Monday, July 27, 2015

Mobile Check-In

My last physical therapy session turned out to be Tuesday. I finished with an extension of zero and a flexion of 110. I should gain a little more over the next year. I won't be doing child's pose in yoga anytime soon, but I can do most things I need to do. My flexibility has always been pretty sucky, and it still is. But the left knee doesn't hurt, and the right knee even improved a little as I went through therapy.

My three stitches came out on Thursday. The hand feels pretty good. I wasn't supposed to lift more than five pounds. I can't pour from a full one gallon container. It will take a while to get strength back. My incision was nicely closed. Until today. I trimmed bushes, and I think I used too much pressure with the loppers, and it has separated a little tonight. My doc did such a nice job, and I may have messed up his work a little if this doesn't close back up nicely.

Rossie has chosen to spend most of her outside the cage time each day in the garden window.  She's been a joy to watch in there, because she's so relaxed. We pet her, and she purrs. She and Lady have avoided each other, but Rossie has walked away, and when Rossie has been running, Lady just watches her. So far, so good.

Lady is off the Prozac, and has been demanding attention. She's been carrying things around again. She has been pretty good with the other cats. Nothing to cause me concern in her behavior so far. I didn't like the zombified state she was in, so I'm glad this is working better.

We found a lawn tractor for the store and Jeep wheels for my brother at the swap meet this weekend. My scooter worked well, so my knees never got sore. The battery held up, and I hauled parts to the truck several times to give it a workout. Mr. L bought six wheels, so it took six trips to the truck, but that gave the battery the workout it needed to get an idea how it will hold up at Hershey.

Doing yard work and watering here. That's the agenda for the week.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Saturday can't come fast enough

It's not only because I'm excited to finally get to Scotland. I am. I've already started packing. But more importantly, my phone will go to airplane mode when I get to O'Hare, and it's not coming off until we get back. Frankly, my phone may stay off entirely if the storage on my iPad holds out for picture taking. I'm going to have more than a week when work can't get a hold of me. That is going to be heaven. I'm only friends on Facebook with one person from work, and she's a manager I don't see in person anymore. She's about the last person who pesters me!

I will be posting pictures on Facebook, and I'll pop into Hangouts when I have wifi and/or data coverage. I'm not sure I'll be able to text. Right now I'm not worried about it. I'll figure it out later. It's on my To Do list.

We will, in theory, close on the house Tuesday. It's been a very strange process. The whole thing is in underwriting at the bank, and we should hear from them tomorrow about the time and place for closing and if we have to bring any money. Yes, we may have less than 24 hours notice. Luckily, I've talked with my manager. If I need to adjust my hours on Tuesday, I can work whenever or not at all. That's my short day, and they only have me on the schedule so I can work with people they think have potential.

My food safety class was everything I thought it would be and more. Ten minute breaks lasted half an hour. After our hour (and ten minute) lunch break, we spend 45 minutes filling out a form and ascertaining whether all 40-some of us needed the state license as well as the city. We started testing twenty minutes late, and it was 6 p.m. when I get out. Some of the questions on the test were poorly thought out. This was my favorite:

Jose has used a meat slicer to cut roast beef being for 6 hours straight. After 4 hours, the roast beef is set aside, the slicer taken apart, and the parts are cleaned and sanitized. (They're supposed to be after 4 hours of continuous use, but they just said he sliced for 6 straight hours.) After the parts are sanitized, the machine is put back together and slicing resumes. What mistake was made?

I don't remember two of the answers. They were stupid. The other two were:
- Time and temperature abuse because the beef was set aside. (And out for 6 hours while it was being sliced. Where do you even get a piece of roast beef big enough that it takes that long to cut it? Or is the slicer that slow?)
- Cross contamination with the sanitizing solution. (It was cleaned and sanitized. Nothing was said about being allowed to air dry.)

*sigh* I went with the cross contamination. It's going to be 2 weeks before I find out the results of my test. Today, I don't care as long as I don't have to test again until my certificate expires in 5 years.

