. Sometimes I get frustrated with this lack of willpower.

And that's all I have to tell you now.

Well, there's this big change that might happen in the next couple of months. I'll let you know if it happens. It's major, but will be a very good thing. I'll tell you more when I can. Keep your fingers crossed and your prayers winging upward.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Hope you're all enjoying your Sunday.

Writing: I did 2,655 words last week and did a fair amount of research on the next project (H for the moment). Part of the research included crunching some numbers and realizing that, as much as I want to go, a research trip to Scotland is not in the cards anytime soon.

Clutter: Still there. I have a plan. I just haven't put it into action yet. I did get my china packed up.

Health: Lost a whopping tenth of a pound. I didn't do measurements today because I was running late and when I thought of it I was on my way home from church.

Misc: I know I sound discouraged. What I really am is a little overwhelmed. (It doesn't help that it's been raining for the best part of 5 days, and we have 2-3 left to go.) Eric pointed me toward "Do The Work" by Steven Pressfield, which is a free Kindle download. I'm still not sure why he made it a point to recommend it, but I read it, and it made a lot of sense, so now I'm reading the book before it--"The War Of Art." Both books deal with the concept that because humans are made to function with others and as part of a group, we're afraid to break away from the pack to do that work that will set us further apart. He traces resistance down to the roots in a tight, concise, no-holds-barred fashion. It's geared toward writers but applies to anyone with a dream, not just artists. I read "Do The Work" in parts of two days (between work shifts). When I finished it I immediately started "The War Of Art." I'm still trying to digest it all, hence the overwhelmed-ness. There are a lot of things I can apply to different parts of my life. In fact, I've done it already without realizing it when I gave up coffee last year, and more recently by joining Weight Watchers and going to yoga. I think it's because there are so many different ways to apply it to my life and to my work that I'm a little paralyzed right now. I want to go back and read them both through again so I can make sure I didn't miss anything, but that in itself is resistance, which will keep me from getting the work done. So while I really want a nap, I guess I have work to do.

Oh, yeah, and Jeli went into heat. Yippee.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Week 16

We're 16 weeks into 2011. Here's what's been going on:

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):  Still working on Lesson 7, and I made progress on two days this week. I've written at least my 750 words each day and have a current streak of 319 days.  For the month, I've logged 17,769 words.

Internet Responsibilities:
- I blogged four times this week.  We're not getting consistency week to week for blogging.

- Everybody is doing well.  The kittens have recovered after their initial surprise at coming back to San Antonio.

- Hubby is almost done refurbishing the critical parts of the SA back yard fence.
- I've been dragging water hoses.  The grass looks ok.
- I've trimmed trees as well as the front and patio hedge.  We still need to do the alley hedge.
- Hubby has primer and putty on one of the garage doors.  We'll probably begin scraping the other door this week.

- No recumbent riding this week.  I have gotten lots of outdoor work done, and that's where most of my efforts will be for the next couple weeks.  Yesterday and today were the New Braunfels swap meet.  We bought 10 sets of industrial shelving, and we spent most of the day hauling it to the truck.  I logged nearly 17,000 steps.  That was a good workout.
- I am still at 17.8 pounds lost (three bags of flour) on the WW program and mostly one and a half to two inches on all the measurements.  This week remained stagnant, but I think my metabolism is just adjusting.  I've bee working the program, so I'm not too worried about this yet.
- I logged 20.6 miles for Walk Across Texas (the nine miles from today will be on next week's total).

That Darn Stain

I may have figured out Stain of Corruption. Maybe. I really think this is going to work.

And I'm actually chipper and excited about this book for just about the first time ever!

Here's hoping this version will have legs and GO!

Monday, April 18, 2011


Sorry I'm late.

Stalled. I just can't seem to focus. Received another declination for M, and it, too, was very positive if it just wasn't for the one bothersome issue. Which was a different issue than the first letter - in fact, she LOVED the very thing the first editor didn't. Still waiting on other publishers, but I've offered to make changes if needed. 

I spoke at the Iowa Romance Novelists April meeting about being edited (complete with manuscripts, editorial letters, cover art, printer proofs, the whole shebang) and it went really well.

It's mostly concerned with sleeping.

Basement walls are done, pipe insulation is done (there might be one little joint still to wrap) and Bill's made good progress painting the basement floor. My decluttering is not going so well, mostly because all I want to do is sleep.

No real change from last week except I've lost about 2 lbs. It's probably a fluke with my scale.

