Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tea, cookies, and conversation

Howdy! Here I am again. Thought I'd stick my head in the door and see what y'all have done with the place. Looks nice. Not sure about the wallpaper -- are those little doggies chasing ducks? -- but the furniture looks comfortable.

Tea would be fine. Unsweetened, of course. Gotta to keep the diabetes under control. Or at least make the attempt. Do you happen to have sugar-free cookies? Good. I'll take a couple.

What I've been doing? Just trying to sell Murder by Dewey Decimal, Murder by the Acre, and Floozy and Other Stories. Mostly Floozy since she's the latest to hit the shelves. Yeah, trying to make money. Listening to a lot of music. Keeping my house clean. Trying to walk as much as possible.

Walking has been easier than you might think because my car has been on the ailing list. The right rear light assembly stopped working. No brake light, no signal light. I've driven it a few times since this happened, and let me tell you, it takes forever to plan your day so you only make left turns. The replacement part should arrive today or tomorrow. Ordered it online, but it was still expensive. Need a car, though. If I don't get to those job interviews, the employers won't have a chance to tell me no. I wouldn't want to deprive them. Maybe hit them with a two-by-four, but not deprive.

Writing? Well, yeah. Not much on Murder by the Mile. Just bits of strange books and stories. No coherence. Babbling, really, but it's babbling at the keyboard, so I think it's progress.

I've always said a certain amount of angst was necessary for me to write, but I may be suffering from too much of a bad thing. I feel paralyzed a lot, unable to make any moves, and the ones I do make seem wrong. I think I'm thinking too much.

Well, there is such a thing, you know, as over-thinking even if Congress is unable to think at all. Over-thinking love, for instance, seems to be a sure way to lose it. And over-thinking life ... it can pass you by before you know it. The only lesson that everyone seems to learn is that life is too short for our dreams.

Hm, wandering off into angst again. Perhaps I can write a literary novel. They seem to run on angst and general all-around hopelessness. Or maybe I'm just restless. I remember a scene from a book (can't think of the title or the author) where the main character is immortal and he gets asked how he survives the long endless centuries with their pain, loss, and sorrows, and he says, "I keep wanting to see what happens next."

Well, I want to see what happens next. Don't you?

I thought so.

Delicious tea. Lipton? Really? Hm. Who would have thought?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Bad Plan Day

These last two days have been terrible for me WW Plan-wise.  The mental hunger got the best of me tonight.  I resisted pretty well yesterday -- it was the first day I really used my "What I didn't eat today" task in Things.  I took Millie for a walk in the early evening, and that took me past 8:00 pm, which, I have a Health Month Rule not to eat after, and I'm amazingly good about sticking to that one.

But today was another day, and it did not go well.  I used up all my daily points and finished off my weekly points as well.  I've earned 12 activity points so far this week but only have five left.  Wendy knows that translates to me burning through a lot of points already, since Saturday is the day my points reset.

This isn't necessarily a crisis -- If I am careful for the rest of the week, I can still come out staying on plan.  The Mouth Trap talks about having one day per week that's a Free Reign Day where you eat whatever you want.  I'm going to chalk this day up to that, and if I can recover and go back on plan for this week, I'll be fine.  If these mental cravings persist (I'm not physically hungry; it's a mental thing.), this isn't going to be a good week.

I do need to make a run to the grocery store tomorrow and do a fresh fruit and veggie restock -- I'm out of apples and peppers, but I do have carrots, celery, and onion.  OK.  Deep breath.  I forgot about the carrots and celery.  Whew. 

That's the good news.  I haven't BLOWN IT.  I took a detour.  I get more points tomorrow for the day.  I have some more exercise to do this week.  I can be ok.

Millie likes her walks; she wouldn't mind a bit if I took her every day this week, but she'd probably prefer to go in the morning when the streets are cooler.  I have to walk the yard for weeds.  I have to walk Dazzle around the yard (we look for sticker burs at the same time as she walks -- Dazzle helps).  I need to shred sticks sometime this week.  I need to mow the lawn (that's riding mower -- not much exercise there).

Yeah.  I think this will work.


Thought I'd better do my weekly check in.

