Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Tax Edition

Sure, I can blame it on the taxes, right?  I feel blah this week.  Yes, we owe.  We paid quarterly, guestimating what we would owe, and we still owe more.  Sigh.  We'll write the checks (to add insult to injury, the first quarterly payment on 2012 taxes is also due on Tuesday) and get everything in mail by Tuesday.  Since I finished 2011 taxes, I reviewed 2010, and yes, I did pay for half the Roth conversion last year, contrary to what the instructions told me to do.  So, after 2011's excitement dies down and we get back from the Grand Tour, I'll traipse into the IRS office in San Antonio and ask them how they want me to handle the error.  I would dearly love them to say, just add a note to next year's taxes saying you inadvertently paid two years early, but I suspect that will just confuse the matter, so I'll probably have to amend the return, get money back, and file 2012's as it should be.  Yes, it's a good problem to have, but still.

The Good Stuff:

- We got a fair amount of work done on the west wall this week.
- I got the lawn watered.
- I got more work done on MAY DAYS.
- I rebuilt a lamp.

The Not So Good Stuff:

- I feel blah.
- I didn't get any work done on PBOTL, but Lady has begun slashing the manuscript, so I had better hop to it.  Pushy, pushy cat.
- I didn't ride the bike or do any Wii work.
- Hubby hasn't looked at the riding mower, and I'm going to need to mow again soon. 
- We have a tree to remove at the store building, and we'd forgotten about it until we drove by on the way to Temple this week.

The Week Ahead:

- Mail packages to Tammy (Wireless Wii Sensor Bar and video cable) and Stephen (info packet on a medication of possible interest)
- Work on PBOTL
- Work on MAY DAYS
- Mow everywhere
- Trim everywhere
- Drive to SA on Wednesday, renew hubby's dependent ID on Thursday, New Braunfels Swap Meet on Friday and Saturday, truck for minor repair at body shop on following Monday (that embarrassing Feb rest area incident)

Oh, if you're looking for the labels in this new clean slate format, they're on the right sidebar.  What a pain.


Jean said...

Sigh. We took rocks to the ranch yesterday. Poison ivy at the gate. I opened and closed the gate to get on and off the property. I came home and immediately washed to my elbows and face with Technu, then took a shower.

Last night, I was sweating profusely, my eyes itched, and this morning, I have little bubbles on my right index knuckle, my face still itches and feels hot. Sigh. Calling the doctor in the morning to make an appointment to see if I can head this off. Not happy.

It's pretty bad when you're hoping for a hot flash (I'm not sure if I am getting those or not, but that's what I feel like after I've been exposed to my favorite noxious weed) instead of an allergic reaction.

Tammy Jones said...

So sorry about the poison ivy. Again! Geesh, it's like that stuff's gunning for you!

{{huggs}}} on it and the taxes and everything else.

SBB said...

Got my taxes done, too, Jean. It's never fun.

Man, I hate to hear that poison ivy is getting you again. My roomie is wildly allergic to it the way you are. I've been fortunate that it's never really bothered me. Not that I'm going to handle a bunch!

Jean said...

Went to the doctor yesterday -- mine was booked yesterday and today, but they have a First Med clinic I can walk into anytime, and the doc there saw me. He prescribed prednisone (he says he doesn't know what the sublingual was the Army gave me before, but it wasn't prednisone -- I'm guessing it was a substitute of some kind, but it worked; now wishing I hadn't thrown the empty box away) for the poison ivy and a Z-pack for a budding sinus infection (sore throat and cough developing from post nasal drip).

While on the way home, I stopped for lunch at a little restaurant in a small town between here and Temple. When I tried to stand up after I was done eating, my right knee wouldn't work right. It's been acting up, and yesterday was a new twist. For some reason, I feel as if I am disintegrating physically these past few weeks.

In brighter news, the 2011 taxes were mailed out yesterday, and hubby will get the check for the first quarterly payment on 2012 today and get it mailed out before the deadline tonight.

Wendy said...

I'm sorry to hear about the poison ivy and the knee. And a sinus infection too? Wow. Feel better soon!

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