Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I fear it may be too early in the experiment to make this declaration, but it seems the combination of Weight Watchers (for the structure), The Mouth Trap (for the resentment), and Health Month (for the areas of focus) are combining to keep my mental state positive and my results in the loss column (the goal).

I'm on Week 5 of the program, and I've experienced no resentment.  In fact, I think the "What I didn't eat today" item on my Things list may actually prevent resentment.  How is that?  In the past, I resented that there were things I couldn't eat for whatever reason, but I've been interested to note that I never have anything that I really want to eat that I decide not to eat.  I have made comments in the notes section of the item sometimes before checking it off -- more a notation of what might have been a trigger for such feelings, but they haven't developed yet.  Again, it may be too soon in this experiment to say, or, it's possible that just having a place to express unmet desires may have eliminated them.  But I can also see that there isn't anything I'm feeling deprived of -- at least, not so far.

The mind is such a critical piece in achieving weight loss.  Anything in this effort that will keep me mentally in the game is worthwhile.

Another good quote

"As for discipline — it's important, but sort of overrated. The more important virtue for a writer, I believe, is self-forgiveness. Because your writing will always disappoint you. Your laziness will always disappoint you. [...] Continuing to write after that heartache of disappointment doesn't take only discipline, but also self-forgiveness."

Author and journalist Elizabeth Gilbert

The Revised State of M

Heard back from my agent yesterday and he LOVED the book. Muchly. It's off today to three major publishers, one of them Bantam, who'd bought my previous three books. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it'll sell quickly!

Tuesday quote

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling."
--Eames, "Inception"

(I need to take that one off my cork board and tape it to my monitor!)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Good Quote

"Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed." - G. K. Chesterton

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weekly Updates

OK. This is cool.  We'll do weekly updates and cheers on the weekends.  So we probably want to try to find inspirational stuff of some sort to post during the week.

Rats.  How am I going to do that?

Tail End Charlie

I wasn't trying to be a rebel by not posting on Saturday. I just wanted my info to be current, and Sunday is my weigh day, so I guess it's my posting day, too.

Writing is a mess. I wrote 3 days last week for 2,369 words. I did work on writing more than I wrote. I printed what I'm calling my manuscript and read through it, thinking I'd made a wrong turn somewhere. I didn't find anyplace I'd gotten off track so the only thing I can think is that I didn't make a wrong turn, I'm just not there yet. *sigh* On the plus side, after talking to Tammy last night, I shut off the internet and got some words in, so the numbers are better than they could have been.

Clutter: I'm making progress there. I got frustrated the other day and just started chunking stuff from the kitchen counters into a box for Good Will. Unlike you intrepid souls, I have never had much success with yard sales. It's easier for me to get a receipt for a tax deduction I may or may not be able to itemize. (As a side note, I heard a thumping noise yesterday, and it was a bag of Vicky's clothes bumping down the stairs. It's still on the landing so I guess I'm making a Good Will run this week.)

Health: I'm down a total of 10 pounds in the last month. I have several pairs of down-one-size jeans in my closet, and I'm able to wear a couple of them again. (That's nice since now I don't have to wash jeans as much to have clean clothes for work.) Overall, my diet is healthier, and I find I don't want sugar as much as I did. I went to the gym 3 times last week, twice for yoga class (no injuries) and once to walk. I have learned something about exercise this year. For a workout to be effective, it must be at least 30 minutes, and at least half of those 30 minutes must suck. The more they suck, the better.

Misc: My cats seem to be getting along better with the grandcat. We haven't had any major altercations, but they're hissing at her less are sometimes grudgingly playing with her. They have all wanted more attention this week, usually when I'm in the middle of something. Like right now. Chloe is having a crisis. On the human side, everyone seems to be doing all right. Eric has recovered from a week-long training in Chicago (16 hour days studying) to add a Microsoft certification to his Cisco certification. (Yes, he is certifiable.) Vicky is valiantly battling senior-itis, and I haven't talked to Alex in 8 days, so everything there must be fine.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Since Stephen and Jean are posting their to-do lists, I thought I'd chime in as well.

