Sunday, February 1, 2015

Greetings from the White North

It's not snowing as hard as I thought it would. Even so, we've gotten a good 5" of snow if I'm guessing right. There's a telephone pole outside my window where it's accumulating nicely. It's not supposed to stop until early tomorrow, and we may yet have blizzard conditions. I'm good with that. My pantry and fridge are stocked, and I've cleaned and filled the guest bathtub in case we lose power. I'll start chili cooking in the crockpot in a little while. I've got nowhere I need to be, some I'm content to watch it snow. The road crews are going to have their hands full just keeping snow routes clear. Even with the weather, I'm so glad to be home.

I have my feet back under me, but it took a couple days. I didn't feel fully rested until Thursday. I spent Monday and Tuesday snacking and have that under control. I still have gear to put away, but the suitcases are unpacked and stowed, and the laundry I brought home is washed. What we've accumulated since I got home isn't, of course. Laundry is never done.

We've finally figured out gluten doesn't like Eric. We suspected he might have that sensitivity, but it wasn't until after Christmas he finally made a concerted effort not to eat it. He's been back to it the last few days, and the old issues have returned, so it looks like we'll be adding wheat to the list of things to look for on food labels. We'll be eating paleo before it's all said and done!

This week:
- Fix Fairy Repentance
- Go over Anne's short and send it on
- I have a couple evening meetings this week (church stuff)
- Buy a shovel after they restock from the blizzard

I think that's about it from here.

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