Sunday, June 29, 2014

We Close Our Eyes

I had an odd experience at writers group yesterday. I gave the program: "How to Write Authentic Characters." I used three different writing books and my own experiences. I made a simple PowerPoint presentation, which I've done for programs before. We had a large crowd: 24 people, which may be a record for the group. Of course, we had a highly successful book signing last week and a story in the paper before the signing and photos after the signing, so people are interested in us right now. Anyway, when I finished my presentation, they gave me a standing ovation. I'm still nonplussed by it.

At first I thought they were teasing me, but they seemed sincere. Almost all of them came by my table to thank me personally and praise my presentation. And I got several emails doing the same and several requests for copies of it.

I don't know what to think. It was a good program, and I was on target, but I didn't think it was that much out of the ordinary. I guess I don't how to accept praise. A legacy of my familial relationships, I guess, where compliments were either backhanded or loaded with suggestions on how things could have been better. A friend of mine who is a therapist calls my reaction the "Impostor Syndrome." Where a person feels he/she is an impostor and not deserving of praise.

Maybe. I don't know. On reflection, it felt nice, but uncomfortable. Probably won't happen again.

Otherwise, not much to tell you. I worked on the monthly family newsletter and took it to the post office today and mailed it. Yes, the post office was closed, but the newsletter will go out tomorrow. It's the June issue, and it will go out in June--the last day of June.

Received my notice that my entry into Writer's Digest Self Published Book contest had been accepted. Won't know anything until October. I entered Tales from Bethlehem into Inspirational Category.

I did some chores, but didn't get my house vacuumed the way I wanted. I will this week, I hope.

I wrote myself into a hole again on Murder by the Mile. Hoping I figure a way out this week.

Started editing and typesetting another devotion book for a friend. I'd like to think he will publish this year, but I don't know. He doesn't have enough material yet. We'll see what happens.

Still playing with the idea of Blackbirds. Wendy, would love to see your story about the man who murdered his lover. Sounds interesting. And Jean, where are those dark poems? Tammy already offered two good short stories, one of which definitely fits with my vision of the book.

Walked a couple of days only. Hope to build on that this week. Sure does drag me down, but got to build up my strength again.

This week:
- Write on Murder by the Mile.
- Household chores, including the dreaded vacuuming.
- Continue to edit and typeset my friend's book.
- Start work on the next writers group program: "Plot: Who Done What." Last time I waited until the day before to start writing on "How to Write an Authentic Character." Made things kind of rushed. The following two programs won't be by me, which is nice.
- Go by my shelves downtown and update them with the new anthology and pick up money for any sales.
- Wash my car.
- Survive the heat. It's supposed to be terribly hot here this week.
- Enjoy the Fourth. Not sure what I'm going to do yet, but something nice.

And that's my week. Wish you all lived closer. I could talk to you and help you or just take you out for a coffee or something. I get lonely here sometimes. Well, that's life these days. Hope you have a great week.

Oh, the title is the Go West song that I happened to be listening to when I started writing this. No other import than that.

Still here, still struggling.


One more day...

Until the first of the Boys gets here.

Good Stuff:

- We're going to have far fewer people here than I thought we would. I'd been counting kids and Significant Others, but we're only going to have Vicky, so we won't be crammed in like sardines as I'd feared.
- Speaking of Vicky, she's been promoted to Assistant Manager at the pizza shop. She's gotten a raise, but apparently still has to deliver pizzas occasionally, which annoys her a little.
-  The Chicago Games went well, although we had to pack up quickly and run away from a fast-moving storm. We didn't escape the start of the rain, but the lightning didn't start until we had the very last of our gear in the parking garage. Jeff was a life-saver! The extra hands made a big difference. Having him here for the weekend was delightful. His dog, Geist, was very polite with the cats. By Saturday night, Geist and Ryan were passed out within 3' of each other.
- The trip to Mom's went equally well. I finally got to meet my last high school boyfriend's Japanese ex-wife. She and Mom and my step-dad hit it off from day one. They don't keep in touch with him anymore (he lived with them for a while after I left for basic training), but they consider Sacheko a daughter. She's absolutely charming and lives just outside Houston with her husband.
-  We've gotten a lot done in the apartment this week. I borrowed my brother's Roomba, and while it's not perfect and tends to go random directions and miss spots, the floors do seem less gritty so maybe it deserves more credit. This week has been mostly about doing chores and getting things ready for the next wave. We cleaned and rearranged the pantry (mostly because we needed room for the extra provisions we bought!) and did some little projects we've been putting off.