Nothing's changed. Still no news, or new words of fiction. I simply don't have energy and opportunity coexisting in the same space/time continuum. 

No new pregnancy drama, so that's good. My mood's been kinda meh, mostly because I'm mentally and physically exhausted. Spent some time hanging out with quilting gals (Deb and Tanya) and talking. It helped.

We're back to having no idea what's gonna happen with Bill's job. The postal center he wanted to relocate to doesn't have any openings and there are more and more and MORE places marked for closing. Workers are guaranteed jobs - somewhere - but even on the east coast they're having to just come in and sit for 8 hours because there are no openings anywhere to transfer to. It's all really scary.

Drywall work is done and we bought bathroom paint yesterday. Today, Bill's cutting granite tile and it's looking gorgeous. Both of the living rooms are spit-polished and cleared out. Working on finishing the kitchen and entryway scrub-down today.

Down another pound or so. I'm pretty sure I have a sinus infection - my right eye, ear, jaw, teeth, cheek, and forehead all hurt. Been trying to be super diligent about taking my sinus meds and things. It seems to be helping. If I can't shake it on my own, I'll suck it up and go to the doctor. Dammit.

Everything Else
House is looking really good. Wish our moods were looking good as well. Mostly, though, everything's okay, just worried about the job and where we'll be in 3 to 6 months. :/

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Checking In

Not much of interest to report this week. I sat in a courtroom every day. We had 5 days of testimony, and on Tuesday we should wrap it up. May has been a very chaotic month. Not bad, just not routine. I can't say I'm sad to see it go.

Writing: Other than reading research on my lunch breaks, nothing. I'm getting twitchy and I think I'm going to go ahead and start writing this weekend. I can fix details later. I have started my registration for ACFW in September. I just have to decide which agents I want to pitch to and pay for it. That's another good reason to do some writing this weekend.

Clutter: Nada. In fact, I have probably 4 loads of laundry to tackle. This jury duty stuff is like working full time, but it is easier now that my kids are grown.

Health: I packed my food every day, so snacking on the junk food provided in the jury room wasn't an issue. I only lost 2/10ths of a pound, but yesterday I splurged and shared a big piece of chocolate peanut butter cake with Eric, so any loss is a win at this point. I'm trying not to dwell on the fact that I only have 4 more pounds to my checkpoint; don't want to psych myself out. On the plus side, I was on my way home Friday and called Eric to see if he needed anything from Target. He said he was hungry, but he didn't know what for, so I picked up a variety of 100 calorie pack snacks which were a big hit. Past experience is my friend.

Misc: The kids still have not made Jeli a vet appointment to get fixed, so if they don't do it, I'm going to on Thursday. She's had a total of three rounds now, and it wouldn't bother me so much if she wasn't so darn miserable and marking territory on every piece of paper she can find. Poor thing. I have a feeling she's going to become a permanent fixture here, but we were pretty sure of that when they brought her here.

BTW, I know Stephen is around, but he hasn't posted an update in quite a while. Stephen? Are ya there? Are you mad at us? I know you're the only rooster in this hen house, but I'm pretty sure we haven't been henpecking.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Week 21

We're 21 weeks into 2011 and closing in on Memorial Day.  Here's what's been going on:

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):   I am still working on Lesson 10 -- the Monastery.  This is where, after looking through the manuscript several times looking for problems in the previous nine lessons, I sit down with blank paper and write a fresh line for each scene from just what I have in my head.  I've worked on it for six days this week.  Good thing we don't have to worry about scene order -- I've been adding a few I realized were needed earlier in the story today.

750words.com: I've written at least my 750 words each day and have a  current streak of 348 days.  For the month, I've logged 21,745 words this month. FYI, 316,592 words on the site since I began.

Internet Responsibilities:
- I blogged this week

- They're all doing fine.

- Lady is driving me bonkers with her exuberance, but she's always been the kitten to push the envelope. 
(They're both chasing after a fly, which has gotten between the sheers and the window, which means they're grabbing the sheers -- purposely purchased cheaply because we had the kittens, so it's not unexpected -- as they attempt to capture the fly.)

