Sunday, February 8, 2015

We've dented well into February

It's after 11 on Sunday night and I've been up since a little after 6 am - after getting to bed well after 1 am - so I'm pretty tired. SPORE's ebook page proofs are proofed, tho, on time and under budget as I like to say, and I only had 11 little things to fix. Two were, I think, dangling participles (I am, frankly, pretty much ignorant on the intricacies of grammar terminology) where I'd have something like 'he pulled his pants on' instead of 'he pulled on his pants'. So twice I had to move prepositions a couple of words to the left. I missed an 'a' and a 'the', had three instances of repeating words in close proximity, one screwed up chapter graphic - totally my fault - and a few slight formatting changes at the beginning of the book. Otherwise, it seemed to be clean and hopefully perfect.

I'm confident I've missed something, no book is perfect, but it's as close as I can get it to be and I'm delighted. I've asked if this will be the only set of proofs or if we'll have to do it again with the print version. I'm kind of new to this simultaneous print and ebook realm.

I'm back on STAIN tomorrow. with luck.

Since Laura is working full time now, I'm hanging with my granddaughter pretty much every day for about 10 hours, give or take, mostly give. The house doesn't seem to settle down until 10pm or later, which is, frankly, too late to get started on writing, especially if I have to be up around 7am or so. Whee. She also has the car, so LittleMiss and I are totally stranded until either Laura or Bill gets home which, with all his overtime, is around 7pm or a little later. We're totally stocked with food, though and I filled up the fridge w/ produce on Saturday.

Therapy is going well. I'm taller. I know it sounds bonky, but when I walked out after one session week before last I was nearly TWO INCHES taller. It's weird being obviously taller than Bill. I've always been a smidge taller (a quarter inch or so, most of the time depending on shoes and where we're standing) but I am now Definitely Taller. I'm also taking less shit, which is probably for the best. I have a feeling she's almost done re-wiring my brain. It's been a journey, but a good one. This week, I've resumed tracking food via fitbit and have exercised once. It should have been more, but page proofs sucked up all my non-munchkin time.

Got my teeth cleaned this past week for the first time in probably a decade. I know that sounds gross, but we simply did not have the money, we just didn't. We'd just added dental insurance coverage in December, tho, which gives 2 cleanings and full xrays twice a year, so I went in. Bill'd already started his new dental journey last fall and he'd had major work done despite being a compulsive flosser. I was worried. I try to take really good care of my teeth since both of my folks had dentures and/or partials for most of my life. I did have some cavities, six REALLY TEENSY ones which will be fixed in March, but that's it. I'm not thrilled w/ the idea of six dinky cavities, I'd only had two fillings, ever, one because of the calcium depletion of having a baby (thanks, Laura!) and the other because I broke a tip off when I bit on something hard (I used to eat ice), but it's a helluva lot better than root canals, pullings, caps, or whatever. The technician said they looked great (and she couldn't see anything at all wrong besides some tartar! Yippee!) but one showed up on xray and the rest while the dentist poked at the grinding surfaces of my molars. Utterly painless, teeny, itsy bitsy dots. Thank goodness.

To celebrate finishing proofs, I went out by myself tonight (aaaah, solitude lol) and saw American Sniper. I thought it was an excellent film. Since I've never been in the military, I cannot vouch to its authenticity, but as a PTSD sufferer... yeah, that I totally empathized with. Eastwood is a fantastic director, the entire cast did a great job., and, considering the subject matter, I found it balanced and thoughtful.

The only thing I've sewn since last weekend was a patch for my chambray shirt.

Anyway, I'm fine, good even, just crazy busy being a gramma. But that's just fine. :)

Have a great week, everyone!! {{hugs}}

1 comment:

Jean said...

GO SPORE! Sounds like you have a tough routine, but you're settling into it. I guess you'll need to follow the #tenminutewriter hashtag (or whatever it is) on Twitter to learn to be productive in fits and starts throughout the day.

Hurray for taller. That is amazing.

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