Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Publishing news of a sort

It's been a long frustrating day, but many things were accomplished, some of which probably shouldn't have been, but there you go. In good news, much planning has been going on for the anthology Blackbirds Third Flight. So far, we have authors Heath Stallcup, Wendy Blanton, Jean Schara, Gail Henderson, and myself in place. We are "wooing" three others who will add new perspectives to the annual anthology. I don't know how people produce a monthly magazine, though. Just getting this out yearly takes a lot of effort!

In personal news, I also wanted to tell you Floozy Comes Back is also on track for publication this year. Yes, another collection of my mishaps and adventures for people to enjoy. It's good to know my bruises and pain are a funny thing for people. But in a loving way, I'm sure. Sort of sure.

And just because I'm sharing writing news: The first five chapters of Murder by the Mile are being proofed. I haven't scheduled that book for publication this year, but it looks increasingly likely that this will be the year of three books for me. Can't promise it, but it looks that way.

Otherwise, I spend too much time at the doctor's office. I don't exercise enough, but I'm trying. Don't eat right, but I'm trying. Don't accomplish enough, but by golly and by dingo, I'm trying.

How are you doing?


Wendy said...

Not eating right or exercising enough either, but I did walk to the 7-11 up,the street last night to buy milk. I paid for a pint what I would have paid for a gallon at Meijer, but I'm not walking the 2 mile round trip at night for milk, and I needed it for my coffee this morning.

SBB said...

Meijer is a market?

I need milk, also. Drinking coffee black is two hard on my stomach. I've tried it many times, but that's just the way it is.

Wendy said...

Yes it's a grocery store chain mostly in MI, IN & northern IL. My mom shops there and I almost wept when I found one a mile from our house.

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