Overall, not a bad week. Any week that is relatively drama-free is good in my book. Here's the break-down.
Writing: Better. I wrote 6 days and logged 4,782 words. They're coming a little easier now, and I think I *might* be closing in on the end. Writing drama included the loss of words in Write It Now that you all saw on Facebook. I did manage to recover those words with the 3rd backup file. I've used Write It Now for years with no problem, but twice in a month scared me. I bought Scrivener and am transitioning to it. Importing the current document was easier than I thought it would be. (At some point I'm going to have to find the proper title for this book. I've started the 6th month working on it with the MC's name as the working title.)
Clutter: I went through my closet and weeded out some shirts I no longer wear. I never did make the Good Will run last week, but I'm shooting for tomorrow. I'd like to report more, but that's about it.
Health: Second straight week of no weight loss, but I did lose another inch total. I'm not worried yet. One of my friends at work who is also doing Weight Watchers said she went about 3 weeks after the first month with no weight loss, and the 4th week she lost 4 lbs. As long as I'm making progress, that's good enough for me. What I do need to improve is researching restaurants. We went out yesterday and I was shocked at the point total for vegetarian lasagna and a salad when I looked up the nutritional information on their website when I got home. Eating at home is not a problem; I just need to go through cookbooks and find some new recipes. Stir-fry is getting monotonous. Eating out is the current challenge but if I research it ahead of time, I can compensate through the day.
I did get to the gym 3 times again; 2 yoga and one treadmill. On the downside, when I was walking on the treadmill yesterday, at one point I had 20-something women running on either side of me. Yep, felt a little old there for a while. If she's 10 years younger, that's one thing, but 20 hits a little harder!
Misc: Actively trying not to become too attached to the grandcat. It wouldn't be a problem except that the boyfriend still intends to take her with him when he finds a place to live. It's not easy when I'm home with her more than anyone else. She hangs out in my office when I'm working, and when I leave, she follows me. The others are still a little jealous, but they seem to be okay as long as they get their share of snuggles. I'm ground zero for feline cuddles.
Sounds like all in all you had a good week! Yippee!!
SUPER CONGRATS on the great writing counts! I knew you could do it!!! {{huggs}}
I totally understand about the grand cat. Our Malaysia *was* our daughter's cat, but she went off to college when Malaysia was a mere 5 months old and who then cuddled her, played with her, brushed her, stayed up all night telling her she was a good mama when she had her babies, dealt with all her various health issues, hand fed her so she'd put on weight, and on and on and on? Me, that's who, while her 'owner' was too busy being, well, young and busy. lol So when Laura was prepping to move out, I informed her that Malaysia was staying. I love my Princess Stinky Butt, yes I do. lol
Don't worry about the weight loss or lack thereof yet. Keep working the program. The one inch tells you it's working. Remember my description last week, progress, sidestep, progress, fall back, progress, sidestep, etc. I figure slower progress allows the full body to adjust and will be healthier in the long run.
I try to prep for restaurants as much in advance as possible by cruising on-line menus and planning ahead. Otherwise, you're just asking for trouble.
I'm so glad you were able to recover your work. Whew!
I love Scrivener, but I haven't begun to figure out how to use all the original features let alone all the great features added to version 2.0. Since I'm working revisions on a document that was written in Word, I figure I'll work on new features later.
For what it's worth, I rarely get to check the "healthy oil" box on the healthy checks tracker. I use Pam spray in the pan when I make my egg, peppers, and onion thingy in the morning. Invariably, stuff still clings to the pan. This morning, I decided to try a dollop of olive oil in the pan. It added flavor to the egg mixture and very little stuck to the pan.
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