Sent M off to my agent on Thursday. It clocked in at a hair under 98,300 words, right about where I wanted it to be (I'd planned for between 90 and 100 k). It's a huge relief to have it out the door, but scary too. I'm pretty confident it'll sell, much less confident in my capability to handle such a sale without having another nervous breakdown. But I'll be fine. I'll be taking a week off from writing then returning to Dubric's fourth book (actually, it'll feature Lars a lot more than Dubric) and its working title is Stain of Corruption. I've posted all of the first chapter except the opening scene on tambowrites. It's in three pieces, but it's all there. I'm actually looking forward to making the team's lives miserable again. :p

Life is pretty much awesome except for one thing. Our 21 year old daughter moved out on her own a couple of weeks ago and she's doing well - VERY happy every time we talk to her but some minor money issues, which are totally expected and normal at her age - and, with the house to ourselves, Bill and I are spending more time together. Been cooking a lot, had some friends over the other night, and mostly things are just great.

Other than the (insert cuss word of choice here) post office threatening to close his sorting center and maybe leaving him without a job, that is. If the new contract gets accepted before they close the site, he's guaranteed a job - no idea where said job might be, but he'll have one. However, if the union fights it and it doesn't pass the vote, they'll negotiate the shop closing under the old contract which will potentially end his employment with the post office since he hasn't been there long enough to be 'vested'. Either way, we'll almost certainly have to move, the only thing that'll save us from that mess is if they decide to leave his processing center open. And, honestly, that's a longshot.

I love it up here and don't want to move! Waah!

Like everything else, the house is pretty much awesome. It's painted, it's gorgeous, and we're making it more 'us' every day. Of course we ripped out the old bathtub a couple of days before learning the post office was throwing our life into chaos, but otherwise it's great. Bill's been working on sprucing up the basement - painting the walls, wrapping pipes, that sort of thing - and we're both looking forward to doing some landscaping this spring.

This week, since I'm not writing, one of my major tasks is to declutter, prep for a yard sale, and do anything I can to get ready to move this summer/fall. 

Did I mention I don't wanna move?  Waah!

Um, learning my hubby might be unemployed in about 4 months has pretty much screwed over my diet, but I'm still trying. Holding steady at down 5 lbs from this time a month ago. Trying to make myself exercise, mostly because my strained muscles in my, well, butt are still giving me fits and it all feels better if I keep moving and exercising. Also having issues with my optic fluid separating from my retina in my left eye. Apparently this is a normal process, mine is just 'sticky' and there's a chance it might tear my retina. Whee.

Mostly, health is okay. Just the weight, the eye, and muscle cramps in my butt. Torn muscle butt cramps totally suck, btw, eye flickers are much more fun. ;)

Since I'd barely turned on my sewing machine this past month while focusing on getting M finished, I am woefully behind, but I did manage to finish piecing a quilt top today (complete with borders) and made a table runner for my kitchen table. Going to sew all week, since I'm not writing. Well, sew and get the house ready for sale. Waah!

Everything else Pets are fine, kid's fine, everything truly is fine. If it wasn't for the wonderful job news I'd be ecstatic! :)

I hope you all find your words and things start looking up for all of us.  {{huggs}}

Week 12

My, my.  The 12th week of the year already.  Who would have guessed?   Here's what's been going on:

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):  Still working on Lesson 7, but no progress this week.  That's two weeks in a row.  Not acceptable.

750words.com: I've written at least my 750 words each day and have a current streak of 285 days.  I've written 20,371 words so far this month (plus a few that got lost during the site outage at the beginning of the month).

Internet Responsibilities:
- I blogged once this week.

- Millie and Dazzle are doing well.  Dazzle's coat isn't showing signs of her allergy yet, but there is a spot on her leg I'll need to keep an eye on.  I suspect I'll have to resume her allergy medicine soon.
- Brushed them both for a few minutes today. 
- The kittens were supposed to get spayed/neutered on Friday, but hubby succumbed to their pleading and he fed them in the morning.  I rescheduled for Wednesday.  He claims he didn't know you couldn't eat before surgery.  I suppose it's possible -- I don't think he's ever been under general anesthesia.

- Yard sale is ready to go with the exception of a couple signs hubby wants to make.
- I tried to submit the ad to the paper on Friday, but the woman who does that sort of thing wasn't there, so I'll try again on Monday morning -- I've had this problem both times I've submitted ads to the paper.  The editor used to be our neighbor.  Next time I see him, I may mention job security it nice, but if this happens to more people than me, that might explain low advertising revenue.
- Digging more weeds, trimming crape myrtles.  All but one tree has leafed out.

- Recumbent bike riding is going well -- rode twice this week (knees do not like this, but they don't like anything).
- Stagnant week on WW.  Seems to have kind of that one step forward, one step sideways, one leap forward, one step sideways "gait" to it.  I'm disappointed but not discouraged.  Next week should be better.
- I logged 15.3 miles for Walk Across Texas.

