Sunday, July 31, 2016

All the excitement

On paper, it hasn't been a good week. I don't have the total hours for the week because until the day job ends, the week ends today. It's easier to keep track of total hours that way. I have a whopping 5 hours over 3 days in the garrett so far this week. It's still better than my usual track record, so it's a little harder to complain, but nowhere close to where I wanted to be. I think I logged 17 1/2 hours at the day job. Also less than the norm, but I'm not complaining.

What have I been doing with my time, you ask? Prepping for company. Again. This time there was almost no pressure since it was my friend and adopted little sister, Jenn. No need to have the house in pristine condition. Jenn doesn't judge, and she's seen it worse. She stayed overnight with us last summer when we were barely in the house, so she saw progress where I saw clutter.

She got here in time to celebrate Eric's 50th birthday. It was all very low-key. No cake, no singing. Just dinner out with Jenn and Alex, and a walk through Barnes and Noble. Probably the perfect way to spend a birthday in our book. (No pun intended.)

Yesterday, we went to the ren faire again. The weather was perfect; a small miracle since last weekend was 100+. We did more shopping than we should have, probably. There's a boot seller there that has really good quality, hand made in the USA footwear. Yes, it's pricey, but they last a long time. My new boots are red, and I got complimented on them before I left the faire. We spent the whole day there and were all exhausted when we got home, so it was a banner day!

This Tuesday we leave for Las Vegas. I'm getting all my writing stuff together. That's more important than clothes! I have nothing planned except writing, a day trip to the south rim of the Grand Canyon, and we might see Blue Man Group one night. They're playing in the hotel we're staying in. Eric is stoked about finally getting to go to this hacker convention, so much so he doesn't seem to be concerned about the flight. I'll post pictures on Facebook.

So that's about it. I have to go neat up downstairs. My fencing teacher and his wife are coming by sometime today so it would be good to at least have dirty dishes stowed in the dishwasher.

I hope y'all have a good week!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Today was my birthday, and for me, it's the start of a new year of life. I like that my birthday is about halfway through the year. It gives me a chance to restart my New Year's Resolutions. They're, of course, the same as they were at the start of the year:

1. Lose weight.
2. Write more.
3. Pray more.
4. Meditate more.
5. Just be better.

The usual, in other words. Been reading various books about changing habits and using the Miracle Morning program, but so far, I haven't found my groove. For some people, they say, it takes longer to set good habits. I guess I'm one of those.

Not surprising considering the years I've spent enforcing and living bad habits. The ruts in my subconscious must be deep. Canyons by now. Got to continue filling them up with new better habits.

This coming month will be spent on Blackbirds Third Flight. Time to put the book together. I need to make significant progress next week. I may have to shelf the Today in Art project on Facebook I've been doing until BTF is in the place it should be. Priorities, you know.

Otherwise, it's the usual chores, doctors' visits, and life. What's going on for you?

It's Saturday Night

Yes, I'm live. Throwing a few streamers in honor of Stephen's New Year.

Mr. L headed for San Antonio on Thursday. On the way down, the trailer got a flat, so he put the spare on and proceeded. When he took it in today, the tire turned out to be salvageable, but the tire guy didn't recommend it, since it was a trailer, and they are designed differently than vehicle tires. Mr. L did ask for the tire back, because he can use it for a shop roll-around tire. The tire guys plugged it for him even though he intends to use it with a tube.

Then, when he got to the house in SA, the air conditioning wasn't working. He suspected the thermostat was the culprit. Thursday night, he used his big box fan which pulled air through the house and kept it sort of comfortable. Friday, when he got back from the swap meet, he called our usual repair guys who were able to come out, and they not only replaced the thermostat but checked the system, too. We've used them three times, and each time they've been prompt, courteous, and efficient in making a repair (the system is coming up on 30 years old, so they're extending life pretty well).

I finished my read through of GEEKS this week and I'm doing the preliminary revision planning. I like the story and the characters. As usual, I struggle to know what needs to be done to make it of interest to anyone else. As I intimated in our chat session, I think it may fall into the "cozy thriller chaste romance" genre.  Right. As Stephen says write first worry about marketing later.

We're doing a yard sale next weekend, so I spent a little time at the shop moving boxes from where we store them to the showroom. My knee protested as I was preparing to move furniture, so I'll delay that until tomorrow. I have a friend setting up with me, so I'm not sure how much space she'll need yet. For now, I'll plan to leave half the table space for her.

