Monday, November 26, 2012


Well, last week was a blur. Getting ready for Thanksgiving, putting up the Christmas tree and outside and inside decorations, household chores, and of course, selling, selling, selling Tales from Bethlehem. That's pretty much it.

This week:
- 1st book signing for Tales from Bethlehem this Thursday. I've mailed postcards and emails, set up events and invites on Facebook, and sent a story to the newspaper. Arranged the eats for the event and the door prizes. Basically I have odds and ends to do, but that's it. And I'm approaching this event with the calm I always approach being in public: Yes, I want to throw up repeatedly. I hate book signings, but dang it, I sell a lot of books. And after they get going, they're not bad. I even enjoy the people. Still want to throw up, though.
- Household chores.
- Christmas cards.
- Christmas gift list.
- Continue to promote TFB.
- Start on work on the publicity for the signings on Dec. 13th and 15th.
- Shop.
- Rake up the dang leaves. I have piles about three feet deep against my house. I hope I don't find a body underneath the piles. Again.
- Oh, can't forget to get my hair cut. Must try to look somewhat respectable for the signing.
- Get the deadbolt lock fixed on the front door. It doesn't want to open anymore. Of course, we mostly go in and out the garage, anyway, but it would be nice if it worked.

Hope y'all have a great week. Wish you lived closer so you could sit beside me at the book signing. I am so nervous. Sigh. Well, tally ho!

Sunday, November 25, 2012


It's been a boisterous week at my house, what with three of the Boys and my kids home for Thanksgiving. We had a great time. I didn't have as much left over as I thought I would, but Danny was here this year. He just turned 39 and still has the metabolism of a 15-year-old. Yes, I want to slap him for it. ;-) Oh, and I forgot to make dressing on Thanksgiving, but nobody missed it. Pretty sure I gained some weight, but I'll get back to business as usual this week. Right now it's so quiet I can hear my ears ringing, and I don't want to do anything but watch HGTV. I love having them all here, but they exhaust me!

This week:
- December Powerpoints.
- Make a Christmas list for Eric.
- Christmas shopping, primarily for extended families so I can ship stuff.
- Declutter the kitchen. My new cabinets will be delivered the week after Christmas so I can start packing up what I won't use between now and then.
- Oh, yeah. Write. Haven't done any of that for over a week.
- Swim.

Post-Thanksgiving Haze

Not so much, but it sounded good.

The Good Stuff: 

  • Pretty Boy Floyd was captured, taken for shots, lost, recaptured, and now he'd rather have pets than food. I said I'd need to bring him in to the bathroom to change the towel in the carrier today, and hubby said, bring him into the kitchen. So we introduced Floyd to the kitchen. He did pretty well. He'd explore, then he'd want to be held, then he'd go off to explore, then he'd come back for snuggles. He used the litter box, explored, and came back for snuggles. He's going to make somebody a good kitty -- except he seems to be making motions as if he's spraying. He's too young, but that's not a good habit for an indoor kitty.
  • Hubby and I got iPhone5s on Monday. I love it. He hasn't cursed at his yet, but he's a little grumpy about some things--I don't think he's happy unless he can grump about something.
  • Hubby got a Toshiba Excite10 tablet. It has a bit of a learning curve, but he,s found a solitaire game he like for it. (He didn't get it for Solitaire. He got is for making a mobile photo album and database for his lanterns and car parts.)
  • Yeah. Pretty much Christmas for us, I guess.
  • Rode the bike a couple of times
  • Finished NaNo last night. Of course, it needs lots of work, but this is where I get startd.
The Not So Good:
  • I'm still trying to catch three kitties.
  • There's so much to do.
The Week Ahead:
  • Pull out PBOTL and refresh my memory on it. It's been two months.
  • Blood work for semi-annual doctor visit and the ultrasound as a followup on the mammogram.
  • Pick up quarantined kitty and begin working with her
  • Trap one big kitty and two small ones. I haven't seen the small ones this week. I'm sure they are still around. I'm more interested in catching Sneaky this week.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Post Thanksgiving Catch Up

We're all fine here, and no word yet on Spore, but I don't expect anything until mid/late December at the earliest. :)

Had Turkey Day at home, just us, which was nice, and since I did all of the cooking I wasn't tempted by naughty Thanksgiving fare and went down this week.