Everything Else

Nothing to report. It's been very boring.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Can't Comment

For some reason, Blogger is not letting me comment.  I can click on comments, but the comment box doesn't come up.  Is it just me?

Reporting in

It was an okay week. I'm pretty well past the con lag, I think, although I still want a nap most days. Maybe that's the new normal.

Writing: I wrote a little over 4,000 words. It went pretty well except when Jeli stepped on the power button on my power strip and shut the computer off, and I didn't realize I hadn't saved about 500 words. I think the reconstruction was stronger anyway.

Clutter: I got irritated the other day and spent about 2 hours cleaning. It looks better, but it's heading back toward not better, thanks to a certain person and her boyfriend. We're about to have words. I'm going to get another load together for Good Will, and I ordered some padded china storage thingies so I can move the bone china out of the china cabinet and ease some overcrowding. The trouble there is family heirlooms. My brother and step-sister trash everything, so I got the important stuff, and there's quite a bit. I don't feel right about selling it or giving it away until I find out if my kids want it and while my mom is still alive. Hopefully I'll be saddled with it for a long time! I have to get things kicked into gear this week. We have a lot of family coming in next month for Vicky's graduation.

Health: Finally got past the block and lost 2 more pounds. That puts total loss at 11. When I lose 8 more I'll assess how my clothes are fitting. If they're all right, I'll likely go to maintenance. If I'm going to have to go down another size, I'll do 5 more and re-assess. I thought about going down to pre-pregnancy weight, but I decided not to. It's been almost 22 years, and I was pretty skinny then. I want to have a little meat on my bones, just not as much as I did.

Misc: I told Vicky if the boyfriend doesn't find a permanent place to live in the near future, he's not getting his cat back. She must have passed the word on because he's moving back to his last place. Apparently the guy he had the falling out with moved out so it looks like Jeli will be moving pretty soon. She'll be back to visit for a day or so next month. Vicky wants my parents to meet their great-grandkitten.

UPDATE: I was talking with Vicky this afternoon, and apparently, they don't want Jeli living in the house the boyfriend is moving back into. She doesn't get along with the owner's cats, so she'd be isolated in his room when she has the run of the house here. They're also concerned about her getting fleas, so she's staying here for the foreseeable future. I told her I might let him have her back once she gets into the boring cat stage!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Week 15

We're 15 weeks into 2011. Here's what's been going on:

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):  Still working on Lesson 7, and I made progress on four days this week. I've written at least my 750 words each day and have a current streak of 305 days.  I still need to write today, but that shouldn't be a problem.

Internet Responsibilities:
- I blogged once this week.

- Millie and Dazzle both like being in San Antonio.  The back yard is better configured for them.  They have the whole yard to roam.

- Lady and Tarzan, after the initial shock of new surroundings after being in Central Texas, have adjusted to being back in San Antonio
- Hubby took Lady outside yesterday morning with intent to continue his work getting the kittens adjusted to the dogs (something we failed to do when they were very young).  He sat down on the step.  Lady was calm.  Dazzle wandered over to say hello (she is the matriarch, after all, and has her responsibilities).  For the first instant, we both thought Lady was going to be fine.  Then the buzzsaw was unleashed.  Dazzle is fine, but hubby's forearms are hamburger.  We cleaned him up right away, and he's healing quickly, but that little kitty is not harmless.
- Natasha was lounging on a kitchen chair this afternoon.  Ajax happened by and put his front paws on the cushion to sniff.  Natasha began to hiss in response, but before she could, Tarzan leapt onto the chair, forming a barrier between Natasha and Ajax.  Natasha stopped in mid-hiss, Ajax removed his paws from the chair, and after he walked away, Tarzan jumped down and returned to his chair, curled up, and went back to sleep.  Hubby and I were properly amazed.

- Hubby is almost done refurbishing the critical parts of the SA back yard fence.
- I'll begin dragging watering hoses tonight.

- No recumbent riding this week -- or for the next two weeks.  I have gotten lots of outdoor work done, and that's where most of my efforts will be for the next couple weeks.

- I have now lost 17.8 pounds (three bags of flour) on the WW program and mostly an inch and a half on all the measurements.  For those of you following at home, that translates to gaining a half pound this week.  That follows my pattern for this effort.  I did lose a slight amount on the measurements end of things. I anticipate next week or the week after to be better.
- I logged 19.31 miles for Walk Across Texas.

My Saturday report

Blogging: Caught up on my blog (51313 Harbor Street). Mostly because of timed writings, of which this is a ten-minute one. They are helping my creative juices.