- Mostly just around the house stuff.  I've trudged through a few things on my to do list, so I'm not quite as bad as I feel like I've been
.  It may be the Benadryl I've been taking to keep the itching down on whatever this contact dermatitis is from.  I'm not burning up the to do list, though.

- I've gotten five days of various workouts in this week -- mostly walking the dog and digging sticker burs in the yard.
- I am at 29.4 pounds lost on the WW program.  Lost my pound for the week.
- I realized I needed to reset the weight on my pedometer settings to twenty pounds less this week, which was kind of fun!
- I'm also thinking I need to unbox my XL T-shirts and put away some of the 2XLs (I think I'm at the in between stage right now, where it will depend upon how the T-shirt is sized within the size as to whether it will fit or not).
- I added 13.64 miles to Walk Across Texas -- a really low week (which probably reflects the sluggish way I've felt).

Monday, May 23, 2011


Life goes on. Mostly, things are okay. :)

Still waiting to hear from Atria Books, but no news is good news. I wrote one whole sentence on Stain of Corruption this past week, and found a couple of typos in M. Otherwise nothing at all writing related. 

I did, however, read a whole entire book, Still Life, by Louise Penny. Took me a long while to get past the frothiness of a Cozy - they're normally not my preferred mystery -  but overall I liked it. Was nice to read.

Mood's kinda meh, but better than it was. Most of the house is packed up and put in storage, other than the bare essentials, and I really do like having less 'stuff' around. Now if I can only convince my family, and my own tendency toward gathering writing implements, kitchen doo-dads, and fabric. Since we're remodeling the bathroom, everything is coated with a fine plaster dust. Which is awful. And I try to dust it away, but it's right back. I'm not good with futility and have decided to ignore it until Bill's finished with the bathroom, aggravating dust or not.

Yard sale went great - we didn't make a lot of money, but we got rid of almost everything we'd put out. So that was pretty awesome. 

Our daughter's OB appointment went really great, other than the BF and his family. He got upset that he wasn't included in her pelvic exam experience, and, the following day, they demanded an immediate paternity test. We told them they'd have to wait until there's a baby. Bill and BF's mom had a rather terse email exchange, but all's quiet now, and any hope of reconciliation is over. Hope they leave us alone, at least until the baby's here.

Shower is in, tub's ready to go, just have to finish plastering the drywall. And painting. And GOBS of cleaning.  It's all looking really sweet!

Down 6 lbs since chaos took over a month ago. One strange thing I've noticed is that I'm not chewing my fingernails (it's a lifelong nervous habit) and they've been growing so much they're getting in the way. Is that weird or what?

Everything Else
Pets are fine, we're fine, most everything's fine, just up in the air. And dusty. Lots and lots of dusty.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Look at this!

Floozy and Other Stories on Amazon.com

Yes, it's finally on Amazon.com. Lulu came through. I'm relieved and pleased. Now, go and buy one! Or review it! Or just look at the page and marvel at its beauty! :)


I'm back and trying to get into the swing of things. Last weekend went really well. We had the expected pre-graduation drama and stress, but at the end of it all I managed not only to get through it without alcohol, I also did not gain weight. I was a little worried about the weight thing. Now it's a matter of dealing with a migraine today before I have to report for jury duty tomorrow.

Writing: I actually did get a little work done. I've been slogging through books the local library borrowed for me from outside the system, and I did a rough outline for Honor. I want to have the first draft done, and Hope edited before the ACFW conference in September, so I've got a fair amount of work to do. I'd really like to pitch Hope to an agent or two. Oh, and I need to start back to doing crits on the ACFW board. The rule is that you do three crits for each piece you submit, and I'd rather be ahead of the game when I start posting there. It would be great to be able to join a small crit group, but you start on the big one until you find the right people.

Clutter: No progress this week because of company here. Actually, if I stretch it a little, I can count the weeding Mom helped me with in the flower beds. We got a whole big leaf bag of weeds from three beds. I need to learn to enjoy yard work. It gets me out in the sunshine and it's good exercise. Any thoughts on how I can convince myself to like it?