Sewn a little, slept a lot, still nursing a head cold, and totally avoided Black Friday shopping.

That's about it, I guess. I hope you all had a good week. {{hugs}}

Monday, November 19, 2012

Hurry up and stop

Last week was one of those weeks where I rushed around madly and got my stuff done, only to be halted by other people. Well, not halted, but I was busy jumping and going around roadblocks. Mostly I worked on selling Tales from Bethlehem. And it is selling. Not as fast as my mysteries did -- but nothing has sold like my mysteries -- but it's getting out there.

And here are some (actual) comments about TFB that bemused, amused, and/or annoyed me along with the replies I didn't make:.

1. I'm going to buy one when it gets closer to Christmas. I'm just not in the spirit now.
You're not in the spirit? Try writing Christmas stories during the hottest July on record.

2. I just read it. It surprised me by how good it was! You actually have talent!
Thank you. I think.

3. I loved the book! It's awesome. And it would make a great play. Of course, you'd have to change the plot.
So ... the baby Jesus wouldn't be born or what?

4. I think it's great book, but I wish Santa could have had a Tale. You know there really was a Saint Nicholas.
And Saint Nick was at the Nativity, was he?

5. Oh, I loved it, loved it! You know, you should write some funny stories about Easter. Call it Easter Tales or Tales from Rome!
Yes, because the trial and brutal execution of Jesus abound with comic possibilities.

6. I liked the book, but it did have some liberal leanings. You know, where you have that rich man who was unhappy. I know a lot of rich people, and they're happy.
Good. Grief. Are you crazy?

7. You quoted from the Bible. Are you allowed to do that?
Yes. God said it was okay.

8. I liked the stories, but I didn't read the poems. I hate poetry.
Just give me your check and go far away.

That's all so far! More to come, I'm sure. But still, they were making the comments after reading (and purchasing) TFB, so I'm grateful, grateful, grateful.

This week:
- Sell more TFB.
- Make sure the hosts have the press releases.
- Update all my blogs with the book signing info.
- Finish printing the postcards for the Nov. 29th book signing. I have to mail them Friday.
- Finish printing the postcards for the Dec. 13th book signing.
- Finish printing the postcards for the Dec. 15th book signing.
- Thanksgiving Thursday.
- Work on my Christmas cards.
- Finish the November family newsletter.
- Stay busy. Keeps the black dog at bay.

Hope y'all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

And if you have a smart phone that can read this, let me know if it works. I was told you could put some info in the middle of a QR code and it would still work. I really need to get a smart phone or iPad or something that will read QR codes.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thank goodness I made it past that hurdle.

In case y'all missed the news on FB, SPORE has left the building. I don't expect to hear much - if anything at all - back from the agent until after Christmas, but you just never know. I learned a lot while writing it, and hopefully I can put that into practice on the next novel. Bill and our nephew were teasing me today about writing zombie food erotica from the POV of the zombie eroticasizer, er, I LOVE BRAINZ!!! eater/adorer but I really don't think that's gonna happen. ;)

I have a mountain of sewing to do. A mountain. And zippo desire to do it. I might try to stretch a quilt tomorrow, assuming I have enough batting, which is unlikely. I did the Northern Iowa Holiday Shop Hop yesterday (Saturday) and managed all 9 shops on Saturday. Since there's more than 100 miles East-to-West between the two most far-flung shops (and about 60 miles North/South ziggy-zagging around), most folks do the hop in 2 or 3 days, splitting the east half or third from the west, or north from south. Not me. All in one day. I tried to make it into a circle, but it ended up more like a weird backwards G loopty loop since I wanted to start at the shop farthest from home and end with the one closest to home.

Some days it feels like I live in the car, and Saturday was definitely one of them. But at least I got to listen to my music, cranked up, and can't you just see me belting out Billie Holiday while barreling down an Iowa dirt road? You'd better, because I did. ;) A lot. And Lightnin' Hopkins. Most of my music is Blues. :)

I was so, so tired tho - between getting up Wed morning and finishing Spore around 1pm Fri afternoon I'd had maybe 5 hours sleep, and got very little Fri night because of fretting over 'I hope I didn't screw up the book!!' - yet it was still nice to get out and do something for me. I spent a bit too much money, but oh well. It was still fun.