Report day

I've decided Saturday will be my report day here. It's obvious to me that I need a schedule to function more productively, so schedule I will have. Here's a brief recap of my year so far:

Not much work on Murder by the Mile. I got discouraged by the pointless route it was taking, and it's languished. To fix it, I'm having to lose (sigh) about 15,000 words. Admittedly, that's not too terrible objectively, but it feels terrible nonetheless. I did a lot of work on The World of Kiegarth, and it had its first "audition" a couple of weekends ago. WoK did well, but needs more work. I've tried to have an entry every day for my blog 51313 Harbort Street, although I have had to catch up on entries. Conclusion: Need to focus more time on writing.

Still trying to get back to a regular exercise (walking) routine. I'm doing better on this, and even when I don't make it to the gym, I'm trying to make time for other exercise, such as vigorous housework, dancing (gasp), and using my recumbent bike. Conclusion: Keep working on this. Health is too important.

Job search
Oh Lord, I hate to even talk about this discouraging mess. So I won't. Let's let it go with that I'm still out there and not giving up. Conclusion: Sigh.

Self improvement
I've been attending various courses online, not for credit, but just to learn new things. In May, I'll be taking my first class at the local vo-tech on using Excel. I've noticed a lot of job requirements list having a working knowledge of Excel, and I know nothing about it. So I'm taking beginning Excel the first week of May. In June, I intend to take Intermediate Excel, and in July, Expert Excel. Will look good on my resume, I hope. Conclusion: Committed to doing this more.

Had my first garage sale, which was a success, and I intend to have at least two more. I like the money, like the space in my closets, and liked talking to the people who came by. I hope to declutter more as spring progresses. Conclusion: Clutter is bad. Keep fighting it.

And that's my first Saturday Report. How are things for you?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Right there with you, Stephen

Words have been hard to come by lately. Usually I can figure out what comes next while I'm cleaning or cooking. In a pinch, I can spin, knit, or crochet, and that helps. Not so lately, so I broke down and printed what I have. I'm outlining as I read in hopes of finding where I've gone off track. I'm trying very hard not to *edit*. It's too early to correct typos since I may be cutting and/or changing. I am, however, using sticky notes to mark inconsistencies. I hope to get through the manuscript tonight or tomorrow. It's 176 pages, and I'm on 31. On the plus side, I have found a couple of places where I've forgotten I'm supposed to be outlining, so I guess it's not all bad! At least I'm working.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Writing, editing, throwing pages away, weeping ...

And that's what I've been doing with Murder by the Mile. I'm having to dump about a fourth of the book. Can't save the words. I went a wrong direction, and the destination is bad, bad, bad. I'm having to back up and go another way. The new way will be better. MBTM is a cozy, and that's what my readers expect. And what I'm happiest writing.

I hadn't realized how much my emotional state had influenced the book. I was depressed, angry, and despairing. As a result, my characters were depressed, angry, and despairing. They made all the wrong relationship choices. And the murder mystery got lost.

Well, there's no fix for it except to rewrite it, and that's what I'm doing. How are things with your books? Going well, I hope. If not, join me in the weeping rewriting room. We'll work it out.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week 11

Had a lovely couple of days on this eleventh week of March.  Reporting in a day late, because hubby and I spent the weekend in Houston.  Here's what's been going on:

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):  Still working on Lesson 7, but no progress this week.

750words.com: I've written at least my 750 words each day and have a current streak of 279 days.  I've written 15,719 words so far this month (plus a few that got lost during the site outage at the beginning of the month). 

Internet Responsibilities:
- I blogged three times this week. (Forgive me Father, for I have blogged?)
- I posted marathons to FM

- Millie and Dazzle are still at the resort.  I think they like it there, but I'll pick them up in the morning.
- The cats (and the house) survived the weekend home alone.

- Most of the yard sale stuff is set up and priced.
- Mowed the yard to get the weeds down

- Recumbent bike riding is going well.
- I've lost two sacks of flour since the beginning of the month.  Very pleased with progress on WW.
 - I logged 16.6 miles for Walk Across Texas. 

The drop off in writing/revising is cause for concern.  It's not an uncommon pattern, but it's pretty visible when I post here each week. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


When I started Createslate, I intended to gather a small group of writers and let us help each other. Chiefly, I thought, by lifting each other's spirits when we were down. I hadn't counted on all of the writers getting down at the same time. Yet that's what has happened here. Ironic?

Well, things will get better. Ups and downs are a writer's life. I don't know a creative person who doesn't experience them. The important thing to remember is that these dark moods do pass. We just have to wait them out.