Health: I'm down 15 pounds total and have 4 more to go until the first checkpoint. I have finally started finding clothes that are too big, and they go right to the donate box. I have at least 5 pounds to get into the skirt I want to wear to the ACFW banquet. (This is not obsessive long-range planning; it was too tight to wear last year so I tried it on to check progress. I think it will be a nice contrast to Eric's kilt.) Besides the weight, I've been having more migraines, but that's normal for this time of year. Keeping up with allergy meds is half the battle.

Misc: Um, yeah. I think that's about it. My focus is a little narrow at the moment--jury duty and research. Having trouble with the big picture today, but if I come up with anything else I'll come back and amend this.

Week 20

We're 20 weeks into 2011.  Here's what's been going on:

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):   I finished Lesson 8, whipped through Lesson 9, and am working on Lesson 10 -- the Monastery.  This is where, after looking through the manuscript several times looking for problems in the previous nine lessons, I sit down with blank paper and write a fresh line for each scene from just what I have in my head.  Worked on it for five days this week.

750words.com: I've written at least my 750 words each day and have a  current streak of 342 days.  For the month, I've logged 17,203 words this month. Buster added two more badges -- the Pegasus for 365 days in a row (my next goal, but it's nice to have a badge to go with it now) and The Space Bird (for 500 days in a row).

Internet Responsibilities:
- I blogged this week

- I've been slacking off in this area, but I'm not particularly concerned about it

- Dazzle is doing better.  After being in the house for a week and a half, her sore appears to have healed. 

- Everyone else is doing well
- The kittens are still very curious about Dazzle, but they have no problem with jumping the gate and snagging her food if she isn't actively eating it

- Mostly just around the house stuff.  I've been feeling pretty lazy this week

- I've gotten six days of various workouts in this week.
- I am at 28 pounds lost (up 1.4 pounds from last week) on the WW program.  I fully expected this, and don't worry, this morning, I was down from last week's weight, so things are definitely still on track.

- I added 20.25 miles to Walk Across Texas.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Week 19

We're 19 weeks into 2011.  Here's what's been going on:

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):   Still working on Lesson 8, and I did so three days this week.

750words.com: I've written at least my 750 words each day and have a  current streak of 334 days.  For the month, I've logged 11,080 words this month.

Internet Responsibilities:
- I blogged this week!

- Dazzle and Millie got their bordatella shots this week, but Dazzle also was seen for a sore on her left hip.  It turns out she has the doggie equivalent of a bed sore, so she has moved into the house (downstairs bathroom) to keep flies off her and to keep her clean and dry.  She's taking antibiotics.  She's so bony, it's hard to tell how she's doing, but she's eating well (usually the full canned food twice a day plus a bowl of dry dogfood we leave for her to snack on if she's still hungry).  We hope to get some of the 9 pounds back onto he that she's lost over the last year.  She gets walked around the yard several times a day now, too, so we hope that also helps keep/restore her strength.

- Millie loves going to the vet and riding in the truck.  She grinned and wagged her tail at everyone in Dr Valeri's waiting room while we were there.
- Natasha and Ajax are doing well.
- The kittens have been afraid of the dogs, so having Dazzle in the house has been a source of great curiosity for them.  We leave the dining room door open so we don't feel as if we've shut Dazzle off from the family, and the kittens spend a lot of time hanging around outside the gate into the bathroom fascinated with the dog.  When Dazzle goes outside, as she walks through the house, the kittens back off, but they aren't fuzzing up like they used to. (We failed to remember to acclimate them to dogs when they were very young.)  Then they go into the bathroom and sniff everything -- and eat the dry dogfood.  Odd cats.

- We're in Houston this weekend, so dogs are at the resort, and cats are fending for themselves until tomorrow night.

- I'm sure I've been doing something, but it seems mostly like household chores
- Hubby put color coat on most of the front wall of the house that he's been working on.

- Hubby made lots of dirt.

- I've gotten four days of various workouts in this week.
- I am at 29.4 pounds lost (almost six bags of flour) on the WW program.  I did meet my 10% goal and set another goal for another five percent (I need to lose a total of about 45% of my starting weight). Yes, I'm pretty thrilled about this so far.