I'm officially down 12.2 lbs at WW this week - yay - but it's likely to go up because I was too tired to pack suitable snacks for Saturday's shop hop drive and ate too much fast food, then today was a pizza birthday party, and, um, I'm back on it FULL SWING tomorrow. I've logged everything, and haven't used up my plus points, but I still don't like feeling greasy. My usual meeting day is Thursday - but there will be no meeting due to the holiday - but they have another local meeting Saturday which I WILL go to. Gotta stay on the bandwagon, right? Must track all my points, eat right, drink about a gallon of water a day (water's been my secret weapon) and just stay on plan.

I've passed on some of the shirts I've shrunk out of to my sister. She said she liked them and I hope so - they were all blueish and she's more into reds. One is my most favorite shirt that I bought over this past summer and loved wearing, but it just hangs on me now so it has to go. I've decided to pass on all of my 'outgrown' clothes once I've outgrown them so I don't have a ready wardrobe to be a safety net, if that makes sense.

That's about it for me, I guess. I hope you all have a great week!  {{huggs}}

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Itchy, Watery Eyes

That's the way I feel this morning (noon). Thankfully, hubby had to make a trip to Temple  yesterday, and I went with him and stopped at the clinic and got a cortisone shot to head off the poison ivy reaction.  But I'm skipping ahead.

The Good Stuff:
  • We got scaffolding set up behind the shop, the old downspout removed, and hubby is crafting the mechanism to install the new downspout.  Once this is done, he anticipates water will be ushered off the roof in a more efficient manner.  He also plans to seal off the area that leaks back into the shop when water overflows the downspout bucket.
  • We dropped a load of rocks off at the ranch.  To reach the spot hubby has been obsessively piling rocks for the last several years (why, yes, it does correspond to the place he got his four-wheel drive truck stuck in a rainstorm five years ago -- I swear, the pile of rocks will be visible from space when he's done), we had to clear two tree tops which had fallen over the road.
  • I bought a cat trap and borrowed one from the vet and have been happily trapping kitties all week.  Well, only three so far.  One older male and female, who have both been neutered/spayed, vaccinated and released, and one younger female who is too young to spay.  Since she bit the vet tech, she's quarantined with other kitties about her age at the vet's who are looking for new homes.  I hope to socialize her and find her a home.  That would be better than being a feral kitty.  I have one more larger kitty and three more smaller kitties to catch.  I'll start working that on Sunday night.  After that, I'm not sure how many more -- I'd love for that to be it.
  • The last two days to the contrary, NaNo is progressing nicely.  I need to get about three thousand words today to get caught up to my goal word count, but I'm well ahead of where I need to be for traditional NaNo.
  • I rode the bike a couple of days this week.
The Not So Good Stuff:
  • After coming home from the ranch, I showered immediately, but that didn't stop me from waking up on Thursday morning with itchy eyes, ears, and neck.  It wasn't getting any better, and I planned to make a trip to Temple on Monday.  Thankfully, hubby needed to make one on Friday, so I got a cortisone shot, which seems to have slowed the advance.  I'm still itchy, but I'm taking generic Benadryl to help with that.  If I'd have waited until Monday, I would have been much more miserable.
  • I'm not as far into menopause as I'd hoped, and the problems with the fibroids are making themselves known.  I may need to revise my "wait and see" approach from that diagnosis.  I'll discuss with the GYN in January.
The Week Ahead:
  • I'd like to finish NaNo this week.
  • I'd like to catch the remainder of the kitties this week.
  • I ordered a time released feeder for the outside cats.  If it works, it should ensure they have some food available when we're out of town for a couple of weeks at a time. This one has fairly good reviews and seems to do what I need it to do.
  • If I can find homes for the four little ones, that leaves three outside cats who will need to be cared for.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Wait, it's Sunday again???

Yeah, it's been a little crazy around here lately.