At this point, I'm over everything. I have a list and 6 days to do it. Nothing left to do except hunker down and plow through.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Living in the inbetweens

It's a weird time in my life. I feel like I'm living in between times in my life. Finished with that, but not starting that, either. If that makes sense; if not, well, that's the best I can manage in terms of explanation right now.

It's an uncomfortable way to live, of course. The margins of life are always a poor fit for most of us. We have to scramble back and forth, up and down, with a good dose of sideways. And since we don't fit, we never end up being satisfied with where we land.

Anyway, enough of the wandering. This week, I plan on:
- publishing the family newsletter,
- posting on my blogs,
- keeping up on my household chores,
- one medical appointment,
- lunch with a friend,
- haircut,
- and some other odds and ends.

That's my plan. We'll see what works out. Hope you have a productive, contented week.

Ramping up

As if there wasn't enough going on, Dad and Linda came to see the apartment before we leave it. He called me Wednesday, they showed up Saturday, and left Sunday. I'm really glad. They're fun to hang out with, and it wasn't that big of a deal to make the bed and move boxes out of the way, but oy vey, I need another thing! Here it is, in no particular order.

No movement on the old one. The realtor organized what I hope will be the final wave of sprucing up.

On the new house, we're down to the VA appraiser. We did the occupancy paperwork Friday, which seems like something you'd do at closing, but I guess they do it early because you have to go to the courthouse to do that paperwork. We got a packet of info from the city clerk about trash days and parking permits and such, so that made it worth the trip. We already know more about living in Berwyn than our building manager told us when we moved in. We are on track to close the 28th, Lord willing and the creek don't rise.

We found a cat sitter! She's the friend of a friend, and the tabbies came to check her out as soon as she walked in the door. Tess pretended to sleep. She played with Chloe and Ryan, and ignored Tess until Tess was ready. She's going to be a good fit.

We have our itinerary and it's been distributed to some of the family members with a few more to go so they can track us down in case of emergency. I'm actively collecting the fiddly bits we'll need (power converters, luggage tags, etc), and probably this week I'll start putting aside wardrobe pieces. We're as ready to go as we can be right now.

Not much, under the circumstances, but I'm digging deeper into Peter and Marsali's motives, fears, and needs so I can make sure I have the plot down. It's mostly so I can figure out what research I still need to do so I know what to look for in Inverness.

Oh my gosh, so much drama. We've been really slow this summer, so management decided to re-do the schedule and cut hours to minimize losses. The manager in charge of that sent me the schedule about noon yesterday, and we divided up the staff. She would contact some and I would contact some. Long story short, the boyfriend/girlfriend duo decided to quit with no notice (she didn't give a reason; he said it was partly that the new schedule doesn't work for him, and partly because he has a personal matter that needs his attention. We suspect he's knocked her up.). Then one of the other shift leaders, who is leaving for college next month, decided it wasn't worth his time to only work 14 hours a week and put in his notice. The irony is we were going to take three people off the schedule and have them on call for a while, but only one is a person who quit. Plus we have one more girl leaving for college mid-August, so within a month, my best closers will all be gone. I'm going to be working a couple of closing shifts a week, and I'm going to have to get the girls who are left to step up their game so we can promote more shift leaders. At least we didn't have to put anyone on stand-by! New schedule starts today, and it will work for a few weeks at least, but it means I have to make sure everyone covering for me can still cover for me. Working with teens is exciting!

I think that's about it, barring any more unexpected family visits. This week we need to concentrate on packing boxes and getting the logistics of moving set up. We're hiring movers to do furniture and some of the books this time. It should go much faster than the last couple of moves. Hope y'all are having a nice, relaxing week. Relax a little for me, would ya?

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Back On Track...I Guess

Everything went well with my hand on Thursday. Now that her deck is back, Sneaky is back to hanging around. Junior is letting us touch him now. Rossie is doing as well as can be expected, but we're not sure what we can expect for her. She's a sweet cat but so reserved.