- I have added up my miles for Walk Across Texas yet this week -- I'll do it after we get home.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Disappointed in Lulu.com

I've published three books with Lulu.com and have often recommended it to my poetry and writing classes and to the readers of my blogs. I withdraw the recommendation because Lulu.com has messed up the distribution of Floozy and Other Stories. After all this time -- 10 weeks and counting since its approval for their so-called GlobalReach Distribution -- it's still not available anywhere except on Lulu.com. You can't buy in on Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble or anywhere else.

And their customer service has been abysmal. Never any answers. Just canned responses and a plea for patience. I'm not even sure I've ever actually talked to a real person.

This is so disappointing. And so different from the previous books. I don't know if Lulu is going through growing pains or having personnel or money problems, but they have changed me from a satisfied customer to a non-customer.

This means Murder by the Mile will not be published by Lulu. I'm looking for other publishers now. If you have any recommendations, let me know.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Late again. Like 3 weeks. I would like to say I'll do better, but with all that's going on, I dunno if it's possible. Anyway, here goes.

Another declination for M - there have been three so far - and we're still waiting on Atria Books (they publish Jodi Picoult). Not sure if we'll make any changes after we hear from them, or just move on to the next batch of publishers. Did receive a nice royalty check for Ghosts this past week though, so that's good news there. 

Otherwise, I have not written a word in about 2 weeks. Not one word.

Still super tired all the time and prone to looking for ways of 'disconnecting'. As a life long clinical depressive, I have to say upfront that I am surely depressed, but this is totally, completely, worlds different than my usual black hole of despair. And, ya know, I don't like this very much.

There has been much, much more drama with my daughter and her boyfriend (and his mother) and the pregnancy, and she's now back home with us. Which is better.  If it wasn't for the added stress of Bill's job and needing to sell the house - and, this week, prepping for a yard sale - I think I'd be in a much better place, mood wise.

Shower is ready to install, but since Laura moved home unexpectedly, Bill's been focusing on redoing her room, which we were going to do after the bathroom, but well, things don't always adhere to pre-established schedules. Especially these past few weeks. Her room's finished, other than painting the moulding and touch up on the walls, and we're hoping the middle of the floor looks as good as the edges when we rip up the carpeting tomorrow.  

Otherwise, the house is in general shambles, between all the drywall dust, Laura moving back and her stuff piled in the living room, and me trying to pack and prep for a yard sale. We've started taking some stuff to storage and the house will get better after the sale and home repairs are done.

Down another pound or so. I think sometimes I forget to eat. Sometimes I eat to disconnect. I dunno. Laura and I have started (as of yesterday) walking every night. Have to keep that up because it's good for the baby (and for gramma).

Everything Else

Goz needs his shots this coming payday, so I have to get that done, and we've started dipping into savings to pay for all the stuff we need to get the house ready. I don't like that much, but it's better than going into debt. We spoke with a realtor last week and she's gonna come by next weekend - during the yard sale - for a quick tour and an initial plan, but we'll probably list sometime in late May or early June. Scary, not knowing what's going to happen with Bill's job, where we'll be forced to move to, or if he'll even have a job at all.  

I just wish something, anything, would be decided. All this uncertainty is awful.

Popping in

Here I am! A little later than usual, but I've been loafing today.

Writing: Not much. I've started character development on Honor, and I was very excited to find that the National Library of Scotland sells reproduction 18th Century maps. I ordered 2 in digital form, which I will likely print and tape to the book case next to my desk. Or maybe I'll clear the desk off and put them under the glass. That would be incentive to keep it cleared off. Anyway, that's all I did for writing.

Clutter: There is a little less. I got a lot of cleaning done last week, and yesterday Eric helped me knock out the two areas I'd designated for tactical nukes, thus saving our home and possibly our neighbors', too. He has a month break from classes, so I'm going to get him to help me downsize as much as possible. Wouldn't want him to get bored.

Health: I lost 1 1/2 lbs last week, so I'm back on track. The goal this week is to stockpile a bunch of activity points because Vicky has chosen to have dinner at Olive Garden next weekend after graduation. Hopefully, lots of activity points will minimize the damage.