Good Stuff:
- It's official. We're replacing cabinets, countertops, and appliances. We weren't going to do appliances, but we found a great deal. The new fridge comes Tuesday morning; the rest will have to wait until the new cabinets are installed.
- Made some progress on Vicky's room.
- Celebrated birthdays yesterday--mine and my friend, Jenn, who will be 40 on Tuesday. (Yes, I get a new fridge for Jenn's birthday!) We went into the city early to have brunch with her, and then we went to a park to do anniversary pics before heading over to the party. They surprised me by inviting my fencing instructor, so it was more fun than it would have been. (No, we did not fence at the party.)
- Got 3/4 of the tomatoes I picked the other day made into salsa verde. It's in the fridge now. I need to adjust spices and get it canned.
- Did a lot of the shopping for Thanksgiving. One more commissary run before Alex comes home and the Boys come.

Not So Good Stuff:
- I think I'm going to have to scrub NaNo this year. I got 7,228 words last week, and I'm almost 6,000 behind. There's just too much going on. I have, however, gotten some really cool stuff, including what could be the beginning of a future novel about Boadicea's daughters. Excited about that one.
- Still lots of stuff to do to get ready, and I now have 5 days.
- Slacked off on the gym last week.
- Eating has started to become an issue. I find myself snacking when I'm bored, grabbing bites of things I don't need, even when I'm already full, just to get the taste in my mouth. Really need to get a handle on this and find rewards that are not food.

This Week:
- Finish getting the house ready.
- Keep writing. I'll be happy with 30k this month. I'm almost half-way to that.
- Return library books.
- Go to the bank.
- Finish November Powerpoints.

Chug. Chug. Chug.

Jus' chuggin' along. 

The Good Stuff:
  • NaNo is coming along nicely.  As of last night, 27,686 words completed.
  • I got the yards done this week.
  • I only rode the bike once, and there were three days of yard work, so that's four days of some kind of exercise.
  • I knocked out a few items on the anti-procrastination list.  I have so many more to do.
  • The new FM chat is operational, and the old one is shut down.
  • I have a test chat environment working
The Not So Good Stuff:
  • If I'm going to subscribe to the WW website, you'd think I'd use it.  This was the problem I had last time I was signed up for the program.  It works when you work it, but after a certain amount of time, I just quit working it.  Then I don't want to go there, because I've been doing so bad.  I tried restarting in week one, but I didn't "play the game," so it didn't help.  It's a mental thing for me.  When I'm on track and in the grove, weight falls off, it's never been so easy to do this, why did I ever have so much trouble?  Then, I get out of mental balance on it, and it's the hardest thing I've ever tried to do, I can't do it, nothing works. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Very frustrating.
  • Both HDMI inputs on the kitchen TV went out yesterday.  It works on composite cables, but that's not why I got HD satellite service.  I was hoping it was the satellite box, but the BlueRay player doesn't work either, so I'm sure it's the HDMI input circuitry on the TV.  The TV is an LG, and there were some negative reviews about volume cutting out on it which have caused me concern since we bought it -- volume does cut out from time to time.  I bought Samsungs for upstairs.  We may look at replacing this with either a Samsung or a Toshiba.  At some point, a trip to Best Buy will be in order to compare, but it isn't an emergency.
 The Week Ahead:
  • Continue work on NaNo
  • Look for a trap for the kittens -- males in January (vet won't snip them before six months; says it messes them up), if I can identify any females, I need to be trying to get them now.
  • Knock out a few more procrastination items

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tail End Wendy

It's been a little crazy here. Why does everything have to happen on the same weekend?

Good Stuff:
- My new printer works.
- November Powerpoints are about 75% done.
- Canned more tomatoes. I have more to pick, a few red and lots more green. At the suggestion of a friend, I'm going to pick them all and make salsa verda with the green ones. She gave me some serrano peppers to throw in.
- We hung out with friends Saturday night. There was a Scotch tasting to raise funds for Tartan Days in April (where I'll be doing my tag team set with Pictus). Of the five we tasted, I really liked one and didn't like two. The other two were all right. I do have a better idea what I like now, so I'm on my way to being a Scotch snob. ;-) The Scotch we donated to the silent auction brought in half again what we paid for it, so that was exciting for us.
- Fenced on Saturday, which was a good workout. The only possible downside is he's teaching me one-handed and two-handed at the same time, and the footwork is completely different, so I keep messing that up.
- Bought part of a cow for our freezer. A hundred pounds wasn't as much as I thought it was going to be.
- Our DVR has saved my sanity. I haven't watched live TV (except evening news once or twice) in weeks.
- Got a good start on Christmas shopping.

