Thursday, December 8, 2016

First of December

Dropping this here for accountability purposes. My work week officially ends in about 15 minutes. That's when I have to bundle up and go fetch Himself from the train station.

So far this month, I've worked 6 days out of 11. I've done 13.5 hours and 4,894 words. There is a small chance I could get back in here tonight or tomorrow morning and get the 106 words I need to make that an even 5,000, but I'm not planning on it. I have the 3,000 I planned for the week and other stuff to do.

We leave tomorrow morning for a weekend in Indiana with Dad and Linda. We will have our Christmas with them, and I expect Eric and Linda will do a little quilting. We might get to go shooting, too, if time permits and Linda's son doesn't mind. He's got land nearby that he hunts, so it's ideal for target practice.

Looks like the day job will be easing up. We're transitioning to winter hours, so if it stays the way it is now, I'll work about 5 hours a week between now and spring. I could claim another shift, and I might later, but right now I'm thinking about having the least impact possible on the schedule when I go on vacation this winter. I want it to be easy for all of us when I leave. There is, of course, a wildcard, but I had a Come To Jesus talk with her last week, and she seems to understand that she needs to get herself in order. Hopefully she'll hang on until March but if she doesn't I have three good candidates to call.

I'd intended to actually write down specific writing goals for 2017 but I haven't done that yet. Y'all feel free to ask me about them if I don't get it done soon.

Hope y'all are well and staying warm!

1 comment:

SBB said...

Glad to hear that your work schedule is easing up.

Oh, have you written down your specific writing goals for 2017 yet? :)

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