Saturday, June 18, 2016

Hard week

It's been a hard week. Too many doctors. Too many tests. More to come next week. And mostly I still have no answers. Each test that says negative means we're moving closer to a positive. I'm not sure if that's good or not. Hard to tell. What if the positive is something terrible? What if it is not? The uncertainty gnaws at me.

Otherwise, not much else went on. I did chores, tried to edit a story, rejected a few more poems (although that should be over now), and generally slept a lot. Napping seems to be my favorite pastime these days. We are close to having the final lineup of authors for Blackbirds Third Flight. One more possible out there. We should know about that one by the end of the month. Then the book can start coming together. Looking forward to that.

I did use the Opera browser more and have decided it's worth recommending. It's fast and secure--well, as much as browser can be these days--and it has a good collection of themes and add-ons. It hasn't replaced Chrome yet, but I'm leaning that way.

Today I got a strange story idea involving Charles Babbage, Ada Augusta King, and Leonardo da Vinci. It starts with Leonardo and involves a strange calculation that he starts but can't finish. Babbage finds it and Ada Augusta King (Lady Lovelace) makes it into a program. Babbage makes it into the punch cards he envisioned for his steam computer. But of course, Babbage never builds his computer, and the cards mean nothing until now when a clever researcher figures out how to turn those cards back into Leonardo's calculation and solves it...and the world changes. I don't know how it changes or anything else about the story, but it's been buzzing about my brain today.

All three of those people fascinate me. All three born too soon and died too soon. Before the world was ready for what they dreamed. We remember them most for the possibilities they raised.

Next week, I have two doctors' visits, but around them, I intend to finish the edit of another's author story and finish--or make good progress--on the rewrite of the Justina Grave story. The second rewrite of that story. Well, really the third, but it changed so much from the first to the second that it's like a whole new story. Sigh. But it is getting there. Darker, more intense, and more action filled with the appropriate level of blood and gore.

And with chores and the usual errands, that will be my coming week.


Jean said...

All those doctor visits become tedious. While you're caught up in them, it seems unending, and you've certainly been dealing with them for an extended period of time.

Interesting story idea. You should sketch that out a little more to see where it might lead.

SBB said...

It's the ending that baffles me. I hate those books that supposedly are leading to a world shaking conclusion, but do not.

And yes, they feel unending.

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