Thursday, December 1, 2016

End of November

I don't know how it's this late in the year, and I don't know why I'm surprised about it. I've said the same thing multiple times a year for at least 25 years. *sigh*

I'm 12,130 words into Derrith's epic adventure. There is a chance that could be shortened about 2500 words if I decide the first two scenes are back story and need to be recycled. That's not a decision for today, or maybe even for this year.

November stats:
Words: 7420
Hours: 26

Year to date:
Words: 58,985
Hours: 186.27

This is why I don't do Nano anymore. Thanksgiving and Grandma's final illness and funeral gutted my month. I actually did writing related stuff 14 days, which is better than I expected.

I've come to realize I'm never going to get anywhere if I let circumstances dictate my reaction. Maybe I got a little dose of wisdom for my birthday, I don't know, but I'm tired of putting off my calling because I have to go to the day job/manage the house/plan holidays/etc. All that usually ends up with me getting overwhelmed and bingeing on Netflix. So productive!

I also realized how much leverage I actually have at the day job. I'm the most reliable person on the crew. I'm the only one with the food manager certificate, which the company paid $300 for. Everyone else has a $10 food safety certificate. I do all the paperwork and transport it to the office, and I'm the tier one point of contact for everything that goes wrong. I've lost count of how many times I've been called in on my day off. I have more leverage with this job than I think I've had with any other. They don't want me to leave so they're willing to pretty much let me do as I please as long as things run smoothly and the shop is clean. I've started taking my iPad and keyboard when I work day shifts. I have several hours with no customers, usually, and the ice maker and smoothy blender make an adequate standing desk. I'm training myself to work in odd places. My goal is to drop into writing mode at will, regardless of geography and distractions.

I'm also starting to look at specific goals for 2017. In the past I've been pretty vague. Vague doesn't get big things done. I have a half century gone. It's time to go big or go home, and going home isn't an option yet. Grandma said I'm going to hit 100, too. I never once caught her in a lie.

I hope y'all had a good Thanksgiving and are having a good week.

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