Last Sunday's ranch trip was a comedy of errors. We got nothing done except deer corn in the feeder and the SD card swapped out of the camera. Why? Numerous reasons, but mostly because the nephew of the people we lease the hayfield to cannot figure out how to properly lock the gate, and he locked us out. The man is not a kid (close to my age), but he's far from the sharpest crayon in the box. After a couple trips back and forth, Mr. L cut the chain, then we had to wait for our folks to get back from church to get the key to their lock so we could finish setting everything up so the locks were far enough away so the only way to lock it is to another chain link.

I got one pool workout in on Monday, but Wednesday's workout was scrapped to help Mr. L with the trailer at the ranch. That went well, except we forgot to bring water with us, so we were zapped. Flat fender Jeep trailer and motor home seats are now in the shop. Still no tree work completed. Neither of us have the stamina to get the right amount of work in for that task.

Tree limb and brush drop off was successful yesterday. We mated some keys and locks and identified a few keys for the scrap heap. I guess that's decluttering. Sort of.

This week, we're looking into the Texas Foreclosure Auction process.

The Week Ahead:
  • Physical therapy twice
  • Stitches out on Thursday
  • Thursday will be a busy day
  • Back to watering, since the rain has stayed away
  • Fredricksburg swap meet. Test out the electric scooter in preparation for Hershey
  • Probably some other stuff I'm too tired to think about.

Sunday, July 12, 2015


There's another reunion in the bag. This one was different because Chad was only with us a few days, and he brought his girlfriend and her daughter. They stayed in a hotel, which made my life a lot easier. Actually, it was pretty darn easy all around. Between work and that submission deadline, I was swamped, so Eric did most of the prep work. He even handled all the picking up and dropping off. I went with them to the train station to drop Vicky off, but I didn't see O'Hare at all, which was a real treat.

Having the kid around was, well, it was all right, but I'd like it better if she came back again in ten years or so. She's the only child of divorced parents and acts like it. She thought Vicky was the coolest person ever, which was fine for Vicky for the first three hours or so. After a full day of sight-seeing, she declared the kid birth control. At one point, the kid was fake punching Vicky, and I could see Vicky's BS tolerance plummeting, so I got the kid's attention and said, in my best mom voice, "Let's get something straight. That's my baby." The defiance in her eyes turned to terror in about a nanosecond, and she started the "I didn't do anything" litany, all of which got her mom's attention. It was great! She did listen to all the adults better after that.

So now I'm transitioning again. We hope to close on the house the week of the 26th, and we leave the 1st for Scotland. "Pack" is the watchword for the rest of the month. I also have to find a cat sitter. I've heard our usual sitters will have someone come and stay the night, so that is my back-up plan. I'll call and confirm tomorrow. Ideally, though, I'd like to have someone I trust stay here, or at least come and hang out for several hours a day. Limited human contact for ten days will have my furries neurotic. Boarding them is my worst case scenario. The last time we had to board the girls, it was near impossible to get them in a carrier a year later to move them to the house in Mascoutah. They were completely freaked out about being caged, and I can't have that this time. Not when we have to be out of the apartment by August 31.

I hope to get some writing done. I haven't written this month, and I can feel it. June was amazing--my best writing months in, I dunno, years, probably. I'm not sure I want to dig up the old spreadsheets to check stats. I think I'm going to work on the dragon story again ad try to get that whipped into shape before we go. Or I could review King Or Country and see if I can get the plot(s) for that solidified so I know what to look for in terms of research while we're in Scotland. Our stateside trip coordinator, who is a writer and married to a Scotsman, tells me there are a couple used book stores in Inverness I Must Not Miss. There's a reason I'm mildly obsessive about packing light for this trip!

I'm sure there's more. My brain has been all swirly with details for weeks. Anxiety levels have spiked enough lately I looked up acupressure points and have started drinking Tulsi tea. It's bad enough I have over-caffeinated myself on my second cup of coffee a few times, and that hasn't happened in 20+ years.

Oh! There was a little excitement with the job. I got a $1.00 raise with my promotion a couple of weeks ago, and I just got another raise, courtesy of the City of Chicago. A new city ordinance is raising the minimum wage to $13 by 2017 (I think), so my pay popped up another $1.25. Who knew you could make $11/hour stirring fro yo? So there's another reason to commute to this store instead of inquiring about transferring to the franchise near the house. The house is outside city limits.

