Friday, December 16, 2016

Preparing to Close Out the Year

The year is rapidly closing, so I'm wrapping up loose ends and preparing for 2017. Looking back at the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016, my life was very unsettled and chaotic. Many things have changed and for the better.
Mr. L's health has stabilized, but he doesn't have the energy he had before August 2015. He's begun the process of moving his health care to Central Texas. Our relationship is more harmonious. It's always a work in progress, but I'm in a much better place with it than I was two years ago.

My "I eat before 8 pm" effort has become effortless. I'm looking for other ways to positively implement dietary and exercise changes in my life to achieve a healthier body composition. With both knees replaced and functioning well, I'm looking forward to being more active this year. I was walking well, then we went on vacation, and I got out of the habit. I'm looking forward to getting back into the habit soon -- even if it means I go to the shop on inclement mornings to ride the recumbent bike.

I've set my LoseIt! app goal, and my plan it to proactively plan my meals to consistently eat less than the daily goal. (Is there a more positive way to word that? The subconscious mind needs only positive input -- it can't handle negative instructions.)

Efforts with the outside cats are going well. My only concern is Zelda seems to have run Walter off. I haven't seen him in over a week (including on the game camera). I picked Nick up the other day, and I've been able to pet him regularly. I should be able to put him into a carrier the first week of January for his FIV booster. Zelda is letting me touch her longer, but I'm not at a point where I'm confident I'll be able to put her into a carrier for her FIV booster, but I have a couple of weeks yet. I've been able to pick Daisy up and hold her. I plan to take her with us the first week of January for her kitten shots and an exam. When I put her down, she runs away, but she does keep coming back for Fancy Feast. Purina Pro Plan is kitty crack. Everyone is easier to handle when I put that in the dish.

Inside cats are about the same. Sapphire still won't give us the time of day, but now that Rossie is staying in the parlor and going into the cage at night, the parlor door is closed during the day. That means Mr. L and I play doorman to cats. Sapphire is slowly learning to come in and go out when we hold the door. She still spends too much time hesitating at the door, but she has both gone into and come out of the room with us holding the door.

We'll begin the next wave of travel plans after the first of the year. I'll pay for my cruise. Mr. L will make motel and car reservations, then we'll be ready for the Grand Tour in May. At some point, he'll finish the route for Hershey and Auto Train in October. We both have to figure out what we want to do in Orlando. So far, it seems to be Epcot, Disney Studios, and Universal Studios.

I want to establish a routine for using essential oils in my life. So far, I take a couple capsules of Copaiba, Frankincense, and Idaho Balsam Fir a couple of days a month. I haven't taken Tylenol since my knee replacement, but I do have a few aches here and there. That oil combo seems to reduce that. I diffuse Orange to keep the litter box odor down. It seems to help, and Mr. L doesn't complain about it. I'll be studying my desk reference to help me decide where I want to focus my efforts.

I need to revise GEEKS and get back to working on my first draft of the Granite Hill Series, Book 1. There's no way I'm going to let those pieces of paper intimidate me.

That's where I am at the moment. Looking forward to hearing your plans.

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