Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mission statement

The idea behind Createslate is to give creative people a support as well as an accountability website as they pursue their creative satisfaction. I think one of the best ways to do that is to set a daily goal and be accountable to other people for the accomplishment of that day's goal.

For instance, a writer might choose to write a certain number of words a day or certain number of pages. An artist might choose to sketch one sketch a day, or a knitter might choose to knit so many rows a day. What matters is giving to your craft that daily time.

It's said to master a craft, you must give 1000 hours to it. Createslate is a way to address that time requirement for creative people.

In 2011, my daily goal is 500 to 1000 words a day. When I accomplish this at the end of the year, I will have given my craft at least 500 dedicated hours. I expect to learn a lot from this experience. I'm giving myself 14 days of vacation and/or sick leave. In other words, I'm going to treat my writing like a job.

I hope that the other authors on this blog will also make a daily, weekly, or monthly goal. We can cheer each other on, give advice to one another, critique when needed, and support our quest for creative satisfaction.

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