Misc: Prepping for a busy weekend. I'm bringing Alex home for the summer on Thursday. My parents get in Friday, and Vicky graduates Saturday. Sunday there's church, and I'm singing Sunday night at another church with part of our praise band. Parents are planning to be here until Wednesday. That's what is pretty much dominating my life at the moment. I do have a stack of library books on my desk for research, and character development has been a welcome break. My house is finally starting to look like I want it to, though.

Not Gonna' Let It Bother Me

Having the WW site tell me two weeks in a row that I was losing weight too fast, and maybe I should make sure I'm eating all my points or maybe there's a problem and I should see my doctor has bothered me.  It's bothered me, because I know from long experience that weight loss is mental, and when my mental state is correct and flowing, weight loss comes easily and effortlessly.  I'm happy, thankful, and feel good about myself.

That one message has endangered that.  That ticks me off, but I think I can stop the slide (for lunch today I had 2 ounces of deluxe mixed nuts, a can of Pepsi Max, and eight (count 'em 8) WW Mini Bars (an assortment).  This classifies as a binge.  Almost like my mind is trying to convince my body that it shouldn't be losing weight.

Balderdash!  I'm on a nice glidepath.  I'm eating all my  daily points, all my weekly points, and even some of my activity points.  And the metabolism has been burning it up.  BUT.  I know from looking at my trends that after this last two weeks, I'll probably have about three weeks of stall -- what I call adjustment -- where my body adjusts to the new lower weight before it chews up some more.  I feel good.  I'm eating mostly well.  There is no reason to change anything now -- I think the rate of loss is acceptable.  If it hasn't slowed by by next March or it accelerates, I'll worry.  I see my Doctor next month for my semi-annual checkup.  If he's concerned, I'll re-evaluate, but this is something he suggested I do.

I'm going to put this noon's aberration behind me, consider today a Free Reign Day (from Mouth Trap), and resume my normally scheduled program.  Since I'm going to really blow points today (hubby will be making steaks, baked potatoes, spinach, shrimp cocktail, and wine for dinner tonight), I'm going to make sure I earn some extra activity points this week to compensate.

And I'm not going to let a machine derail my efforts.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Week 18

We're 18 weeks into 2011.  Here's what's been going on:

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):   Still working on Lesson 8, and I did so three days this week.

750words.com: I've written at least my 750 words each day and have a  current streak of 327 days.  For the month, I've logged 5586 words this month.

Internet Responsibilities:
- I blogged not at all this week!  Yikes.  I guess I just didn't have anything to say.

- Dazzle and Millie were due for annual shots this month, so I took them in and had Dazzle evaluated.  She's weak (down to 31 pounds from last year when I believe she was 39), has a strong heart beat, and is alert and not senile.  Dr. Valeri asked if she was eating, and I said she was, but she seemed to be having a hard time.  That query line got hubby and I to thinking, and we concluded (separately) that we needed to begin a regimen of canned food.  Dazzle is very enthusiastic about this!  She eats most of it, and I let Millie finish off the scraps in the bowl (one can in the morning and one in the evening).  Then I put dry food in for the day in case she wants more, but I think she's having trouble with solids.  Since she's had a full series of shots in the last three years (everything was current as of last year), we're not going to subject her to vaccinations.  Except I have to take them both back in -- I forgot to get their kennel cough vaccination, and we're boarding them soon.
- Millie got all her shots and was very happy to be at the vets and ride in the truck.
- Natasha had some fluid coming from her left ear, so she got to ride along, but there was no infection.  Dr. Valeri stuffed some medicine in that was set to last for a week, and Tash's ear seems all better now.  When she plays with the kittens, she plays rough.  I figure a punch got thrown that snagged her outer ear at some point but we got it treated before it got infected.
- The kittens still follow us everywhere and are growing up nicely.

- I've been working water hoses in Central TX.
- Hubby is ready to put color coat on most of the front wall of the house that he's been working on.