Things begin to get busy for us now, so I need to pace myself with my knee. After the yard sale, we load two trailers to set up at the Giddings Swap meet at the end of the month. Then I have the month of September to get ready for the trip to Hershey. I've done basic mowing and trimming, but I have other yard work that needs to be done to keep up with the growth of foliage.

When we return from Hershey, I'll have a few weeks before I head to Wisconsin for a week to visit with my folks. I'll be taking the train up and back with a rental car in Chicago. It sounds like my mom's health is not in a good place, so we'll see what that means when I get up there.

Praying Mr. L's health continues to hold steady/improve.

Monday, July 25, 2016

I Can Do Anything

At this point in my recovery, I can do pretty much anything (except, squat, get on the floor, run up and down stairs, and stand easily from a seat without using my arms). I just can't do it all at once. I need to rest often.

My therapist is thrilled with how far ahead my new knee is in relation to where most knees are at the nearly five-week point. Last year, about midway through my therapy, he had me walk backwards on a treadmill. It hurt, and I was in pain for two days afterwards. When I went into the next therapy session, I mentioned that, and he said, "We won't do that again!" Today we did it will no ill effects -- on my first true therapy session.

I'm disappointed with how my left knee has regressed. It's angry at having to do all the work for the last year, and it's letting me know it. Thankfully, my therapist expected that and has incorporated treating that into my treatment plan.

On my way home today, I picked up a new battery for the lawn tractor, so I got the lawn mowed this afternoon.

Alan nearly has the showroom in the shop ready for a friend and me to set up our yard sale.

I've read more than 200 pages of GEEKS. I really like this story. I just hope I can make it marketable and still like it when I'm done. Sigh. The next (and final) hundred pages are on tap for this week. Then I'll have to begin the real work of planning the story and the revision.

Catching up

Didn't meant to neglect this blog. Tripped and fell into a cave, still trying to climb back up. I think I have the tools to do so. It's just taking a bit of time.

This week, I'm working on Blackbirds Third Flight. I think it has some awesome stories and poems in it. Attempting to bring them all together in a coherent fashion is an interesting puzzle that appeals to me. What poems will work better next to what stories? How does the flow of the book keep the reader devoted to turning pages? What illustrations and graphics will enhance the stories and poems? I do like the pavement part of publishing. To make a beautiful book filled with good content...that's the goal.

This week, I have a doctor's appointment, of course, and should be having lunch with a friend or two on different days. Having to look for a new car. I have to buy one or I have to fix my old one. Just not sure if I should keep throwing money into a 1999 vehicle. I don't really care that much about cars. If they get me from one place to another with some comfort (music and air conditioning and heater) I'm okay. I admire expensive cars, but never had much of a desire to have one. Would rather have other things. If had a job where I had to drive, I'm sure a vehicle would be more important. Or if I had to maintain a status among my peers--I have a friend who works for a large corporation and status matters for him and he needs to drive a BMW to fit in--but I wouldn't last long in such a place.

Anyway, hope y'all have a good week. And here's the almost final cover for BTF. I'm pleased with how it's turned out.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

First week with double job report

Overall, not a bad start. I wrote/researched 12.5 hours and added nearly 4,000 words to an existing short story I dug up from the archive. Considering I started the week with no idea what to write, it's hard to complain. It's not the whole short story and 20 hours I intended to do, but it's a good start. Between writing and the day job, I logged 32.5 hours this week. I'd rather fall short and work up at this point so I'm not stressing about working and managing the house. However, in the last few days I've noticed times when I could have been writing but felt I had to put something else first, and it irritated me. I'm not sure if I was irritated with Eric for not taking my goal seriously, or if I was mad at myself for not sticking up for my time. That seems like a good sign, and I did get a new pair of shoes out of the deal.

Speaking of the day job, I talked to my boss on Monday and told her it's time for me to transition out. We are going to split my job between two of our current employees. One will need very little training, the other will need more, but nothing in my job is rocket science. The hardest part is getting the weekly financial report to balance. I don't have a timeframe for when I'll be done. I'm going to suggest we take me off shifts in the next month or so, and I'll continue to do the weekly paperwork and deposit for a few more months while things settle down. I've already made myself available for consultation with one of the girls taking my job. The other I rarely work with. In fact, I scheduled myself to close with her tomorrow night so I could start training, and she switched her shift because she has a paper due for her summer English class. It's really not that big of a deal. I'll have the other girl do inventory while I'm gone in two weeks and focus on training when I get back. Just knowing the end is in sight is exciting and terrifying. That tells me I'm doing the right thing.