Not So Good Stuff:

- Alex isn't able to get away this year. He's taking a summer class and, as usual, spends almost of his weekend time doing homework. I'm steadfastly not thinking about that, although I did almost have a moment at the commissary when I didn't have to buy hot sauce. Yes, I still miss my kids. My mom says that doesn't go away. *sigh*
- Not surprisingly, my diet has been sketchy for the last week or two, and I don't expect much improvement for another week. I woke up this morning with the phrase, "Your body craves nutrients, not calories" in my head. I think I read it months ago on Facebook. I think I need to take that to heart. Starting right now, actually.
- Gym time has been sporadic.
- I bought a couple summer dresses, but only because I have one pair of shorts that fits, and I stole them from Eric. :-/

This week:
- Finish the last few cleaning chores
- Cobble together my costume for the Bristol Renn Faire next weekend.
- Get a few words in before The Whirlwind Of Fun begins.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Back in the Saddle Again

At least, it feels like it.  Sneaky is letting me rub her ears, sitting on my lap, and she's eating.  My weight has stabilized, and I think my body is adjusting to the new weight. I'm still cautious (the mid-afternoon trouble area has not gone away), but I feel good at the moment.  I'm going to keep concentrating on mindfulness, including looking for ways to begin moving to the next level. 

I did no work on Kitty City or the "How To Write A Series" course this week, but I made satisfying progress with Polar Bear on the Loose.

Lawns got mowed.  We got the grass clippings planted and watered in this morning.  I'll water again tomorrow and Monday morning before heading to San Antonio.  I take all the kitties this week, because Mr. L will be joining me, probably on Tuesday.  I'll come back Saturday, and he'll likely remain down there.  We have a social obligation on the 4th.

We've been planning Grand Tour 2015.  Today, I purchased the train tickets.  San Antonio to Chicago to Reno to Sacramento to LA to Chicago to New Orleans, and back to San Antonio.  Whew.  We're going to be ready to be home at the end of that one. Mr. L will take care of hotels, rental cars, and meals.  One of us will arrange for the studio tours in LA.

The Week Ahead:
  • All the kitties (except Sneaky) to San Antonio with me on Monday
  • Follow watering and yard work protocol
  • Yoga classes on Wed and Thur (Wed class as a minimum -- may reconsider Thur class)
  • Social obligation on Friday
  • Return to Central Texas on Saturday -- Mr. L likely to remain in SA.  I'll mow and water here, then return to SA for two weeks after that.
  • Finish Lesson 18 for How To Revise Your Novel and PBOTL; begin Lesson 19
  • Resume work on How To Write A Series.

Monday, June 23, 2014


I'll try to keep this reasonably short.

First, I'm getting rather bored with doctors' offices. I had three appointments last week, and it's looking (so far) like three this week. Between my factory-reject sinuses, mutinous cyst, and new therapist, I'm shelling out a whole lot of copays. Thank goodness we can manage this financially. i should know Wednesday when my first surgery will be. I hope. I have two on the horizon. (I asked if they could do them at the same time and, um, no, they cannot). I am currently assuming the cyst will come first, but I'm not sure yet. I can schedule the sinus re-routing any time I want.