Clutter: More things for the garage sale. I’m using the back bedroom as a staging area. I’m excited about having the space when these items are gone. And hey, the bit of money doesn’t hurt.

Finances: Well, things are tight here. Unemployment doesn’t completely pay my bills. I’ve been using my dwindling savings to make up the difference. I’ve also been cutting back in every way that I can. All the more reason to get another book out here and sell a few copies! (A new job would be nice, too. Or even an old job. New, old, I don’t care.)

Cleaning: I’ve finally been taking my books off the shelves, culling ones for the garage sale, and dusting the books and shelves. I’ve needed to do this for years. I’m amazed how much dust accumulates.

Health: Still on the low carb diet. I’ve lost 16 pounds as of Friday this week. Still have another 50 or so to go. It’s getting easier. I still have cravings, but they’re happening less frequently. This is really helping control my blood sugar. It’s still high, but much better than it has been. I’m hoping with exercise to bring it into the 100 range and keep it there.

Writing: Not much progress on Murder by the Mile or Debt Free At Last. But I feel better about both. Outlining, editing, and working on covers has kept me moving forward. I’m also going to make new covers for Murder by Dewey Decimal and Murder by the Acre. I can’t change the covers on ones already for sale on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc., but I can change the ones for my book signings. Private second editions in other words.

Job search: One interview this past week and several resume drops. The interview seemed to go okay, but I’ve not heard from them. Just got to keep trying. Eventually I’ll find a job. I always have in the past; I will this time, too.

So how are things going for y’all? I hope you have great news to report. Hey, I'm first on the reports this week. Cool.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Running behind

Well, I'm behind in everything else, might as well be behind on Createslate. Still, here's my report card, tardy as it may be.

Writing: Blogging and outlining. Working on the monthly family newsletter. Attempting to repair Murder by the Mile. Keep having these fantasies where I meet my characters in a dark alley and I'm holding a machine gun. It doesn't go well for them.

Diet: Holding to the low carb. It's quite hard. I miss bread like the way I figure addicts must miss meth. Still, it's doable, and I'm doing it. I have a Atkins recipe book on order. Hoping it will help me increase the variety of my meals. I'm getting tired of eggs and Eggbeaters.

Clutter: Continuing to add things to the yard sale materials. Hope to have another sale next month and unload more of these things. Want the space. Sometimes it feels like all this stuff is smothering me.

Social: Attempting to get out of the house more. I've been a hermit other than the necessary trips. Not good for me. There's a whole world out there. I need to be out in it.

Job search: Continues. Got a couple of leads this week that might pan out. Hope so.

Publishing: Sometime soon Floozy and Other Stories should be on and Barnes and And my first two mysteries, Murder by Dewey Decimal and Murder by the Acre, will be out as ebooks at the iTunes store in a couple of months. Don't know what sales will be like, of course, but this should be interesting to watch.

And that's my late report. Hope life is treating you well. If not, grab it by the throat and give it a good shake!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Most Folks Are...

“Most folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” Abraham Lincoln

I struggled with this quote for years.  It made me angry.  And my youthful hero had made the quote, and that made it all the worse.  See, I wasn't very happy, and the idea that it was my fault really bugged me.

As years passed, though, I realized it's true.  And the good part is, no matter what else is going on in life that I don't have control over, I do have control over how I respond to things -- including how happy or unhappy I'm going to be about a situation.  Yes, it took a bit of a mindset flip for me to see it that way, but it sure has helped.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Things to Be Thankful For

While we all have problems, I was once again reminded yesterday how comparatively minor they are compared to some other people's problems.  Valerie Comer posted about an impending heart transplant for Baby Annabelle.  I haven't been following Krista Phillips' journey since her fourth daughter was born last year, but Baby Annabelle was diagnosed with a bad heart before she was born last July.  She's been through a couple of operations, but they decided in January to put Baby Annabelle on a heart transplant list.  Yesterday was the day for her new heart.

Since it's a transplant, you know for Annabelle to get her heart, some poor family had to lose their precious baby. I hope they receive some small comfort from knowing their loss may have prevented another family from the same thing.

Yesterday afternoon at 4:30, Annabelle began the process of getting a new heart that concluded about midnight.  Last I heard, the operation was deemed a success, and Baby Annabelle has a much brighter future available to her.

My little sister died of brain stem cancer before she was ten -- I'd been out of the house on my own for nearly eight years at that point, so it was still peripheral to me.  That's the closest I can come to beginning to relate to the agonies of families in these circumstances.  But I know it's far worse than anything I've had to endure, and I'm so thankful that my life has been so blessed.

