Wednesday, August 31, 2016

August in review

I just finished "Awakening." It's story #3 of the Balphrahn series, and it looks like there will be 3 more. The first draft came in a little over 10,000 words. There is one scene I might cut, but I also need to flesh out the bandit scene.

I spent a total of 35 hours in the office this month. Less than I wanted, but nothing to be embarrassed about. It's a good starting point. Word count was better--14,532. It's the best word count month so far this year, and that's unusual for summer. I worked a total of 16 days, although some of those days had multiple sessions. Like today. Again, not great, but I did take the best part of a week off for the family reunion.

Overall, I feel like I've improved but I still have a long way to go. I need to find more places to submit to. I only had the one submission this month to The Binge-Watching Cure. Still no word on that, but no news is good news. I heard on a podcast yesterday that a 10% accept rate is great for short stories, so I need to step up my submissions.

Things to work on in September:

- Find more markets
- Pick a novel to revise
- Write the next Balphrahn story. Might as well press on while I have my head in the world
- Write 3500 words/week minimum
- Write for 20 days/40 hours minimum
- Submit 2 stories minimum

- Two drop-off trips to Salvation Army
- Keep up on dishes and laundry better
- Eat at home 5 nights a week (so better meal planning, prep in advance, etc)
- Walk at least 6 miles a week (in 3-4 sessions)
- Figure out some sort of cleaning schedule (daily, weekly, and monthly)

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