On the way home from my Ear-Nose-Throat Dr appt last week, I got to save a turtle, which was pretty cool. It was on a field road and just about to step onto the highway asphalt when I drove past, so I stopped, picked him/her up, and walked him/her across the highway and down a couple hundred feet or so to the swampy place I'm assuming the turtle was heading. Was a plain ol' painted turtle (I think) and didn't really know what to think about being carried up the highway, but seemed very happy to be let loose at the edge of the water. I walked back to the car and drove to where I'd left it, climbed down... No sign of the turtle, so I can only assume it swam away to find love/food/turtle parties. I'm sure it was at least a little traumatized by me carefully carrying it and all, but surely it was better than getting smooshed by some speeding semi on the highway.

My 50th birthday party was yesterday (Sunday) and I had a great time. Some friends and family came up and we all talked a lot and ate too much and despite starting about 1pm, it lasted until well after dark. It was my first-ever birthday party, at least for just me. Since my dad, aunt and I (and later my niece and nephew) were all born in a 2-week-ish span, the family just had a family bbq thing to celebrate around 4th of July. Not so fun when you're a kid and it's all your boring ol' relatives and zero friends. My daughter did a great job, though, and while not everyone could come, those who did seemed to have a really nice time. Plus we all are readers, so there was much book talk. What's not to love about that?

I'm trying to work on STAIN and  I, by golly, intend to have it done by Labor Day, or thereabouts. Dang book! Nothing to report on either of the two finished novels.

I'm off to Des Moines tomorrow to pick up little miss, and maybe shop for a sewing machine. Maybe. If I can convince myself it's okay to spend the money. Bill says it is, so I just have to get myself to agree. Meeting the ObGyn surgeon Wed, therapist Thurs, and our local community faire is Fri-Sat (I'm POPPPING POPCORN. All day, both days. Whee.)

{{hugs}} and have a happy week, everyone!

The opposite of park

So ... we had our first book signing for the group's 2014 anthology on Thursday. It was great! The best book signing we've ever had. Lots of people showed up, the authors behaved wonderfully, and the cookies were delicious. We met our sales goal and surpassed it. In fact, we basically sold out. Only have two books left. I'm pleased. It's how I've always thought signings should be: people laughing, talking, eating cookies, and buying books. What more could you ask?

However, it left me exhausted, and only today have I felt better. My loss of endurance really annoys me. Well, no use complaining. I think overall I am better. I'm hoping I improve more. Greedy of me, eh?

I have plenty of projects that I want to spend some energy on. Murder by the Mile is the major one, but I've been thinking of publishing an anthology named Blackbirds. An invitation only anthology that will focus on darker stories and poems, infused with sensuality and ... for the lack of a better word ... power. I don't know if I can find enough material to fill a book, though. I have one story already chosen: "The Beasts of France" by a friend of mine. And another friend has several poems that will work well. I have a couple of poems and one twisty murder mystery. But that's hardly enough. About 15 pages in all, and I'd need about 100 pages filled.  Anyway, we'll see how it goes. Naturally, if you have any dark and sensual short stories or poems and would like to be in anthology, let me know. I would love to have them.

And a friend of mine is interested in publishing another book with me. I've started work on it. I'm hoping for a publication date in September. We'll see how that goes. It mostly depends on my health because he has the material.

Also, I want to start slowly exercising. I won't regain what I've lost if I don't push myself a little more each day. Nothing drastic, of course -- not that my body would let me do that, anyway. But progress, progress, progress.

Here's the truth: No one can get me out of park except me. Do you know the opposite of park?

It's drive.

This week I want to:
- Walk each day.
- Write a page a day in MBTM.
- Edit and place a page a day in my friend's book.
- Household chores. I have have have to vacuum my house before it becomes filled with dust dunes.
- Writers group meeting Saturday. Need to write a program for it.

And that's my week. Hope you have a great one. Or decent one. Or a survivable one at the very least. I'm rooting for ya.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Road to Redemption

That's a song title, right?  Not one in my collection, but Sneaky let me rub her ears this afternoon.

The week went well.  I got the lawn mowed in San Antonio.  It's lush and green.  I got a fair amount of work on Polar Bear on the Loose.  I want to move quickly through this part to ensure I have consistency of voice.

