Sunday, June 26, 2016

TIme to get serious

On Stephen's advice, I read "The Miracle Morning For Writers" by Hal Elrod and Steve Scott this week. It's a how-to book for being a successful writer by getting up at the crack of dawn. There wasn't much in there I didn't already know, but there were some things they explained in a way I hadn't thought of that made the ideas clearer. Some of it seems like hippy-dippy New Age stuff. They're BIG on affirmations. BIG. I've been in enough multi-level marketing schemes to know the motivational buzzwords. Just so we're clear, I've never made money with any MLM.

I'm going to read the book again, this time with a notebook, so I can take the things I think will work and figure out how to start making some money. I really want to work from home again, but working one notch above minimum wage pays better than writing right now. Not having an income is doable but not practical for various reasons, not the least of which is we use my meager paychecks for travel. OTOH, the good thing about not making a lot of money is I don't have a large number to shoot for when I talk about replacing the day job with writing. It's going to be easier to replace 10 grand a year than 100 grand a year.

One thing I do know is I need to get off my rear and do something about this. They outlined several steps that I've been ignoring because they're scary and overwhelming. I need to stop running and face the learning curve head on. I'm going on record and saying that this summer I'm going to build my website, start an e-mail list, and develop some lead bait. Y'all keep me accountable.

Now my heart is pounding. And I really want to take a nap.

In other news, my new best friend is cold brewed coffee. You mix a quantity of water and coffee and throw it in the fridge for 8 hours. Then you strain out the coffee grounds and keep the coffee in the fridge. So easy, and perfect for summer, plus I don't have to share with Alex so I can make it however I want.

The garden is coming along nicely. I have pepper flowers, and a couple of tomato flowers. The vincas LOVE the front steps. I have a few new baby flowers. We've had some rain lately, so I haven't had to do much this week to keep things going, but I'll have to go out and water tonight.

I've come back to this post three times now without publishing. Dang butterflies, always distracting me. I hope y'all have a good week.


SBB said...

"Lead bait" made me laugh for some reason. Made me think of fishing, I guess.

The website and email list didn't daunt me. Having things to talk about and new books to promote...those do.

Hoping I get healthy so that I can do more. Or learn how to be better utilize the days when I am healthy. More when I post.

But I do believe you can do it. I do believe you have the talent and the determination. Those are the important things.

Wendy said...

Lead bait is fishing, sort of. Fishing for followers!

I think it was Isaac Asimov who advised new writers to write 1 short story a week for a year because 52 of 52 short stories can't suck, and you learn more than writing a novel. Or you make your mistakes faster and can correct them sooner.

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