So this week, I'm packing and writing. I welcome comments and opinions about what project I should work on immediately. Y'all have a good week!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Worried About Sneaky

We've been home since Wednesday and still no sign of Sneaky. Normally, she would have appeared by now, so I'm concerned. I love that little cat, and I hate to think something might have happened to her. I'm inclined to think she has two families, and when we're not here, she goes somewhere else to hang out.

Junior and Walter have both been seen regularly since we've been back. We haven't seen Boomer for a couple of weeks now. It could mean he's only coming out at night, or it could mean something more sinister. I don't have a game camera set up, so we could be missing him.

Rossie and everyone else is doing well. Keeping Rossie in the big crate, letting her out in the parlor for a couple of hours per day seems to be working well for her and the other cats. She is responding to attention but not seeking it out.

Today was a test of my stamina. I trimmed crape myrtles, dragged branches into a pile, helped Mr. L finish setting up his scaffolding (the third level), mowed the lawn with the riding mower, and changed out the battery on the older 24V electric mower. I rested and iced after the branches and scaffolding, but resting was enough after the other stuff.

Yesterday, I did a one hour pool workout but recovered fairly quickly from that.

Glaring Upheaval in live. I've done some reading. I've kept up on my blogging. I'm still studiously avoiding writing.

The Week Ahead:
  • Trip to the ranch on Sunday to load the flat fender trailer onto the 16ft trailer, cut up a tree, fill the deer feeder, check the game camera for proper operation. Avoid getting poison ivy!
  • Get two pool workouts in. Plan is for Monday and Wednesday. I'm doing really deep squats in the pool, and I think it's helping with my getting off lower seat heights.
  • PT on Tuesday
  • Knee followup on Wednesday afternoon
  • Hand surgery on Thursday
  • Take it easy for a week after that

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Hitting July Running (Right.)

Had a lovely Independence Day with friends. For whatever reason, most of their kids had other plans, so it was us old folks chatting for the day. It made it easier to keep track of who we were talking to (we only see most of these people once a year, and this is the only experience we have with some of them).

San Antonio was a busy trip, but I held up pretty well. Drove on Friday. Mr. L started his chili and let it cook on high overnight. He turned it to low in the morning. This batch was especially hot but tasty. That's our contribution to the party which also had brisket, baked beans, a veggie tray, fruit tray, 7-layer dip, mixed veggies, a to-die-for sausage dip, and a cake for dessert.

Sunday was for yard work. In three sessions, I got the front yard mowed. Nothing else.

Monday, I dropped my truck off at the glass place for the windshield replacement, then we ran errands. (Mr. L's term for shopping -- that man will put women to shame for shopping. If you've seen guys hanging out while they endure a shopping trip with their wives, you've seen me tagging along with Mr. L as he does "errands.")

Tuesday, I dropped my truck off to get new tires and have it serviced. Mr. L was supposed to have a doctor appointment, but but they called and canceled because he didn't have lab work done (he was ready to do it that day if they wanted, but they never tell him what they want), so he go lab work done, and the appointment was rescheduled for August. After I picked up my truck, we headed to Devine (south of San Antonio) to hang out with a friend of Mr. L's, so he could talk metal lathes.

Last week, I had my VA evaluation appointment and a couple of PT appointments. I couldn't find any deer corn, but I set the game camera up anyway (I hope I remembered to turn it on). Mr. L got the trailer in an awkward place, so we wound up tugging until we could move it to where he could hook it up to the truck again and position it. By the time we got that done, we were too tired to do anything else, so we'll head back out there this week to do what we planned to do. I'll check the game camera then to make sure it's working. The pond is full.

The Week Ahead:
  • Physical therapy on Thursday
  • Friday, I'm going to head to the hotel pool to do my water therapy. I have an album on the phone that has a runtime of exactly 60 minutes. I got a splash resistant Bluetooth headset, so I can listen to music. When the song changes, I'll change exercises. I'm going to try to get three sessions in before I have my hand surgery next week.
  • Pick a cover photo for Glaring Upheaval
  • Check text for accuracy in Glaring Upheaval