Not So Good:
- I'm already behind in NaNo. As of Sunday I was at 5426. The busy weekend really hurt word count, and we're having company for a week at Thanksgiving. On the upside, I got two more warrior queen stories written. Two more to go, but I've got research material for those, so now it's a matter of reading and writing.
- I looked forward to getting cheap Halloween candy Thursday, but all I could find was milk chocolate and the sour fruity crap the kids like. No dark chocolate at all. Not entirely bad, really, but still!
- Decided to make a beaded circlet for my friend who's turning 40 a few days before my birthday. Bought the supplies, talked through design with the beading expert at the shop, and got home to find Vicky had taken almost all the beading tools with her. I have a pair of wire cutters and two crimpers, and I'm not using crimping beads on this project. :-/

This Week:
- Get the guest rooms finished. No, really, I have to do it this week.
- Crit a contest entry for a friend.
- Gear up for Thanksgiving (make a list, buy food, fun stuff like that)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Tam's late to the party again...

Gak, I am TIRED.

There's nothing specific exhausting me, I think it's just book worry, election overload, and general seasonal head/sinus congestion.

Mostly things are all right. Been kinda blue (I blame hormones and sinuses) but reviews and comments for SPORE have mostly been positive. I have some fairly extensive character reworking to do (I have a natural tendency toward iconic/symbolic extremes especially with characters, probably because I'm a theme-focused writer and generally an overly emotional person in real life). So, anyway, lots of great comments, very few line edits, lots of character changes to make but nothing really in plot/story other than some clarifying stuff. So that's all good and it looks like I should hit my promise to get it to NY on or around the 15th without any trouble. If any of you want to see the final version for a quickie look-see before it's out the door, please let me know ASAP. I'm estimating finishing around the 10th or 12th.

In other booky news, my Amazon sales for the ebook short stories have totally flatlined (as in ZERO sales) while other venues (Sony, Kobo, Apple Bookstore, etc) sales have skyrocketed three fold this past month or two. My only guess is that due to my occasional public grumbles about how I refuse to publish exclusively w/ The Evil Empire they've altered my algorhythms or something. I'm not talking a lot of money here, the ebooks were making about $10 a month, ish, on Amazon, but to have it fall to absolute zero for three months while moving upward from $4 a month to $12 with everyone else is just... suspicious.

So, um, yeah.

My physical last week went well - Doc was happily excited that I'm at my lowest weight EVER since she moved to specialty practice - and my bloodwork came back okay, but not great. She said not to worry, it'll take time for the new life-plan to really impact my internal numbers. But I'm officially down 12 lbs. So, yay!! My hormones are a mess, tho, and that's not fun at all. Mutter, mutter. Getting old sucks.

I sewed some this past weekend, which was nice. I have two quilts I HAVE to get done before Christmas plus several projects I'd like to get done. Must make more time. Plus the house is being overtaken by cobwebs and dog hair, so I really need to put more focus on housework. And exercise. And come up with the next book - whatever it might be. And write another Dubric novel, which I really don't want to do, but have to do (and I'm pretty sure that's helping feed my current dip into doldrums, I don't handle feeling forced to do anything well at all, especially when it's something I've been avoiding)

But, anyway, I'm all right, SPORE is mostly excellent, and I will be oh so relieved when this political nastiness has moved on.


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Black dog rising

I'm going to use Jean's format this week.

The good stuff:
- Tales from Bethlehem launched.
- My publicity plan is going as scheduled.
- I've stayed up on mailing out the bookplates. I always hate my sloppy handwriting when I sign the bookplates.
- As always, my true friends and family support me, and I'm so grateful to them.
- Had about 35 trick-or-treaters on Halloween. I was excited about that. I nearly ran out of candy.
- I stayed up on my household chores.
- I finished Spore and was so pleased by how it worked out. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it, but the ending is freaking grand. I wanted to cheer. For a dark SF novel, it has a lot of hope and passion running through it. I'm looking forward to getting a signed copy from Tammy when it's published. (Note: I'm not sure what Spore's genre really is. Like the best novels, it blends plenty of elements. Horror adventure? Dark SF? It uses genre elements to support its theme, which is different from a lot of horror novels that have horrific elements for their own sake rather than to propel the story forward. If that makes sense.)
- I wrote a review of Holly Lisle's Hunting the Corrigan's Blood and posted it on Amazon and on my blog. Great book! I'm looking forward to the sequel.
- I did filing and cleaned my desk and the area around it.