Despite the agony, there are blessings in Baby Annabelle's situation, too, and I'm thankful she's been given another chance thanks to a family who could find a positive option in their own grief-filled situation.


This has not been a good week.

Stain of Corruption is coming very slooooowly, even though I have it pretty much figured out. I just can't gather the gumption to really focus on it, or much of anything else. M received its first rejection from an editor and it was super complimentary. She obviously enjoyed the book a great deal, just had a problem relating to M herself. That's all okay, it'll find the right home.

It continues.

Our daughter added an unexpected complication to the 'what's gonna happen with Bill's job?' stressor. She's pregnant. Also unmarried, 21, and works part time at Dollar General. She and the boyfriend are very excited, but we're pretty much standing here gaping and numb - his parents, too, are shocked and reeling. These are super good, nerdy, goody-two-shoes kinda kids who need to grow up right NOW. I'm trying to remain upbeat, but it's difficult. While I have the utmost confidence in her ability to be a good parent, their financial situation is scary, and I don't know how much luck they'll have improving it. Plus, it's a mind-locking shock, at least for us.

Basement's looking good! Bill's started painting the floor and then the main part of that aspect of the remodel will be done. Still have some shelving to install, and ancient windows to replace, but they're simple jobs compared to all the concrete work he's been doing. Not much progress anywhere else, other than me doing some decluttering and prepping for the yard sale in May.

All I want to do is eat and sleep. Preferably sleep. Spring always wreaks havoc on my sinuses, so I'm super clogged, but with all these life-upheaval things too... I just don't want to do anything. Well, anything but sleep. Haven't exercised, and while my diet hasn't been too bad, it certainly hasn't been great either. Gimme carbs and leave me alone.

Everything Else

There is no anything else. Only shock. And sleep. And what the heck are we gonna DO?!?!?

Forward and back

I'm writing this straight out of bed without finishing my tea. I haven't read any of your progress reports yet; I don't know for sure who has even posted, so it feels like I'm coming into this cold!

Writing: Amazing. Incredible. Last year when I went to this conference I took several different classes with different teachers. This year, Susan May Warren came to teach, and all I took was her class. I have work to do on the wip, but I know what I'm doing now, and I have tools to go back through and make even the keeper scenes stronger. For the first time in a long time, I am looking forward to getting back to work.

Clutter: I finally took a load to Good Will. That's it.

Health: Two yoga classes, and I gained a pound (and a few fractions of an inch) this week. It was to be expected. I took healthy snacks with me, but three days away, eating away from home, I was not surprised. I'm not discouraged. I just have to buckle down and get with the program again.

Misc: At this point, anything before Thursday seems like a distant dream! I did drive up through Macomb Thursday en route to Iowa so I could have lunch with Alex. It was good to see him for a little while, but there is nothing new to report. He's got a month of school left and will be home for at least part of the summer. Speaking of summer, the long-range forecast looks like it's safe to hang my parka in the closet, so I'll need to go through my closet again and purge the stuff I don't need for next winter. I guess it's time to come down from the mountain and get back into the daily grind!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Week 14

We're 14 weeks into 2011. Here's what's been going on:

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):  Still working on Lesson 7, and I made progress on three days this week.  Unfortunately, the three days didn't coincide with Health Month's three days, and I lost a life point.  Oh, well. I've written at least my 750 words each day and have a current streak of 299 days.  I've written 6888 words so far this month.

Internet Responsibilities:
- I blogged once this week.

- Millie got a new collar this week.  Right after I put it on her, she ran over to show it to Dazzle.
- Millie came to the ranch with us yesterday, ostensibly to give her a chance to run, but she didn't run much.  She took off after a squirrel in the next field over while I was checking a fence line (there were two cows in the hayfield when we drove in, so they were getting in from somewhere). But she came back pretty quickly after the initial thrill.  Mostly, she sniffed around, hung around near us, and laid under the trailer while we worked.

- Hubby took care of some drainage issues over the back door of the shop.  I bagged six bags of debris and only got a little itch for my efforts.

- I mowed the lawn at the house and am in the process of watering now.  We haven't had any rain yet this spring (except for a quick half inch or so one day last week.)

- Recumbent bike riding is ok -- rode once this week.

