Wednesday, February 1, 2017

January's journeys

In January, I went to medical appointments. Looking back over my calendar, you would think I had my own parking space at the doctors. Well, maybe not. But it was a rough month. Had several medical problems that all surfaced at the same time, ending with a spine trouble that is still going on. Sigh. However, making progress on that front, prognosis is good, so let's move on.

As for writing, I've been working on Floozy Comes Back, which will be my first book this year. My plan is to publish around the first of June. So far, that seems a doable deadline. It's not as easy as the first Floozy because it's new material, expanded old material, new cartoons, etc. Here's the current cover. Of course, it will probably change.

I also posted each week in my personal blog, 51313 Harbor Street, and my book blog, Stephen B. Bagley's Books (which needs a new name). I continued to help Kelley Benson with his Kelley Benson's Books (which also needs a new name.) And I helped my friend Kathy Akins start her blog, Paws and Reflect (which is a clever name for her collection of devotionals and essays). I also did a three videos about marketing and creativity in general for a new writing group.

I also started looking at Murder by the Mile and working on redoing the outline so that the story flows better as well presenting a good mystery. I'm not sure there will be fourth book in this series so I want to leave the characters in a good place just in case. Still...I thought of a new way to kill a person the other day. It won't fit in this book....

Well, that's my January. I'm hoping to do more writing in February if my body will let me...and I've believing it will. Hope you have a great, productive month!


Tammy Jones said...

I'm glad your prognosis is good after all of your medical issues. Get feeling better soon. {{{hugs}}

Progress on so many writing and marketing fronts sounds fantastic!

SBB said...

Thanks! :)

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