Sunday, July 24, 2016

First week with double job report

Overall, not a bad start. I wrote/researched 12.5 hours and added nearly 4,000 words to an existing short story I dug up from the archive. Considering I started the week with no idea what to write, it's hard to complain. It's not the whole short story and 20 hours I intended to do, but it's a good start. Between writing and the day job, I logged 32.5 hours this week. I'd rather fall short and work up at this point so I'm not stressing about working and managing the house. However, in the last few days I've noticed times when I could have been writing but felt I had to put something else first, and it irritated me. I'm not sure if I was irritated with Eric for not taking my goal seriously, or if I was mad at myself for not sticking up for my time. That seems like a good sign, and I did get a new pair of shoes out of the deal.

Speaking of the day job, I talked to my boss on Monday and told her it's time for me to transition out. We are going to split my job between two of our current employees. One will need very little training, the other will need more, but nothing in my job is rocket science. The hardest part is getting the weekly financial report to balance. I don't have a timeframe for when I'll be done. I'm going to suggest we take me off shifts in the next month or so, and I'll continue to do the weekly paperwork and deposit for a few more months while things settle down. I've already made myself available for consultation with one of the girls taking my job. The other I rarely work with. In fact, I scheduled myself to close with her tomorrow night so I could start training, and she switched her shift because she has a paper due for her summer English class. It's really not that big of a deal. I'll have the other girl do inventory while I'm gone in two weeks and focus on training when I get back. Just knowing the end is in sight is exciting and terrifying. That tells me I'm doing the right thing.

Overall, I'm feeling like I'm losing control a bit, and I guess I am. I'm transitioning again, and I've done enough of that in the last few years to recognize it now. It all feels a little loosey goosey with no routine in sight. Next weekend we have a friend coming up to go to the ren fair (again), and a week from Tuesday, we leave for Las Vegas. I'm already getting my laptop updated for that. I never thought I'd be this excited to go back to Vegas!

Other than that, it's been hot and we've had some good thunderstorms, so my tomatoes are happy. We found a new farmers market with lots of vendors so my fridge is stocked with healthy food. I have some laundry and cleaning to do, but I think I'm about ready for the week. Hope y'all are, too.

1 comment:

SBB said...

Change is always hard, even when it's a good change. We're creatures of habit for very good reasons, and our brains want us to stay in our routines. It sounds like these changes will be very good for your writing and life!

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