Sunday, April 29, 2012

Planned, did, will do

This is what I planned for last week:
- 10-20 pages on On Target.
- Rewrite Chapters 4 & 5 on MBTM.
- Walk at least three days at the gym and try for four. On the days I don't walk, I use my exercise bike, but I get a better workout at the gym.
- Start the May newsletter so maybe it will be on time for once.
- Usual household chores.
- Design bookmarks for Creations 2012.
- Design bookmarks for MBTM.
- Attempt to learn how to use the forums at Holly Lisle's site. I'm so confused there.

 This is what I did of what I planned:
- Usual household chores.

 Yes, that's it. I got nothing else done on my list. It was a bad week for me. I hurt my left ankle -- stretched or micro-torn the ligament, apparently from walking -- and I dealt with that all week. I got an ankle brace Friday morning, and it has really helped. I hope to resume my regular exercise -- scaled down a bit -- on Monday.

Also, the black dog leaped up and took me down. I don't know why. I collapsed into my recliner, watched mindless TV, nursed my ankle, thought black thoughts, and so on. Not particularly productive in any sense. 

Anyway, things are better today. I did deliver most of the anthologies to the writers group Saturday morning and even gave the "lesson." I did okay. I rushed too much, but I wanted it over before I had to hurl myself across the table and strangle a particular member who wants to argue with everyone about everything. The group has been talking about asking him to leave if he can't modify his more unpleasant habits. I don't want that to happen, but I must admit that he really is an obstacle to advancement. My favorite comments from Saturday: "Stephen King is just a fluke. He only had one good book. I don't even think he's writing anymore." And "Rowling is another fluke. She has no talent. She won't do anything after Potter." Those are his opinions, of course, and he's allowed to have them. His problem is that he expects everyone to agree, and when they don't, he wants to convince them of their wrongness. I've never seen anyone so insecure. 

Anyway, there's what I plan for this week:
- 10-20 pages on On Target.
- Rewrite Chapters 4 & 5 on MBTM.
- Walk at least three days at the gym and try for four.
- Publish the May newsletter.
- Usual household chores.
- Design bookmarks for Creations 2012.
- Design bookmarks for MBTM.
- Attempt to learn how to use the forums at Holly Lisle's site. Still confused there.

 So there we are. Wish me luck! And good luck to you, too!


Jean said...

The Black Dog has been on the loose and running amok.

I'd be tempted to ask the objectionable person to leave the group, too. On the other hand, I guess we can all be objectionable in some cases, so it's hard to say what the right thing to do is.

What are you finding most confusing about Holly's forums. So far, I don't think I've had any trouble with them, so I may be able to help.

Tammy Jones said...


This next week will be better. I try to keep dog biscuits around to distract that danged dog!

Wendy said...

Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!!!! Where's that dang tiger?

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