I've done less work on Kitty City and How To Write A Series.  I did get some character development work done, but not nearly as much as I would have preferred.  I also feel very unsettled about where I am in the class.  I see a large stack of paper, and I don't feel good about what's in it.  I would do well to focus on it and get it sorted out not only in my mind, but also in how the paper (and related information) is organized.

Mr. L took me to Belton Market Days this morning, and I found a beautiful half bushel of peaches and some fresh blackberries.  I'll spend some time this week preparing the peaches for the freezer and I'll enjoy the blackberries on my breakfast granola.

Mr. L has a section of fish scale shingles painted, so if you check out Monday's Photo blog entry, you'll see not only our beautifully blooming crape myrtles but a photo with the complete color scheme for the house.  There will be a few minor trim colors to be added, but the four colors in Monday's photo will become the house colors as we get it painted.

I brought back some St. Augustine grass clippings, and Mr. L plans to plant them in the "triangle"  on the back corner of the lot where the peach and fig tree are located.  With good fortune, it will take over that area over the next few years.

I've plateaued in my weight loss efforts. My area of focus this month will be the mid-afternoon trouble area.  I hope to find a solution as easy to implement as the solution for my evening munchie problem.  Somehow, I doubt "go to bed" will be the right answer for this one, though.  I realized as I was carrying scaffolding parts this afternoon that I most definitely do NOT want to backslide from the progress I have made to date.  I will navigate these stormy waters and emerge on the far side of this storm stronger and better than I entered with at least one answer that works.

The week ahead:
  • Mow at the store and the house
  • Work on Polar Bear on the Loose
  • Get Kitty City prep work organized so I can move forward again
  • Meet with Parks and Wildlife guy on Tuesday
  • Attend book signing for two local authors at the library on Monday evening -- I'd like to meet them to see if we have anything in common.  I'd like to have the benefit of interacting with local writers (one is a member of ACFW and writes YA Christian fantasy, and the other was a communications officer in the Air Force and has written a novel, I think with a historical, supernatural perspective).
  • Make a trip to Temple VA to pick up my new orthotics at the Prosthetic, Brace, and Orthotics Shop.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Learning gap

I'm posting early, or maybe additionally, because stuff from this week is going to be overshadowed by the Chicago Games and a quick trip to MI.

Mostly I want to thank you guys for stepping up to help me. It hasn't been a fun process. I thought I had rhino skin at this point, but there are chinks in the armor. I've been laboring under the delusion that, because I wrote the SF trilogy with Scott, I knew how to write a book. But when I thought about it in light of the feedback I've gotten this week, I realized that even though I wrote book 2 without him, he was still the main plotter. I was more of an editor on those projects, especially books 1 and 3. The four HF books I've done in the last few years haven't gelled because I've missed some fundamental things about plotting. I've been trying to do algebra without having learned how to multiply. It's disheartening, but nothing new. I always feel like I'm further in my writing journey than I am. So it's remedial learning again. Once the missing pieces fall into place, those rewrites should be a lot easier.

I'm going to try not to be a pest. Please tell me if I become one. The ADD girl inside me sometimes doesn't recognize that other people have a life, and it's hard to keep her reigned in sometimes.

I have to say I've never written a scene that was so universally hated! Rather than sinking into despair, I'm going to channel my new knowledge into writing villains. I want people to hate them.

Thanks again, y'all, and I hope you'll let me try to return the favor.

Monday, June 16, 2014


I hesitate to mention this because I'm afraid that I will jinx myself or bring myself once again to the attention of some malevolent aspect of the universe, but ... last week I wrote 11 "keeper" pages on Murder by the Mile. I was able to hold the book in my mind and move in that world. Clumsy in some ways when compared to my grasp of it before, like returning to a familiar place and things are slightly different. I even see the murders in a different slant. The story is moving forward.

I may be out of park. Not into drive, but rolling forward a bit. No promises. No deadlines. No saying it will be published this year. In the past, I broke all promises, missed all deadlines, and obviously didn't publish it. So this time, it's me and the computer and the story and, of course, all of you. Which makes exactly six people, including me, who know I'm working on it and getting pages.

