Friday, September 30, 2016

September wrap-up

Wow, not really sure how we have finished September already. I had to look at my calendar to make sure I had the right month because that doesn't seem right.

The long and short of it is I logged 31 hours and 5,474 words this month. Since I'm unlikely to get more today I'm comfortable recording it here. Not terribly happy about it since it wasn't more on both points, but I can't fix it. I did publish Saved By The Bell on Kindle and sold 5. I was pleased with the experience of getting it posted. It was easier than I thought. I'm going to do more, but I have to decide if I want to do them individually or package them together. I'm not making the decision today. I also finished the first draft and 2/3 of the second draft of Awakening and made a start on the next book. I'm currently exploring other ways to expand the world. Oh, and I tweaked my office to give me a standing desk option, although I didn't count that in my hours.

In non-writing accomplishments, I went to Indiana to help my dad sell off a little of his ridiculously large black powder guns and pieces collection. It was more to get a feel for what all the little doodads are and how much they cost. I also attended my grandmother's birthday party and reconnected with my cousins. I think we'll be attending that side's Thanksgiving dinner this year. We're going to my mom's instead of staying home and we can easily stop by there on the way home. Oh, and I took the cats to the vet today. I'm currently being shunned, but they've had their shots and pedicures, so we're good for another year. The next kitten we get will be leash trained and will go for rides in the box on a much more frequent basis so it's less traumatic for all of us.

This weekend I'll be in Racine, WI for our church's annual women's retreat. I've gone twice before. This year I'm helping with music and giving a short testimony on Sunday about our move to The Big City.

That's all the news here that's worth reporting. Hope y'all had a good month.

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