Saturday, October 26, 2013

Tryin' to Get the Feeling Again

It's no secret I've been less than enthusiastic lately.  At least, not if I listen to Stephen, who has expressed concern. I could blame a lot of other people, but, when I'm finding fault everywhere but with me, well, I know where the real problem is.  Grin. It's me.  Really.  It don't know what or why.  I'll be fine, but I'm generally grumpy and dissatisfied with everything right now.  As they say, this, too, shall pass.

The Good Stuff:
  • Thank you all for your help getting "Beginnings" ready for "prime time."  My invitation to join the fiction club is up on the blog, members are trickling in.  Huge thank yous to Stephen for sending his tribe in my direction.  I'm envious and appreciative of his leadership.
  • I think I achieved the 80% solution on the list sign up and bennies page process.  It can be better, and I'll work that out.
  • I got some logo work done last night.  I'm not happy with it, but I'll keep working.
  • I got about 2/3 of PLF module 4 listened to.  Still need to get to the last webinar.
  • Sneaky really likes to be petted, but she's still doing the dance of recognition.  Mr. L and I discussed the potential for bringing her inside at some point tonight.  I'm going to leave that decision to him. Nine cats in the house?  Too much. I think. And I'm not certain Sneaky is interested in coming in (despite her cries at the window on a regular basis).
  • After belatedly realizing I needed to mow the grass at the store (it was easily a foot tall!), it took me three days and numerous battery charges, but I finished it this afternoon.
The Not So Good Stuff:
  • I made a spinach lasagna this week.  It needs work.  I'll keep trying.  I'm just thankful Mr. L is willing to try a spinach lasagna.
  • I also made Million Dollar Spaghetti, which is pretty darn good, but Mr. L won't like it (he's not interested in spaghetti), so it's something I make when he's not here.  The recipe is in the shared Evernote folder if you're interested.
  • The five pounds I lost on vacation? It seems to have mostly found me again.
  • I've made no writing progress beyond getting Beginnings ready to post.  And, of course, that process (as you're well familiar with in your own work) had me asking myself what made me think I was a writer.  
  • My mom's been experiencing something that sounds like a nasty flu for the last two weeks.  I pray she's feeling healthier soon.
The Week Ahead:
  • Do as much internet intensive stuff as possible this week -- next week we head to SA.
  • But I have paid for 8G of data this month, so I can pretty much spend all week on line if I need to, because that's the only time we'll really need it.
  • Note to self, dial data plan back for Dec; I won't need it.
  • More yard work.
  • Design newsletter logo, begin drafting material for it, and look at NaNo prep


Tammy Jones said...

Sorry you're having such a grumpy time lately. I know how that stinks. {{hugs}}

More hugs on the kitties! I suggest you leave in or out up to Sneaky. She'll let you know if she wants in and, really, adding one cat (or two, now with your new kitten!!) really won't be that big of a change.

Glad to hear the fiction club is going well! It's so awesome you're doing this!

Here's hoping November will be BETTER!! {{hugs}}

Jean said...

Sneaky isn't asking to come in via a door -- just at a window from time to time. I think she rather enjoys her independence. At some point that may change, but I think her wanting in is more my projecting onto her than anything. You're right, though. One (or two) more, isn't really an issue, but the litter boxes are a pain. The cats really only use two of the four I have out, but I think having the extra as "overflow" (even though I scoop daily -- may have to go to twice a day) gives them peace of mind. I'll probably add another box upstairs, even though they don't use the one up there very often, there's more space to put another one up there. Mr. L doesn't really care for them in the kitchen. His nose is more sensitive than mine. Some re-thinking may be in order, though.

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