Things that help me are:
- Get more sunlight.
- Get out of the house and around people. I like to visit my local library, which is always busy.
- Go to lunch with a friend.
- Change my routine.
- Talk my friends over the phone. (For some reason, chat and email don't lift my spirits the way an actual voice does.)
- Write a lot of dark, depressing poetry!
- Do something unexpected even to me.
- Get plenty of rest.
- Exercise. (Ugh. But it does work.)
- Caffeine in moderation.

What helps you get up and going again?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I can snip

This is the current opening of Stain of Corruption, which is subject to all sorts of changes as the story develops. Snip below the cut. :)


Darting from shadow to shadow. Carrying a bunch of personal problems. Sigh. Jean spotted me anyway, eagle eye that she is.

Didn't mean to be away so long. Will catch up this evening and tomorrow. Intend to post some quotes and some articles and who knows what? Hey, what about a snippet or two? Yeah, let's snippet a bit. Does anyone want to snippet? Or excerpt? Or share whatever?

About to leave the house on a day trip, but will be back this evening. Talk to you then.

Is This On?


*tap* *tap* *tap*

Hello?  Anybody here? (here?) (here?) (here?)



Guess not.

*turns* *trudges off stage*

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Week 10

March is less a gentle lion this week -- at least in Japan.

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):  Still working on Lesson 7.

750words.com: I've written at least my 750 words each day and have a current streak of 263 days.  I've written 9644 words so far this month (plus a few that got lost during the site outage last week).  As I mentioned, the site had some technical problems last weekend, but Buster restored my streak -- stats are just messed up for that period of time.

Internet Responsibilities:
- I blogged twice this week.
- I read sections of the WordPress project book.

- Everyone is doing fine. Dazzle is still amazingly spry.

- Finished painting the shelves on the big bookcase.  I started painting this bookcase years ago.  I got it finished.  Hubby wanted a different shade.  We picked out the shade he wanted, and I painted the case last year and didn't get the the shelves until this week.  The bookshelf was supposed to go in our upstairs hallway, but it was too big to fit up the stairs, so we have taken it to the shop, where it will hold hubby's vehicle-related books and manuals.

- 'Tis the time to be digging dandelions and pulling weeds, so I'm plugging away on that task

- I rode the recumbent bike on HRC setting -- it targets a heart rate range -- for 15 minutes twice this week.  This got me some light cardio and was easier on my knees.  I also rode it on the peak setting once.
- Finished The Mouth Trap: The Butt Stops Here by Pam Young.  I've found some useful tips in the book, and, as it recommends when you finish it, I'm going to read it again.
 - I logged 13.8 miles for Walk Across Texas (http://walkacrosstexas.tamu.edu <http://walkacrosstexas.tamu.edu/> ).

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Ergh! I can't get inside my MC's head! The story has stalled again!

If y'all know of a way to get into the head of the world's shyest character I would love to hear them.

Right now, before I concuss myself.

*headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Week 9

Getting started in March, and it's coming in like a Lion -- a gentle lion, but a lion all the same.

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):  Still working on Lesson 7.

750words.com: I've written at least my 750 words each day and have a current streak of 263 days.  I've written 3815 words so far this month.  I'm earned the Double Flock badge this week.  The site moved to new servers this morning, and it's refusing to save more the 742 words from today's entry.  Sigh. Buster is working on it, but it's annoying (I'm not the only person affected).

Internet Responsibilities:
- I blogged once this week.
- I received my WordPress project book in the mail today.

- Everyone is doing fine.

- Hubby got a shingle on the garage roof re-nailed down.  That involved setting up and taking down scaffolding.

- Hubby got some caulking done on the front wall.
- We both got some books rearranged here at the house and some space cleared in the long hall of the long bay at the shop.
- Hubby got some more lighting working for me over there as well
- Time to set up for the yard sale next month

- I rode the recumbent bike on HRC setting -- it targets a heart rate range -- for 15 minutes twice this week.  This got me some light cardio and was easier on my knees.
- Reading through The Mouth Trap: The Butt Stops Here by Pam Young.  I'm on Chapter 8.  

- I logged 10.8 miles for Walk Across Texas (http://walkacrosstexas.tamu.edu).  
- I reactivated my Weight Watchers Online membership last week and lost four pounds.  I don't anticipate that rate continuing.  My goal is one pound a week.  
- It's funny, now that I decided to record what I don't eat, I haven't been hungry enough for something I decided not to eat.  I still think the technique will come in handy in a few weeks.  I'm new in the program, and it's still a little exciting and doesn't feel stifling yet.  I anticipate that may change.  I hope not, but it probably will.