I got the blood work done, cats to the vet, donated blankets to the vet (woo hoo! now I get new blankets!), got my packages in the mail, got caught up on laundry.
Thank you Stephen and Wendy for your comments on Rhonda's story. With your feedback, we'll get her to be someone people want to read about yet.
Christmas cards are addressed and ready to be put into the mail. Holiday "shopping" is done.
The Week Ahead:
- I have my semi-annual doctor visit this Friday. I'm going to ask about the sciatic pain -- perhaps an x-ray to make sure I don't have an undiagnosed back problem? I'll discuss the pros and cons of another steroid injection in my knee as well as ask for the necessary orthopedic referral to get the process started for the right knee replacement.
- Mr. L has an appointment with his cardiologist on Monday. I'm going to drive him down on Monday and bring him back on Tuesday. We'll take Rossie and Sapphire with us and leave the rest of the kitties here on towers. We're hoping to have a plan of action for what Mr. L can expect.
- In the middle of those two, I'm going to work around the house and yard a little bit at a time to begin to make some headway. We've been so distracted since the end of August, and it shows.