Sunday, March 26, 2017


As we walked into church today, I told Eric it seems like both my jobs don't play well together. When one goes well, the other doesn't. I'm not sure why the balance is so hard, but saying it out loud reduced my stress and helped turn my attitude around. It's like I called out the problem and suddenly it didn't seem so big. It'll probably still stink, but I might get lucky and have a little downtime while I'm on the clock that I can squeeze some words into. I'll take the iPad to work with me, just in case.

I got my garden started. I have 2 dozen baby tomato seedlings and a dozen green peppers. I tried to sprout seeds I saved from the small yellow sweet peppers we bought all the time at the farmers market last year, and they didn't come up. On the plus side, we went to the Garden and Flower show yesterday, and I found Allium bulbs that had been in cold storage all winter, so they're ready to plant. Usually you plant them in the fall, but I hope to have flowers this summer. Very exciting. I hope they look like this:

Isn't that fun? I love the size. They're supposed to get about 3' tall. Plus they're members of the onion family, so squirrels don't like them. Maybe I can keep them out of my bird feeder this year. Although they do make for good Cat TV. I guess I'll have to think through where to plant them. It will probably be Friday before I get to it.

So that's the excitement here. Hope y'all are doing all right.

(Photo credit:


SBB said...

Love those flowers! Unfortunately, the winds here knock tall things over. :(

Balance in life always hard. I think we all struggle with it.

Jean said...

Verbally acknowledging a challenge does seem to help defuse it.

I was just wondering if I should try to save seeds from the peppers I got from the farmers' market yesterday.

So those big purple-headed flowers are Allium, huh? Since squirrels don't like them, if you surround your bird feeder with them, do you think that would keep the squirrels away?

I'd love to get some hydrangea growing. I had lovely hydrangeas when I lived in Virginia.

Wendy said...

I thought about surrounding the bird feeder, but I'd rather have the squirrels there providing Cat TV than in the garden in back. I have some ideas I just need to noodle through. Maybe near the front steps where they'll get full sun and some shelter from the wind.

SBB said...

Hydrangeas are beautiful. I stick to petunias and marigolds. Oh, daisies, too.

Jean said...

I love petunias and daisies. Marigolds are also nice. All good ideas when I plan my gardens after the house painting is finished. I calculate that will be done in 25 years....

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