Sunday, June 25, 2017

Looking up

Ah, CreateSlate. I don't mean to neglect you. It seems I only have so much energy to divide among so many projects, but I AM getting some creative things done as well as catching up on chores so...things are looking up.

Mind you, I might be jinxing myself, but maybe we finally have my meds right so that I can function. Maybe not at the level I functioned before, but at least I'm not draped across a couch in a stupor staring mindlessly at the TV.

What have I been working on? Last week, I published and mailed two newsletters, posted on two of my blogs, started a long overdue update of another one, updated a friend's blog, walked more than 5,000 steps most days, caught up on the household chores (for the most part), worked on Floozy Comes Back, kept a writing group page up-to-date, and so on. I used to do more--I blurred back then; ha!--but this is such an improvement to the previous weeks, I feel blessed.

This week, I will publish another newsletter and work on one to be published next week. And then I will be caught up on them! I will post on my blogs. I will work on Floozy Comes Back. I will--unfortunately--do household chores. Mostly I will do what I did this week. And if I do all that, and maybe a couple more things, I will be pleased.

What will you be doing this week that will please you? Hope you do many things that do.