I don't know why it feels like this--like it's a secret or maybe too tender to survive any intense scrutiny, but it does. We'll see what happens, if this rolling leads to a drive or it's me going downhill to a more level place.

About halfway through Weeping Willow. I have several narrative questions that I'm waiting to see if Wendy answers. Wish I had the ink and paper to print it out. I don't like reading on the computer, and there's something about seeing a sentence on a paper that appeals to my eyes. Yes, I'm outdated.

We had our writers group meeting Saturday morning. A good crowd that seemed to respond to my program. The program was "Gentle: Marking for Artistic Souls." I talked about the publication of Murder by Dewey Decimal and what I learned and how surprised I was by its success when I was stumbling my way blind into the publication world. I will always be grateful for that book, because in a lot of ways, it saved my life. After the meeting was over, six people stayed to ask more questions and generally be appreciative. Wish I knew how to always present programs that would be so well received.

Today I walked a mile nonstop. The first time since my heart attack. I was exhausted afterwards, but recovered fairly quickly. It's heartening in one way and discouraging in another. In one way, I have worked myself back to a nonstop mile, so that's good. But a year ago, I was walking two miles and spending time on the exercise bike afterwards, so I've fallen back that much. Well, overall, it's good, I think, and maybe a sign that I've finally turned a curve on this.

So my plans this week?
- Walk each day.
- Household chores.
- Continue on MBTM.
- Finish WW and produce crit.
- Book signing Thursday afternoon at the library for the writer group anthology.

That's enough. Will be happy if I do those. Hope you have a good week and roll along toward your goals as I hope I roll along to reach mine.

Home, somewhat reset

We had a good weekend with friends. It was a long drive--about 9 hours each way--but worth it. I really needed a drastic change of scenery to get out of my head for a while.

Unfortunately, the Games weren't very well run. The board is made up of a bunch of people in their own little world, but I don't really care about that or the terrible service at the restaurant we went to Saturday night. Their screw-ups gave me more time with my friends, even if the lousy service did make for a late night for all of us. Three hours for dinner (party of 8) in Europe isn't unusual. Kansas is a different story! And that's not including the hour we had to wait for a table.

Today life is feeling a little more like it did before the shit hit the fan. We have our local Games next weekend, and my bard may be coming to help in the clan tent. (That's up in the air right now. I heard last night he left the Games early yesterday with what sounded like food poisoning. We were back in IL by then.) That means I have to get ready for company and the Games, which are Friday night and Saturday. I also have to pack to leave Sunday morning for MI. We're having a family reunion of sorts at Mom's. I'll be there until Wednesday, and then I'll have six days to get ready for the first of the Boys. Yup, it's that time again. I can't believe it. It's been so cool here lately it feels more like May than almost July.

I'm not sure I mentioned it here, but Eric finally got the formal offer letter from the bank. He starts work there next Monday. He's looking forward to starting a job that will better utilize his skill set. All it means for me is the benefits shuffle, and he's back to zero on vacation days with the Boys coming. It's getting old being in charge of entertainment by myself.

So that's where we are right now. The potential to be overwhelmed is there, but at least that's familiar, and there's something to be said for that.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

You might already know I trapped Moose to take him to Dr. Valeri, and he turned out to be FIV-positive, so we had him put down.  I'm incredibly sad about this, but it was the only responsible thing to do.

In other news, I got a very little writing work done this week. Mostly, I feel lost in what to do next with my work. I got a little done for Polar Bear on the Loose and began reading Weeping Willow (I love the title, but I'm not certain about it's story relevance yet), but I didn't get very far with that either, because I had a hard time getting into much of anything yesterday.

Yard work is current for the week, so I'm ready to head down to San Antonio on Monday.  I hope to get more focused and get more work down while I'm there.  I think I got other things done, but I just don't remember what.