The not-so-good stuff:
- Most of my family treated my launch of Tales of Bethlehem with indifference. I wish I didn't let it hurt me, but I do. And you'd think I'd be used to it, but I'm not. But it's okay. Well, I mean I will survive it, like I always have.
- Black dog has me by the throat. Bad time when I need to get so much done. Makes it so hard to get up, to keep the house clean, to schedule book signings, update my blogs, keep all the balls in the air. Same old song. Just have to endure, and then it will get better.
- Speaking of the launch, I had two people tell me that they ordered the book, but they didn't. They don't know I can track the sales. I didn't tell them. I think they wanted to show they supported me. I guess. I just couldn't see any point in telling them that they hadn't. And maybe they meant to or mean to or something. Won't worry about it.
- Not doing National Novel Writing Month. Couldn't work up the energy this year. Miss being a part of it.
- Writers group is having a crisis. The president wants to quit, and no one wants to be president. I feel this pressure from people that I should, but I don't want to. Uncomfortable.
- Blood sugar is creeping up, and I'm not exercising. I need to, but it's so dang hard by myself. And then I beat myself up for not exercising.
- Money is tight. Same old gut-wrenching song.
- Life seems to getting away from me, you know?

The Week Ahead:
- Continue publicity for Tales. Get two book signings scheduled.
- Household chores.
- Start walking again at the gym by myself, dang it!
- Get more sleep.
- Flu shot. Got to do that.

And that's it.

November's Here. November's Here!

Yeah. I'm not sure what's so great about it either.  But here it is.

The Good Stuff:
  • NaNo is off to a decent start.
  • Tales from Bethlehem has been published and I'm awaiting the copies I ordered.  The signed bookplates arrived today (Thank you!).
  • San Antonio yard is mowed and edged.  Should be last mow for the year. I hope.
  • Early voting accomplished.
  • Yuengling Black and Tans delivered to Twitter friend, and we enjoyed meeting him and his wife in person.
The Not So Good Stuff:
  • Hubby wants a mobile picture frame that he can view photos of lanterns, car parts, etc. on. As he's describing what he wants, I realize an iPad Mini with a Bento database will provide the results he wants.  But he doesn't want an iPad, and whatever he gets has to allow him to swap SD cards of pictures that he's going to painstakingly embed the text he wants into the .jpg image (can you begin to imagine the sheer laboriousness of that effort?) so it will display on the screen. He's looking at a Samsung Galaxy Tab, which will probably do the job, but it's not quiiite what he wants. I'd love to put this search out of my mind and ignore him, but then I still have to listen to him whine and moan about how "nobody makes what I want." *Runs screaming from the room.*
  • Plumbing. In San Antonio house. Is a mess and getting worse.  Sigh. Thankfully, the toilet, washer, and kitchen sink still work. For now.
  • I plan a trip to San Antonio specifically so plumbing work can get done, and we don't do any of it.  Things don't go as hubby plans, and it seems to short-circuit his brain. My suggestions won't work for whatever reason, so I just do what I do and wait. Then he says he didn't want to interrupt me from what I was doing as a reason why we didn't get something done.  I think I'm a convenient excuse to blame for any reason he wants or needs to procrastinate on a task. Tediousness.  Just mildly frustrated.  Pay me no mind.
The Week Ahead:
  • Continue NaNo story.  I'm thinking this could be an interactive story or one story told from multiple viewpoints.  It's beginning to get tricky.  I did back off the six first person POV approach and have changed to one first person with five thirds (whew!). I may wind up doing a lot of experimentation in the draft (what else is NaNo for?).
  • Trim, edge, and mow Central TX house and store property.
  • Make what I guess amounts to a procrastination to do list and begin knocking off items on the list.  Nothing on the list that takes more than five minutes to do, and just "get 'em done"! Which, technically, is 95% of the items on my Today list in Things.  I guess I don't have to procrastinate on making the list.  It's right there.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Tales from Bethlehem released!

Tales from Bethlehem  by Stephen B. Bagley is available now! Enjoy these touching and funny Tales of everyone else at the Nativity. Here's the link: Tales from Bethlehem