Saturday, September 17, 2016

WARNING: This Post Will Make You Tired

You've been warned. All you, "Jean makes me so tired" people. I'm looking at you. I came to San Antonio to do yard work, and I have managed to get a few things done. I did just a little bit each day, but it adds up.

First, when I got here on Sunday, I had some limbs Mr. L had dragged from the front yard to the driveway to cut up and put out for the trash guys. I took care of that Sunday afternoon.

Monday morning, I took the truck in for service and wound up leaving it for an AC vent problem. My loaner MKC was just fine. After I got Monday morning errands completed (namely, a credit union run for walking around cash for the next month and a half), I tackled the alley hedge, which had become very overgrown. It's still too tall, but I've shaved the sides down so my beloved trash truck guys can get down the alley unmolested. I bagged those trimmings, and the trash guys made a second pick up for me that afternoon. Sometimes they do that, and I love them for it.

Tuesday, I mowed the alley and the back yard. I did a little trimming.

Wednesday, I cut up more of the limbs in the driveway and began clipping hackberries and china berries that have been cropping up all over the yard. Those were waiting for the trash guys on Thursday.

Thursday, I trimmed the bushes in the side yard and bagged them. I cut a few more opportunistic hackberries. I also picked up the truck. They did the normal service items and replaced a bad AC vent actuator. No more little man in the dash knocking furiously asking to get out.

Friday, I pulled all the overgrown grass off the patio. It was threatening to overwhelm the AC unit.

This morning, I ventured into the shrimp plant bed and cut out about fifteen trash trees, about half of which had trunks an inch in diameter. They have been dragged to the curb for the trash guys to get on Monday. I have quite a pile for them.

I still need to take the hedge clippers to the patio hedge, sweep the leaves and other debris from the patio, and bag that debris. I may do that tomorrow.

What is not going to get done this trip is clipping out the 20-50 hackberries that have sprung up behind the shed and the BBQ in the back corner of the yard. I won't get the dead lower limbs removed from the red oak in the front yard either. Maybe when I come down for early voting at the end of October or in December. Unless Mr. L helps me on Monday, we aren't going to get the dead tree trunk cut up in the back yard or the dead tree next to the shed taken down either.

Despite all that, I'm pleased with my progress in eliminating the evidence of what amounts to two years of neglect due to my knee recovery.

In other news, I got the new DirecTV box ordered to replace the one that died. Mr. L brings that with him on Monday. I'm getting a few things done in the house. I plan to take down the cat cage and store it in the garage. I don't anticipate we're going to need it anymore. When we bring a trailer down, we'll take it back to Central Texas to store in the garage up there. We'll both be happy to have that space in the den back. I suppose I need to take care of the large box of shredding as well as the three other boxes of shredding that need to be taken care of. I won't get it all done, of course, but I need to begin making a dent in it. 

I head back to Central Texas on Tuesday afternoon.

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Wendy said...


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