Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Jean's January

January had it's ups and downs, but overall, I feel upbeat about it.  Here's a progress update:

True Health is coming along well. I took weight, measurements, and before pictures for both DDP Yoga and Young Living. I'm participating in Young Living's Slique in 60 Challenge. I lost 6.7 pounds in January using the methods I outlined at the beginning of the month. I'm also taking Young Living's CitraSlim supplement -- it helps me "skip afternoon snacks and feel victorious!" It came out with the new products introduced at convention last June, and I tried it, didn't lose and weight, and thought ho-hum. BUT. I did notice that I didn't feel my afternoon hunger pangs when I took it. I hadn't stopped snacking because that was a habit. Once I realized I wasn't feeling hungry in the afternoon, I re-evaluated the product and committed to using it in conjunction with mentally reminding myself (I skip afternoon snacks and feel victorious!), and I've been pleased with the results I'm achieving. I'm finding it helpful. We were in Walmart last week in a mid-afternoon, I noticed my favorite potato chips (hard to find -- crosscut black pepper and cheddar) on the shelf,  and I wasn't hungry for them. Wasn't even interested in them (usually I stock up on six to ten bags when I find them somewhere). I was pleasantly astonished.

DDP Yoga participation came to a grinding halt when I cracked my kneecap mid-month. Being in an immobilizer brace is not conducive to yoga. Essentially, I spend ten weeks in the brace before I can resume normal activities.

Travel. I paid for my Alaskan cruise. Mr. L and I completed the trip to Mississippi to buy antique auto parts and helped my brother celebrate his 49th birthday -- first time in 15 years he's had any family nearby to celebrate with him. His girlfriend's family cooked burgers and dogs and made the most amazing homemade french fries for dinner. This month, I buy the Auto Train tickets for October.

Writing. I wrote a couple of paragraphs for Granite Hill and revised a scene for Geeks. Better than nothing, but not by much.

Cats. Daisy has her second set of kitten shots and her rabies shot. She's due for her third set of kitten shots on February 20th, and I'll schedule her for spaying the first week of April. She forgave me a little quicker after this vet visit than after the last one. Daisy now weighs 3.12 pounds. She's really quite a sweetheart, and I'm hoping because we've been able to interact with her at a younger age that she'll be better socialized than Nick (who isn't too bad). Poor Zelda. She wants to be a social kitty, but she doesn't quite know how.

I opened the door to the dining room yesterday, and Sneaky disappeared. Later in the day, Mr. L found her on sleeping on my bed, and that's where she spent the night last night. Ajax found her this morning, and they had an altercation. Sneaky remains upstairs for now, and I'm happy to see her out, but I think she's hiding under my bed now, so we'll see how this goes.

Sapphire sometimes sleeps by my feet. I'm amused that I can rub her through the blankets with my foot, but I can't pet her. Oh, well, this is a step in the right direction for her.

Tarzan seems to be recovering well from a bladder infection -- he's more snuggly than usual. He and Lady go in for their annual exams and vaccinations later this month -- probably when I take Daisy in for her shots.

As for Harmony, I was complaining to myself how things are most harmonious when we're doing what Mr. L wants to do. Then I realized my idea of a good time is staying home, so I do get to do what I want to do most of the time. The mental adjustment put me in a pretty good place, and I'm ready for February!


SBB said...

A busy January! I like hearing about your cats. It's amazing how interesting I find those little tidbits. It's like hearing about distant relatives. And remember...I'm a dog guy. :)

Everything sounds great...except...we need more writing from you! :) (Just a little nagging.)

Hope you have a great, productive February!

Tammy Jones said...

Other than the kneecap - OUCH!! - that sounds like a pretty great month, Jean. It's especially nice to hear about the kitties. :)


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