Monday, August 27, 2012

It's the last weekend in August, and my life... she is typically wackydoodle.

It's after 1 am Monday as I sit down to type this, and, well, it's been a summer. Hot and dry (except for the couple of rare days where we actually wore jeans and shirts with sleeves and stayed out of the rain) and Iowa has suffered through what is, supposedly, the worst drought in 50 years. I know most everyone has dealt with this year's drought, and I'm not looking for sympathy, only expressing my apprehensions.

Our entire state economy is based upon two things: Farming and Insurance. They're the money machines that everything in our state, directly or indirectly, roll around. Insurance (Blue Cross Blue Shield, Coventry, Farm Bureau, Nationwide and others are based here) is taking a beating because so many people are out of work and simply can't afford to pay. Farming is in trouble because of the drought, the corn is shot, the beans not much better, and livestock farmers (cattle, hogs, and poultry) are selling their stock early and cheap because they can't afford to feed them any more. Since speculators are freezing the meat to wait for better market buyers, retail food prices will skyrocket nationwide, which means those who are working will have less money to spend, and round and round we go. Plus the posty office is still its screwed up self, so yay!! Can't you feel the excitement??

All of you are surely aware that while our nation is in the midst of one of the worst financial messes in memory, politicians are flooding our airwaves with negative ads and making proclamations, laws, and speeches that seem to do little more than aggravate already aggravated and worried people. I'm not going to blather endlessly about politics and particulars, I only want to say that 1) I am sick of the nastiness, 2) we as a people and as a nation (and our political 'leaders') should be coming together and looking for common solutions instead of tearing our country apart, and 3) I have decided to get off the two-party train and vote third party. After checking various sources, candidates, and surveys, I'm closest matched with Libertarian and I really like their guy, Gary Johnson a LOT. At least now I can vote FOR something and someone instead of holding my nose and picking something I know I don't like.

In that regard, I am putting my collective money (er, self, because we have no money, ha ha) where my mouth is. This very afternoon I'm protesting with (hopefully) a lot of other people at the Secretary of State's office because they're trying to change the rules and keep third party candidates off the ballot this year. Frankly, they're doing it all over the country, trying to hush anyone who might disagree because, you know, our choices must be limited to just the two they've already picked. Anyway, I am both scared and excited about this. I've never been a protestor before. Might get arrested (chances are slim, but you never know), will most likely get sunburned, and my feet will surely hurt. But, dammit, if I shied away from something I've talked so strongly about these past few months because I'm afraid of handcuffs, sunlight, and sore feet, then I'm a freaking coward. And I'm not a coward. So please, keep me in your kind thoughts this Monday afternoon and hope that justice prevails and third party candidates get to stay on the ballot so that voters can choose from every option, not just the two.

Enough of that crap. ;)

I'm down about 9 lbs this summer (yay) but I haven't exercised at all, other than an occasional walk, for about a month. Why? Because I'm about 3/4 of the way through SPORE. Now don't get all excited just yet. Sean is being a royal PITA and not letting me write his scenes the way they need to be written if he's going to be able to save the kids. He's basically jumping the gun, acting on repressed memories (and his apparent knowledge of the synopsis, ha ha) and not wanting to 'go there'. Tough toodles, Sean, going there is what we do in a tambobook. I don't mind characters doing their own thing, but they still need to serve the story and Sean has not been a good boy.

So, anyway, it's coming along great, but is stalled at the moment while I figure out how to make a problem work for me instead of against me.

I sewed. A little. But it's all gone and out the door (I give everything I sew away).

My charity, Project Night Night got the quarterly ebook proceeds from Amazon. Yay!

I still have not heard anything from those two agents from back in June. I sent out 12 queries a couple of weeks ago to other top-tier agencies. A couple were near instantaneous rejections but several (6) asked for partials of SPORE and/or all of MORGAN'S RUN. Two of those are still out there and four haven't responded at all, so we'll see. If I get one more rejection (putting the declines over 50%) I will send out another batch of ten or so. Bill and I have decided that aggressive querying is the best way to go, and I will continue in this manner until I have an agent, am out of agents to query, or I run out of year. We're going to reassess around Christmas and may, possibly, start sending Morgan to small press publishers. Or self publish. Or I don't know what quite yet. All of the rejections to my partials have been lovely - one exceptionally so - so I'm still hopeful that someone will love my work and pick me up. If not, I'll figure out something. There are always options.

It's now about quarter til two and I have to be 2 hours from here right after lunch. So I'd better get to bed.