I'll be okay.  I'll be better when Sneaky forgives me for taking her friend away.  I tried to explain.  She says she's just not ready to move on yet. I don't blame her.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Be Good To Yourself

Yes, indeedy, we all need to remember to be good to ourselves.  That was my public service announcement for the week.

I would characterize the week as good.  Here's why:
  • I participated in two yoga classes, and I feel a general sense of better feeling as a result of it.  I can't say exactly why, but I believe they helped.  Glad a Twitter friend put the idea in my head to pursue this and helped me find this studio near the house in San Antonio.
  • Both yards are looking marvelous -- mostly a factor of recent rains, but it's nice to see at this time of year
  • I got work done on PBOTL and Kitty City (and their accompanying courses as well) this week.  Three hours and twenty-four minutes according to Timesheeter.
  • Mr. L got some good painting done -- see Monday's photo post on the blog for a picture
  • We went to a swap meet yesterday, and my knees gave me very little trouble.  This was the same venue I had to break out the cane to get around for in February, and I was in a lot of pain back then.  Perhaps the 20-25 pounds less I was carrying around made the difference?  Probably.
  • Weight has been stable over the last week, but I'm thinking this is my body and mind adjusting to this new level in preparation for the next phase.  My goal right now is to not gain, keep tracking, keep focusing on eating mindfully, and continuing to evaluate what I'm doing in a manner that will help me find more ways to make progress toward my goal that are compatible with my lifestyle (some of this involves preparing my mind to accept new ideas that will move me in the direction of my goal, which is a fancy way of saying I'm looking for small lifestyle changes I can make).
  • The Parks and Wildlife guy called, and we have an appointment to meet on the 24th.
The Week Ahead:
  • This is a Central Texas week, so I will take care of things up here this week, including my semi-annual visit to my doctor.  Follow that with a trip to Ft Hood to turn in new prescriptions for the year.  Hope I don't get shot.
  • I'll need to mow the store.  I got the house yard done today.
  • Laundry is done, but I'll need to stay on top of it this week (never a problem, really), so all goes smoothly when I'm not here next week.
  • Continue work on PBOTL and Kitty City (and HTRYN and HTWAS-E).
  • Continue working on the Forward Motion test site and begin working on a new page for my blogs.
  • Continue discussing plans for Grand Tour 2015.

even keel

Amazingly, I pretty much bounced back from last weekend. My brain was a wee bit sluggish, so there were things that didn't get done, but I also didn't spend an entire day drooling in front of the TV.

There was not a 2 on the scale when we went to see the trainer. My weight and body fat were essentially flat from the previous weigh-in, and considering we spent three days eating at restaurants, I'll take it. This week has been a better food week and activity is higher than usual, so maybe I'll be down a little this week. As long as it's not up, I'll take it. Well, I guess I'll take it if it is up. I won't have much choice in the matter.

We saw Maleficent and Edge Of Tomorrow yesterday. I can highly recommend Maleficent. Really, really good movie. Edge Of Tomorrow was okay. It had an interesting premise, and it was cool to watch the main character develop from a guy scared out of his wits to a guy who jumped to his death without thinking about it. I could apologize for the spoiler, but that would be admitting that it was a spoiler, and if I do that, I'll spoil it. Yes, it's that kind of movie. :-)

I got an interesting phone call Tuesday. A head hunter saw my resume on Monster and called to see if I'd be interested in a part time 6-month contract with BMO Harris Bank. I agreed to pursue the matter and faxed some basic paperwork to her, and it's been radio silent ever since. They have to do a background check, which I assume takes some time. I'll follow up tomorrow. I'm a little annoyed, but this is the same bank that's been promising to send Eric a formal offer letter for two weeks, so they're apparently not known for being speedy.

Finally got some words in. Still no feedback from the contest, but it's not stopping progress on the work.

Laundry, dishes, litter scooping, blah blah blah.

That's about it for last week. This week is more of the same, except we leave Friday morning for the Kansas City Games. That's going to be a long-ass drive for a weekend, but we'll get to spend some time with friends, and we won't be working.

Have a good week, y'all.