- I've gotten four days of various workouts in this week.
- I am at 27.8 pounds lost (five bags of flour) on the WW program  and mostly two inches on all the measurements (only one inch on the arms).  The WW website said again that I was losing weight too fast.  This is still pretty exciting.  I lost almost 10 pounds in the last two weeks, so I can see why the site is expressing concern, but there were three weeks when I lost nothing.  Still, an average of 2.4 pounds a week is a little on the high side.  Heart and everything feels fine.  I mostly want to make sure I'm not losing muscle mass.  I'll do some calculations with my body fat measurements from my scale to see what that looks like.  I may need to make some adjustments in the exercise I do, check protein intake to ensure it's adequate, and I know there are some days I'm not getting as many fruits and vegetables as I think I should.  Mostly, I need to introduce some light weight lifting -- probably hand weights.

- I logged 19.03 miles for Walk Across Texas.

Lazy slob

I think it's important at this point to say that I'm a lazy slob. Although I seem to be busy all the time, when I go to list my activities, apparently I am a lazy slob. Particularly in writing and publishing. Which are supposedly my favorite activities. Instead I spend most of my time on chores, housework, yard work, errands, phone calls, worrying, watching TV, listening to music, reading other people's books, going to the library, watering my flowers outdoors, watering my plants indoors, laundry, testing my blood sugar, etc., etc., etc.

This is not to say that I don't have times when writing is the most important thing to me. Unfortunately, those times are in the minority. And often happen at two in the morning or when I am at some activity that's utterly bores me. But let me sit down at the keyboard and all inspiration vanishes just like a Republican’s heart or a Democrat’s morality. (I've decided to be an equal opportunity political party offender. If I haven't offended you yet, please understand that I will get to you as soon as I can.)

I've always been baffled that my lack the commitment to writing when it's been the only constant thing in my life (besides God and the church) since I was a child. I've often wondered if I'm more in love with the ideal of having written than writing itself. Or it could be that I'm a lazy slob. I'm leaning towards a lazy slob answer myself because it's probably more true than I would like, has lots of evidence to support it, and it's an easy answer, which appeals to the lazy slob side of me.

I'm so lazy I'm not even typing this right now. I'm using Dragon NaturallySpeaking, which is a voice dictation program. (I purchased Dragon NaturallySpeaking because I was worried about my ability to type if the arthritis in my hands worsens… And because I'm a lazy slob.) So when I talk about slaving over the keyboard, I'm really talking about talking over the keyboard.

It's a relief to finally tell you all that I'm a lazy slob. No more pretending about being productive or using my time wisely. I need to get me a bag of pork rinds and turn on some world championship wrestling, and I will finally be content.

Are you content? Are you a lazy slob? Let me know, but don't wake me up. I'm having a productive urge so I'm going to go back to bed until it passes.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

(Not much of an) Update

Writing: I spent last week doing fill-in scenes on Hope and research for Honor; not much word count but I was working. I have a chapter in Hope to fix (the one gutted by the fur trapper expert) and then I can move to the editing phase.

Clutter: Virtually no change from last week, although I did get quite a bit of cleaning done in preparation for family coming for graduation (in less than 2 weeks). I have a detailed list in Things. This week I'll be working to knock out as much as I can in advance because I'm on call for Federal jury duty this month, and I don't report this week, but next week I might have to. If I still have a full list next week, I'll have to for sure!

Health: Pleh. I knew I blew my points while I was out of town. I didn't even try to resist dessert with lunch yesterday and I'm glad I didn't. I gained a pound. I'm doing my best not to be discouraged. The reason I started WW when I did was because I knew if I got to the point where the doctor was telling me to lose 100 lbs or my health would fail, I'd freeze up and not be able to do it. I figured 20 lbs (30 tops) was a lot easier to lose than 100. Now I'm not so sure. I am catching the clue that I need to ramp up my exercise some. I'm also wondering if I need to take a closer look at the kinds of foods I'm eating without getting so hung up on point value. For example, am I undermining myself by eating vegey burgers instead of lean beef? I was raised a carnivore, so maybe shifting to more vegetarian is throwing my metabolism for a loop. Maybe it's just adjusting slowly. I don't know. All I know for sure is I have 10 more pounds to go and I'm ready to see some actual progress.

Misc: Not much else productive; just gritching about stuff I have no control over, which really doesn't need to be vented on the internet. I'm getting better about saying something calmly and then shutting up rather than waiting to get to the boiling point and going on a big rant. I'm also getting better about not being passive aggressive.