- The yard work and the work at the ranch count as good workouts -- especially the work at the ranch.
- I have now lost 18.2 pounds (three bags of flour) on the WW program and mostly an inch and a half on all the measurements.  This morning, achieved my first goal weight (5% of starting weight -- or should I say 95%?).  I set my next goal for 90% (the total long term goal is 55% -- almost half of what I started as).  I'm both surprised and thrilled by this success.
- I logged 23.67 miles for Walk Across Texas.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

4 novel structures

The 4 Story Structures that Dominate Novels
August 24, 2010 from
by  Orson Scott Card
All stories contain four elements that can determine structure: milieu, idea, character and event. Here's a look at each one and how each will affect your novel.
All stories contain four elements that can determine structure: milieu, idea, character and event. While each is present in every story, there is generally one that dominates the others.

Which one dominates? The one that the author cares about most. This is why the process of discovering the structure of a story is usually a process of self-discovery. Which aspect of the story matters most to you? That is the aspect that determines your story’s structure.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Awesome quote

All great things begin with that first step. True character does not develop in a world without challenge. Step forward bravely in order to lead the life you deserve. It takes backbone to lead the life you want. - Revolutionary Road

Sunday, April 3, 2011


By following this low carb diet, I have dropped my blood sugar by nearly half. It's running below 150. Admittedly, that's higher than healthy (I'd like to be below 100), but that will come. Unfortunately, until my body adapts, I feel pretty crappy. Tired and restless and generally unwell. That will pass. And hey, I'm losing weight, too. The more weight I lose, the better my life will be.

Otherwise, my report is not outstanding. I've kept up with the housework and chores and continued to search for a new job. The writing has suffered from neglect. Can't seem to get my brain wrapped about words right now.

I've continued to declutter. That is working out surprisingly well. I have bunches of stuff -- clothes, electronics, movies, CDs, etc. -- that I haven't used in 10 years. Too long to hold on. My garage sale/thrift store grows larger each day.

The diet is going well. I've cheated a little, but so little that I'm surprised. I didn't know I had the discipline in me. I get the snack urge a lot, but I'm not really hungry, I've learned. I'm an emotional eater. (I miss sugar, bread, pasta ... sigh ...)

Anyway, that's my report for last week. Better news this week I hope.

Wendy's Week 13

Overall, not a bad week. Any week that is relatively drama-free is good in my book. Here's the break-down.

Writing: Better. I wrote 6 days and logged 4,782 words. They're coming a little easier now, and I think I *might* be closing in on the end. Writing drama included the loss of words in Write It Now that you all saw on Facebook. I did manage to recover those words with the 3rd backup file. I've used Write It Now for years with no problem, but twice in a month scared me. I bought Scrivener and am transitioning to it. Importing the current document was easier than I thought it would be. (At some point I'm going to have to find the proper title for this book. I've started the 6th month working on it with the MC's name as the working title.)

Clutter: I went through my closet and weeded out some shirts I no longer wear. I never did make the Good Will run last week, but I'm shooting for tomorrow. I'd like to report more, but that's about it.

Health: Second straight week of no weight loss, but I did lose another inch total. I'm not worried yet. One of my friends at work who is also doing Weight Watchers said she went about 3 weeks after the first month with no weight loss, and the 4th week she lost 4 lbs. As long as I'm making progress, that's good enough for me. What I do need to improve is researching restaurants. We went out yesterday and I was shocked at the point total for vegetarian lasagna and a salad when I looked up the nutritional information on their website when I got home. Eating at home is not a problem; I just need to go through cookbooks and find some new recipes. Stir-fry is getting monotonous. Eating out is the current challenge but if I research it ahead of time, I can compensate through the day.

I did get to the gym 3 times again; 2 yoga and one treadmill. On the downside, when I was walking on the treadmill yesterday, at one point I had 20-something women running on either side of me. Yep, felt a little old there for a while. If she's 10 years younger, that's one thing, but 20 hits a little harder!

Misc: Actively trying not to become too attached to the grandcat. It wouldn't be a problem except that the boyfriend still intends to take her with him when he finds a place to live. It's not easy when I'm home with her more than anyone else. She hangs out in my office when I'm working, and when I leave, she follows me. The others are still a little jealous, but they seem to be okay as long as they get their share of snuggles. I'm ground zero for feline cuddles.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Week 13

Was it Lucky Week 13?  Not completely, but it came close.  Here's what's been going on:

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):  Still working on Lesson 7, and I made progress on two days (thanks, Tammy!).  I've added a rule in Health Month for April to work on PBOTL three days a week for 30 minutes.  I decided it needed the focus. I've written at least my 750 words each day and have a current streak of 292 days.  I've written 1503 words so far this month (plus the words during the part of the week that was in March).

