Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy July 4th!

Yes, we have problems as a nation -- and what nation since the dawn of time has not? -- but I'm proud to be an American, blessed to live in this diverse and amazing nation, humbled by the sacrifices of those who have given their lives to keep us free, and excited when looking forward to our future. The naysayers and political pundits like to highlight our shortcomings, conveniently ignoring our past and continuing accomplishments. We truly have changed the face of the world, and although we have made grievous mistakes, we have also been an unrelenting force for freedom and liberty. God has blessed us immensely, and may He continue to do so! Happy Fourth of July!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Long week

It's been a long week, it feels, but things got done. I should perhaps say that in capitals: THINGS GOT DONE.

I caught up on the monthly newsletter, caught up on my filing, made significant progress on Floozy Comes Back, and finally finished my "Spring" cleaning.

However, the walking and cardiac program suffered. I'm hoping now that I'm caught up on so many things that I can use my time effectively and schedule in the necessary walking, exercise, and diet. The diet takes time because I have to prepare food instead of enjoying the convenience of restaurants. Everything in the world but enough time and money. :)

This week, of course, I'll be celebrating the 4th and working on the meeting for the writing group. I had a presentation prepared, but now I'm redoing it to be more streamlined and not so expansive. I was attempting to cover too much material in one meeting and thus couldn't focus on all the main points. The good news is I should have enough material for two more programs from the research on this one.

Otherwise, it's a week of writing, chores, this month's newsletter, funnies on Facebook, Floozy, etc. What's your week looking like?


Wow, it's been slow around here. I'm glad it's not just me.

I feel like life has gotten more complicated lately. It's partly to do with the new job, although as far as jobs go, the day-to-day is low maintenance. It's partly a tech thing, and I feel ancient. Our e-mail is powered through g-mail, so now I have 2 accounts, and I'm forever getting them mixed up. Logging in here was a challenge because it thought I wanted the church account. And setting up the church Facebook page? Oy. Don't get me started.

I'm in that weird place where days seem super long, but all of a sudden a week has passed. I guess I'm getting things done, but progress seems painfully slow. This weekend has been better. Eric has a long weekend, perfectly timed for once, so we've gotten more done. The basement looks so much better, and we have a game plan for when our in-coming company has gone home to finish the rest. Well, the rest of Phase I. At some point we'd like to have finished living space down there, but that's going to take building permits and we aren't there yet. Patio first.

Speaking of which, I asked our landscaper (who is also a friend) if there was anything we could do to prep the back yard to help cut the cost a little. I thought he'd tell me to move some plants or get gutters put up on the garage and relocate the rain barrels. Maybe take out the grass. Nope! He said we can dig out the spruce roots. If they're not taken out, they'll decompose and compromise my patio over time. I get that. I had no idea how to start.

No biggie. I bought a pick axe and turned to YouTube. Did you know you can dig up the skinny runner roots of spruce trees and strip the back to make rope? It totally makes sense. I had no idea. Now I have to use that in a book. YouTube wasn't much help otherwise, but I wasn't about to call mea culpa so fast. I have a new pick axe, after all. This morning I went out to weed the garden and decided to put a little time into destroying my back yard. The pictures are on Facebook. It's going to take some work. We'll have sweat equity invested in our new patio, that's for sure. In other news, I'm really out of shape, and digging for roots with a pick axe is good cardio.

In the garden, I have tomato flowers. Oh, and I better go turn off the soaker hose.

That's what's going on here. What are y'all up to?