Monday, December 29, 2014

Made it

I got through Christmas Day fine with Eric. In fact, it was kind of nice to sit and watch movies together. The only downside was we sat around doing nothing so long I had a hard time getting to sleep that night.

The trip downstate was nice. Sort of. After living here for a year, Mascoutah seems bleak and depressing. We got to see some friends during our short time there, which was a lot of fun. I'm more glad than ever the job there fell through. We've started a game plan to sell the house, and the kids were all for it, which tells me it really is time to move on. We'll be back down in the area from time to time for Games and to visit Vicky, so we'll get to see friends, but the house isn't home anymore. It needs to be passed along to a nice family who can take advantage of the quiet area and good schools. Our target date to put it on the market is mid-April, which means I'll be making a couple trips down there to get the place spruced up, things moved to storage or sold, and small repairs done.

That's about it for now. I've got some loose ends to tie up but nothing earth shaking on the calendar for this week. I suppose if I'm going to set some goals for the new year I'd better get on that.


SBB said...

Sounds like a nice Christmas. Sounds like my regular Christmas! Although I try to get out in the afternoon some on Christmas. Visit friends or walk around the park if it's not too cold.

Tammy Jones said...

{{hugs}} and Happy New Year! (well, in a couple of days) ;)

Jean said...

You're feeling much better about closing out the Mascoutah chapter of your lives. This time with keeping the house seems to have been beneficial. If you'd pressured yourselves to sell earlier! You might not have had the peace with the decision you have now.

Wendy said...

Jean, we were open to selling the house last year but the realtor who came to take a look didn't think we'd get what we needed to get. I'm going to get a couple more opinions soon. It did, however, work out nicely that Vicky was willing to move back there. If nothing else, it got her out of a bad neighborhood and she wasn't anywhere near Ferguson when the crap hit the fan. She and the ex-BF were the only white people in their neighborhood.

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