Overall, I'm feeling like I'm losing control a bit, and I guess I am. I'm transitioning again, and I've done enough of that in the last few years to recognize it now. It all feels a little loosey goosey with no routine in sight. Next weekend we have a friend coming up to go to the ren fair (again), and a week from Tuesday, we leave for Las Vegas. I'm already getting my laptop updated for that. I never thought I'd be this excited to go back to Vegas!

Other than that, it's been hot and we've had some good thunderstorms, so my tomatoes are happy. We found a new farmers market with lots of vendors so my fridge is stocked with healthy food. I have some laundry and cleaning to do, but I think I'm about ready for the week. Hope y'all are, too.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Back on the Road

After three and a half weeks of no driving due to the new knee and the medication, I drove to the grocery store and back Friday. I picked up a few items while I was there. I came home and rested.

I took the last of my pain medication Thursday morning. Friday morning, about 12:30, I didn't feel comfortable that my Copaiba blend was holding pain at bay, so I took two extra strength acetaminophen. Friday morning, I took my Copaiba blend and have not needed more acetaminophen yet. Friday evening, I decided to try a similar blend that had been recommended to me, and I'm switching to that one -- 5 drops each of Copaiba, Frankincense, and Idaho Balsam Fir (out of stock, so I substituted Idaho Blue Spruce, which has all the same constituents plus two).

I've had my GEEKS manuscript sitting next to my recliner since the surgery, but I kept avoiding opening it to read. I finally made that my service for this week and added "Read 100 pages of GEEKS" to my service card. I've read through 114 pages as of today, making notes on each scene as I go.

Healing is coming along. I still get fatigued quickly, but I don't have as much of the brain fog as I had last year. I must still have some, because while I bought the right brand of TP on my grocery store run, I got the variant we don't prefer.

Hope y'all have a great week.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Taking a break from the reunion

We're in the middle of our annual reunion with The Boys. Saturday we headed north to the Bristol Renaissance Faire, which was a lot of fun. All of us except Eric dressed up. I was especially pleased with my barbarian queen costume. On Monday, we did a boat tour on the Chicago River and Lake Michigan, which was cool. Well, hot. It was 90* and there was no sun shelter on the top deck, but the breeze was nice when we started moving, so that helped a lot. Tuesday we went to the Shedd Aquarium, followed by China Town for a late lunch at a Dim Sum place we found the last time we were there. Today the daughter went home and the rest of us are tired! Everyone else goes home on Saturday, and I expect the rest of our time will be pretty low key.

Yesterday, I read an article about building an author platform, and part of what resonated with me was to stop treating writing as a side hustle. Here's what I'm committed to doing to transition from the day job to writing.
- Work six days a week on writing, branding, and marketing, for a total of 20 hours a week to start. I'll increase my time as I decrease the day job hours. (I've already got next week on the calendar. I don't know how I'll do with irregular hours right away. My day job schedule varies a good bit. I'll just have to do the best I can until I can do the full 9-5 at home.) The plan for my days off at the Day Job is to write in the morning and edit, market, and brand in the afternoon.
- Draft 2 short stories per month between now and Christmas. These won't be book ready, but shorts are faster to edit and polish for the market, and that will get me 11 short stories finished.
- Schedule my work time on the calendar.
- Walk three days a week to start with to increase my fitness and brain circulation.
- Send out my first newsletter by July 29. It will likely be sooner. I have a draft started, but since I jumped the gun and started an e-mail list without thinking the procedure through, I want to make sure I have it right. That's not going to happen with a house full of company.
- Send out one newsletter per month minimum.

Advice, opinions, observations, questions, and 2 cents' worth are always appreciated. Learning curves keep your brain young. Right??

I don't have a time frame for when I'll be leaving the day job. I've wanted to leave for a while but felt like I was there for a reason. Whatever it was, it must be done because now my desire is to leave without tanking the shop. We've been open 15 months, and it's still precarious. I run the day to day operations on my own (scheduling, inventory, customer complaints, etc), and I need to think it through and talk it over with my boss, and then we need to find and train my replacement. It won't be fast, but it will be. That's fine. By doing both and transitioning I'll be able to build the discipline to make a real go at it this time. Eric is fully supportive. In fact, Sunday I got called in to work, and he asked if I was going to put in notice. He's good with however this plays out. 

I hope y'all are having a good week. See you on the flip side.