Internet Responsibilities:
- I blogged once this week.

- Millie and Dazzle are doing well.  As a precautionary measure, I resumed Dazzle's allergy medication this week..
- Since I didn't get on the bike today like I planned, I took Millie for a 25 minute walk.
- The kittens were successfully spayed/neutered.  The vet even left little balls on Tarzan -- he can fake it with the best of them now. They have no external stitches -- she used glue, so unless there's a problem, we don't have to have a follow-up visit.  Lady seems to be trying to pull her glue off -- I'll keep an eye on her.

- I gave them all their Revolution today.  I caught Lady trying to lick hers off the back of her neck.  When that didn't work, she thoughtfully was licking the back of Tarzan's neck.  Sigh.  I tried to explain to her it wasn't for internal consumption.  I don't think she was interested in what I had to say.

- Yard sale was a success by any measure.  One guy hauled away all the bulky stuff and even the small stuff we had in the free section yesterday morning.  We talked to some interesting people. Lots of large items disappeared over the last two days as did many, many small items.  We were very happy to seem them move to new homes.  We have some space to fill for the August sale, which means I may resume searching boxes with a critical eye for things we don't want or need anymore.
- All trees are now leafed out.

- We got onto the roof at the shop and swept up three bags of leaves that had collected there.  Hubby beat back the vines that have climbed the building.  The roof is in good shape -- as we would expect it to be at only a year old.  Hubby got some of the skylight glass replaced with replacement plexiglass panels--the old style chicken wire glass is no longer legal for that use, so we're shifting good panels to the three skylights and installing the new panels on one skylight for consistency.

- Recumbent bike riding is ok -- rode once this week (knees do not like this, but they don't like anything). I walked instead of rode today.
- As expected, this week was better on WW. I have now lost 13.8 pounds (still two bags of flour) on the program and mostly an inch on all the measurements.  This morning, I was 1.5 lbs from my first goal weight (5% of starting weight -- or should I say 95%?).  I believe my next goal with be 95% of that weight and so on until I reach my final goal weight -- I anticipate that will take a couple of years, so don't hold your breath.
- I logged 16.89 miles for Walk Across Texas. 

- My three Health Month rules for this month are:  No eating after 8pm (this was huge last month!), exercise at least twice a week for fifteen minutes each time, and work on PBOTL for at least three days per week at 30 minutes each time.  PBOTL isn't a health thing per se (mentally, maybe), but the mechanism allows me to focus my attention on something for the month, and I think it will help.


I'd really like to say I've accomplished a lot, but that would be fibbing. ;)

My agent loved M and it's off to three publishers, leaving me an odd mix of excitement and utter terror. Which translates to I have no freaking clue what I'll write next, other than I've promised to write the fourth Dubric book (mostly to appease those wonderful, dedicated fans who email me begging and pleading for it) and, of it, all I really know is that the primary crime will be arson and that the team is pretty much all around screwed. Bad. And some might not survive. All that's cool, but I have no idea where to start the mess or how to get it all to fit. Whee. After Stain of Corruption, I need to come up with something that could be classified as mainstream/commercial - or whatever specific niche M happens to fall into. So far, I got nada.

Well, um, shit.

Bill (my hubby) might lose his job with the posty office sometime this summer or fall. Maybe. Or he might get transferred to pretty much anywhere in the US. Or he might have to become a mail carrier. Or nothing might happen at all. Or who the heck knows what else. Only we'll have to change our lifestyle in a hurry (and sell our house) if anything happens. Or not. So we have no flippin' clue and I can honestly say that I'd much rather have bad news now than endure three or four months of worrying and fretting to suddenly have our whole lives uprooted.

Anyway, what the heck are we gonna DO?!?! is pretty much all we're thinking about this past week.

It's still standing. Bill's been making good progress on the basement, and I'm slowly sorting through the mess our daughter left behind. Mostly I'm too stressed, tired, and sore to care much. :/

I exercised 4 days this week - not quite the 7 I was planning on - and my broken butt feels better. Lower back is a bit achy, though, and I think I'm catching a cold. Worries have led to a worsening of my insomnia. So, um, blech. Trying to eat better, make myself move a little bit, maybe get fresh air. I think it's helping. Weight is holding more os less steady and I'm okay with that.

Everything Else
I finished a couple of quilt tops this week, played some SIMS, and yesterday we went to Des Moines to visit family and friends, which was really nice. All in all, I'm doing good, just a bit cranky.