Sunday, August 21, 2016

Finishing out the Summer

Local schools start tomorrow, so the end of summer is here.

The Olympics are finishing today. I've found the Roku very good for watching events when I want to watch them. The live play, the streaming replays for any event as well as the highlights have made my Olympic viewing an enjoyable experience. The bizarre thing is the announcing. It's hit or miss. Maybe English speaking announcers or maybe some other language, sometimes changing in the middle of the game or match. I endured very little of the endless prattle usually associated with sporting events.

We're preparing for heading to Giddings at the end of the week. Looking forward to it.

My Mastermind Partner and I are planning how we want to begin our second year of the MasterKey Experience. I'm planning what I want to get from this year. I'm certain I'll make new connections, but I have expectations that I will continue to achieve my definite purpose in life. You guys may or may not see much, but my primary purpose is to achieve mutual harmony with Mr. L, and I've been amazed at my progress (you have no idea how far I had to come to reach this place, where I still have a long way to go).

The cat experiment went as I'd hoped this week. Sapphire has been all over the house but she has chosen to spend her time near us. Rossie has chosen to remain in the parlor, where we can talk to her and pet her throughout the day. Walter came off the night shift long enough last Monday for me to get him taken to Dr Val for his annual exam and shots. He's been back on night shift ever since, so I haven't seen him. Boomer has been back and seems to be holding his own healthwise. Ajax won't listen to me about staying away from Sneaky, so I let her send him packing this morning.

We've had tons of rain this week, which we needed. Thankfully, just soaking rains, so no damage for us to contend with. There has been flooding in the state, so some people have not been so fortunate.

I've ignored GEEKS this week. I must come up with a more effective plan to get this book revised than what I've been doing so far.

1 comment:

SBB said...

We got just a sprinkle for rain. It's weird you got so much when we got so little. It's usually the reverse.

I watched some of the Olympics on my Roku, but not a lot. Sometimes I need an announcer to tell me what's going on, particularly on the more obscure sports.

Glad Walter is going well! I like that cat. :)

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