Monday, August 15, 2016


August has been tiring, and I don't have much on paper to show for it.

Writing last week: 9.85 hours, and 2,739 words. I submitted "Ransom" to "The Binge-Watching Cure." They received it, and right now, no news is good news. The e-mail said they take longer to respond when they like it. I have a note on my calendar to follow up in 8 weeks. All of the words went into Derrith's story, tentatively titled "Awakening." I love the way it's coming together.

Day job: 23 hours, 5 of which were unscheduled. That's a good thing. I have unscheduled hours every Monday because that's the day I do paperwork and deposit, but I can do it anytime as long as I get the deposit done, so I've stopped scheduling it. I've also started going in Sunday nights to train the new team lead trainees. At this point, I might not actually be leaving so much as cutting hours and doing admin work. It will give me a little money coming in, and a shift a week will give the girls a rest. 

Life: St Louis friends contacted us several months ago saying their daughter had bought tickets to the Doobie Brothers/Journey concert in Chicago and couldn't go, and did we want to. I dragged my feet. Journey was very popular when I was in high school, but the DBs not so much. But Eric said we'd love to go. At that point, it looked like it would be a Friday night. I found out two weeks ago the concert was actually on Saturday night. Then one night morphed into the weekend. 

It was fine. We had fun, and we got to catch up with friends we'd barely seen in a year. We went to Scotland with them last summer, so we had a lot more time than we normally do. The music at the concert was good, but the crowd was not so good. We were supposed to have lawn seats, but because both Eric and Dan are disabled, they moved us to the disabled seating, which is behind the stadium seats, but in front of the lawn. It saved us a hike up the hill, which was a plus. It was fine, even with the drunks and weirdos, until Eric stood to stretch mid-way through Journey. For some reason, they had 2x8s bolted to the ground behind the stadium seats. I don't know what purpose it served, but he tripped on it, twisted his knee, and bounced off the guy beside him (who was not at all happy and looked like a law suit waiting to happen). We got Eric up, gave him some Tylenol and ice (silly man hadn't brought his morphine bombs), and he was fine by the end of the concert. We escaped without needing medical attention or revealing our names to anyone, and we made sure to tell concert staff that the 2x8s are a hazard. It almost tripped me, and I'm able-bodied. They have no business seating disabled people there. Yesterday, he was back to what passes for normal and walked for two hours around the Shedd Aquarium before we took our friends back to Union Station.

This week isn't shaping up to be any better. I have 3 shifts at the day job, and we leave again Friday morning to go to my mom's for a family reunion on Sunday. We'll drive home Monday, and I'll go into work to deposit and do paperwork. Luckily, after next weekend, we have 2 or 3 weekends off before the next event.

Goodness, isn't it winter yet?


Jean said...

It sounds balanced to me. Good for you for the submission, and good luck. Journey was more my sister and brother's era, but I loved the Doobie Brothers.

SBB said...

Eric's fall sounds painful. :(

I find myself longing for fall even though I know winter's cold isn't far behind. We're experiencing fall weather here this week. A weird August for us.

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