Saturday, December 15, 2012

Worn out

Whew. A busy week. I'm worn out, but it's from good things. Two book signings in one week are a bit much, but I know authors who do four or five a week so I need to build up my endurance.

I had enough books. Ended up with 11 left. Some will go back down to the store that are selling them for me. The rest I'm going to sell to anyone who wants an autographed book and bookmark for $15, which includes postage (but only in the U.S.). I have the mailing envelopes that fit the books so it should be relatively easy to do. I guess I'll have them send me a check. Maybe I should investigate PayPal. That's something to work out next week.

Speaking of next week:
-- Wrap Christmas presents.
-- Publish and mail December family newsletter.
-- Household chores.
-- Rest.
-- Sing carols.
-- Cook more. Been eating out too much. Can't afford it, and frankly, I don't think the food is worth what restaurants charge for it.
-- Start exercising regularly again.
-- Work on the outline for "Murder by the Mile." Decided to finish and publish it next.
-- Pay bills.
-- And so on and so on.

Hope y'all have a great week!


Jean said...

So glad your book signings went well. Good work on increasing your stamina.

PayPal can be handy. I resisted them for years but finally got an account a couple of years ago. I got the kind I can use if I want to set up a business. Eventually, you'll have to "get verified ." I've had the account for a couple of years now, and I noticed I was soon to hit the limits where they would cut me off if I didn't provide the information they wanted -- bank account (I was operating on my credit card). It was a mild pain, but it all worked out.. The only hassle, since I didn't want to use my bank account for it, and it defaults to the bank account once they have it ( and it won't let me change it permanently) is I have to manually change it to select the credit cards every transaction. Annoying, but I don't do many, so I deal with it.

SBB said...

Thanks, Jean.

I kinda dread using PayPal. There are a lot of horror stories about it on the net. But those are have to be a small fraction of the millions of transactions they do.

Jean said...

The key for me (regarding whether email from them is Spam or not) is to remember that a legit PayPal email ALWAYS uses your name.

It can make on-line transactions with small business people much simpler. It allows you to take credit cards without having to set up a relationship there.

A high school classmate of mine has been working an EBay business, and he and his wife also offered Buckeyes in time for Christmas (a chocolate and peanut butter candy). They take check or money order, but since they were in Ohio, I could pay them via PayPal, and it was painless for both of us. By me paying them, they were able to buy some supplies, enabling them to make more product and sell more candies. I don't them no rush on shipping, but my order is on its way.

I won't say I love them, but PayPal and, perhaps Square (if you have a smartphone), are two financial tools for mobile small business people that make transactions easier and safer.

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