Saturday, June 7, 2014


After a not-great start to the week, things seem to be improving, at least a little. I'm back to tracking (mostly, which is waaay better than not at all) and the quality of my food has improved dramatically. And I'm writing. Not as much as I wish - there simply isn't time and quiet - but gobs more than I was.

Here's hoping this trend continues.

{{hugs}} That's all for me. Have a great week!

Monday, June 2, 2014


Just venting. This is a safe place, and I don't want to vent on Facebook. Feel free to pass on by.

I just found out I didn't make the cut in yet another contest. I know it's not the end of the world. I've had writers I admire tell me I have talent and to press on, but right now, if I could quit writing and preserve my sanity, I would. I feel like I'm putting myself through a meat grinder for no reason. Intellectually, I know that even if this is a real call, it might be because I'm talking to myself. It's no guarantee that anything I write will ever see the light of day. I ask myself all the time if that's enough. Usually, I say it has to be. Today, the answer is no. I just wish there was an easier way. Or I wish I didn't care if I didn't get published. I wish I could stop and not have to endure crazy dreams and crankiness.

At this point, the decision about conferences just got easier.


Not been making much progress lately. Got my life in park somehow, and I'm still trying to figure out how to switch gears again. Not a bad place where I've parked. Many people have it worse. And I have a view. If that makes sense.

I've been talking to a friend of mine who has gone through therapy more times than he likes to admit. He thinks I need therapy. That I'm suffering a mid-life crisis without the money to buy a new car and attract a young blonde. Without a wife to divorce. Maybe he's right. I don't know.

Doesn't sound right to me, though. Not been through a mid-life crisis before--that I know of--so I don't know for sure, but it doesn't sound right. Shrug. Not sure of nomenclature matters as much as figuring out how to get out of park.

I can make lists. I do my lists for the most part. I feel productive, but are those checked items moving me toward any goal beyond the immediate? Maybe the immediate is all I can manage right now, but I remember that common bit of wisdom: if you don't know where you're going, how can you complain about where you end up?

Although I will complain. You can count on it.

This week, I plan:
- On doing chores.
- On taking more photos.
- On writing the program for the writers group meeting June 14.
- On writing and publishing the family June newsletter.
- On writing a story about the group book signing June 19 and sending it to the various media folks.
- On updating the writers group website.

That's a few good things. Longmire premieres tonight. I think it's one of the best shows on TV these days.

Have a great week!

Done with college!

Vicky graduated Friday night (although she's been finished since February), and Eric finished his second masters last week. Although Alex is in grad school, our college obligations are officially finished!

Vicky's graduation was so much smoother than Alex's. If nothing else, I had make-up, and it didn't snow! (It did rain, but we were inside.) We got to catch up with Dad, Linda, Mom and Aunt Shirley. Saturday we went to the St. Louis Zoo (per Vicky's request), and yesterday we headed home. I drove Mom and Aunt Shirley back so they could see our place, and then they braved Chicago traffic to go home. When Mom suggested that part, it seemed safe since it would be Sunday afternoon. Wrong! Traffic was awful, but they made it out safely.

I know there was more to last week than the last three days, but honestly I can't think of anything of note that happened. There isn't even anything on my calendar to give me a hint, so apparently, it was mostly cleaning up the apartment and laundry. Oh, and baking scones to take with us. I did quite a bit of research for Trevor's wartime story arc. If you missed The World Wars on the History Channel, I think they're doing a replay at the end of this month. It's well worth the time. Fascinating stuff.

We saw the new X-Men movie on Monday. That was good, and I'm not an X-Men fan. I figured you can't go wrong with Jennifer Lawrence and Hugh Jackman, though, and I was right.

So that's about it. Today it's back to the grind, and hopefully I'll get back into the routine faster than usual. We work out with our trainer tonight and I'm not looking forward to the weigh-in. Since our session starts at 6, and I will have had a full day of food (no matter how healthy) and water, I'm expecting to see a 2 in the wrong spot. That just might make me weep. We'll see.

Y'all have a good week!