Wednesday, September 14, 2016

I think I might be overthinking

Or maybe, now that I've slowed down a little, all the things I've ignored over the summer finally see their chance to get attention. Or maybe I'm not drinking enough water.

Who the heck knows?

It appears, at least for the next couple months, the day job schedule is paperwork on Monday, pull shifts Tuesday and Wednesday, and have the rest of the week for personal stuff. That includes picking and preserving tomatoes and peppers, and the usual household stuff, but the biggest part will be writing related stuff. I'm thinking through how to expand the dragon rider world, which could easily blow itself way out of proportion but also helps me clarify some things for the marketing side. I've written in a few different genres the last couple of years, and my marketing/social media guru says I need a focus. It's super hard to find one thing, one schtick, while writing in several genres. Sticking with fantasy for a while helps me narrow it down, and it can extend into Steampunk and dystopian without a big stretch. So maybe I'll be able to make some progress there.

The other thing is getting stuff up on Kindle, which is completely overwhelming me. It's new territory and I haven't had the time to devote to doing the process from start to finish. I do now, and I keep saying I'm going to, but of course I haven't. I just need to pick one of the stories from BFF and go for it. This week. Darn it.

It's getting cooler here, but I still have a lot of produce ripening in the garden. I expect that's going to slow down soon. Tomatoes and peppers love it the heat, and we're in the 70's now with some 50's at night. I love it but my garden won't. That's fine. It's starting to be less fun. I have a lot of cayenne peppers, way more than I thought I'd get. Tomorrow I'm going to try hot water bath canning (since my pressure canner is missing an important piece and I'm running out of freezer space), and while it's going I'll make some hot pepper oil. Alex will use it if nothing else. I need to figure out how to preserve green peppers. Or maybe we just need to eat them.

So that's about it here. What's up with you guys?

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