Saturday, December 29, 2012

Wendy's Last Week

Apparently I didn't have any concrete 2012 goals. That explains a lot.

Good Stuff:
- We've had some good family time.
- Made some progress packing stuff from kitchen cabinets. The new cabinets will be here Friday. Not sure when they'll be installed, but I'd imagine it won't be too long after that.
- Set some concrete goals for 2013. We'll see how that works out.
- I've felt like shaking things up lately, like I don't want to waste any more time. It's not something I can really put my finger on, but it makes me wonder if this is how a caterpillar feels when it spins its cocoon.
- I'm rearranging my office to set up a reading area by the window. I'm really hoping the new configuration will lead to greater productivity.

Not So Good Stuff:
- Once again I spent too much time watching TV. I almost overdosed on HGTV.
- I'm having a hard time plotting the new book. I'm trying to dig deeper, but I seem to be digging in the wrong places because it hasn't clicked yet.
- The kid I was fencing with today whacked the crap out of my knuckle. It's really tender but not bruised. Yet. I got him back, the little bugger. ;-) All part of the process.

For 2013:

·     Make enough money to pay at least half my professional expenses.
·   Keep the new kitchen clean.
·   Give to the food bank at least three times.
·   Keep five notes in the car for people standing on the corners.
·   Seriously declutter. I have no idea how to measure this.
·   Do at least 1 bible study.
·   Learn more ways to defend myself.
o  Practice the ways I already know.
·   Write 150,000 book words.

Have a great new year! See you on the flip side!


Jean said...

"Wendy's Last Week" sounds so final. Eerie. Sounds like you had some good good stuff. As for the not so good stuff, it's not so bad, except it's been happening more than you would like. As for the fencing whack -- wow. Good for you for returning the favor.

Those goals sound achievable -- as long as you have the specifics of how you'll achieve them worked out. You know, the next steps to get from where you are now to the achievement level. (I figure you've done some of that -- the specific steps are usually a little too ugly to post in public.)

Happy New Year!

SBB said...

Your 2013 plan sound good. "Notes in car?" What is that?

Wendy said...

Jean, it does sound final! It's a little creepy now that you've pointed it out! The knuckle is better today; not as tender.

Stephen, I'm going to keep $5 bills in the car so I have them handy when I see someone on the street corner. I know some people think it's stupid to give them money, but I never miss what I give, and it they use it for drugs or booze, that's on them. I don't know if they're a junkie or a "least of these" and I prefer to give the benefit of the doubt.

Jean said...

I've sometimes fallen for the rest area scams and donated to help someone who claims to be stranded. Maybe they needed help and maybe they didn't, but I totaled my car outside the Philadelphia airport one night going to see a friend off who was returning to Iceland from leave. I had $18 in my pocket and had accidentally left my military ID in my checkbook at home in Glen Burnie, MD. I was due to report in to my new duty station the next morning. I made it home because of the kindness of strangers who trusted my story that night.

Tammy Jones said...

I miss HGTV and the FoodNetwork.


Sounds great, hon! I, too, donate what I can, when I can, especially if the person(s) has children with them. I dunno how many folks we've given cash, gas, or rides to over the years. Gobs.

Have a great 2013. Write lots, and have fun! {{hugs}}

SBB said...

Wendy, I think having the bills in your car is one of the nicest and kindest things I've ever heard of. Good for you!

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