Happy writing, everyone and please, this fall, please vote YOUR conscience, YOUR issues, and YOUR beliefs. Research all off the candidates (Constitution, Green, and Libertarian at least since they're actually on most ballots, as well as Democrat and Republican) and see what candidate best matches you and where you stand on the various issues. If we don't take back control of our own government, we'll be stuck with more of the same crap that got us in this mess. {{huggs}}

And I'll let you all know if I get arrested. ;)  Have a great week!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

MRH adventures

Well, it's been an interesting past couple of weeks. As you know, I launched my own little publishing company Many Rivers Harbor back in June. MRH's first book came out in August, and the second will be published in September. It's been quite a ... learning ... experience. Overall, it's been positive -- the money's so needed and welcome, and I've never been afraid of work -- but the stress has been ... high. Oh, neither of the authors were terrible or too demanding, but people all have their quirks, and let's be honest, I'm not a great people person. I've used to doing things my way. I have to remind myself that it's their book and, as long as it's not compromising my standards or illegal, I have to let them have the final say. I will get better at this.

As for business, I've had two other people approach me about publishing their books. I don't have anyone lined up for October yet, so the next book will probably be in November. Depends on schedules and how ready either author is to present a finished manuscript. One of them sent his book -- his biography -- to me the other day. I need to read it in depth, but I can already tell it needs a lot of editing. Yes, I know I'm supposed to take the money and run, but I don't want MRH to have that kind of reputation. I want the books to look nice and be readable. I want the authors to be proud of them whether or not the book sells many copies or few.

Here's a bit of detail on last week:
Monday: Worked on finishing the final galley for On Target: Devotions for Modern Life until midnight.
Tuesday: Worked on OTDML until 3 a.m. Wednesday morning.
Wednesday: Made several covers for OTDML. Had lunch with a friend.
Thursday: Met with the author of OTDML for six hours. Transmitted the final galley. Sometime this week or next, the book proof will arrive!
Friday: Did publicity for Secret of the Pack Rat's Nest. My contract with that author is just about finished. I need to turn over files and account info, and then that's it besides a few more mentions on Twitter and Facebook.
Saturday: Attended writers group meeting. Met with author of SPRN briefly. Ran errands around town. Came home and realized my house desperately needed cleaning, and with great force of will, was able to watch a movie instead.
Sunday: Overslept and missed church. :( Cleaned kitchen and living room. Emptied trash. Doing a couple loads of laundry. Trying to catch up on posting.

This week:
- Finish publicity for SPRN. Turn over account either this week or next.
- Start publicity for OTDML.
- Read biography manuscript.
- Clean house!
- Work on Secret Project 1. Not that it's that much of a secret, but it's a book I've thought about for a while. I want to work on it and see what I have.
- Work on Murder by the Mile. Got to finish that. Okay, re-finish it. It's done, but I really really really hate the last chapter.
- Catch up on all my posting.
- Finish August family newsletter. Yeah, it's behind. MRH took all my time.

And that's the overview of this week. Hope things are going well for you!

Oh, here are the covers for Secret of the Pack Rat's Nest and the proof cover for On Target: Devotions for Modern Life. I think they turned out well.

Hugs Wendy

I was soooooo lonely here.   I'm so glad you're here.  Here's how my week went:

The Good Stuff:

  • The stretching exercises are working well.  Well, I sense they're helping a little bit.  FYI, I do them first thing in the morning after I get up.  Putting the heating pad under my lower back while I lay on the floor and my feet rest on a chair has an interesting effect.  Let's just say, if you ever have a problem with constipation, try that approach.  The heating pad relaxes more than the lower back muscles.
  • Riding the bike.  Oh, my. But for the last two days, the knees and ankles have rotated smoothly, so I guess the rough edges got smoothed off my knees, and they are working better now.  Note to self -- do not stop doing this.  As an aside, the heart rate adjusts quickly.  The first day, it got up to 117, and it's dropped every day since.  Today, I don't think it got above 90.  So, yes, my heart likes to ride the bike.  Must keep heart happy.
  • I'm trying a few other things hit and miss to try to get my left knee and right hip looser.
  • I have been making reasonable progress on PBOTL this week.  I'm up to page 180 of 320.  I'm checking a few things over, because I wound up combining two scenes and have been having to speed up the timeline.  I had this segment of the book happening way too slowly.
  • Got the lawn mower blades replaced on the riding mower this morning.  Also greased and lubed the beast.
  • Weight is holding it's own.
  • Water leak at the store has been repaired
  • Gravel laid at the store and a couple of items moved from the store to the shop and placed where we want them.
The Not So Good Stuff:

  • I'm thinking it was a pretty good week, and I'm having trouble coming up with not so good stuff.  I'm kind of happy about that.
The Week Ahead:
  • Ultrasound at the VA Tuesday afternoon to try to determine if anything's wrong or if I'm just at that place in menopause where these things happen
  • Waiting for word the downspouts have shipped and try to make sure we're here when they arrive
  • Make a quick run to San Antonio on Saturday to help friends celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary
  • We'll be planning the trip to PA soon.  Some planning has been done, but I imagine once hubby gets his newsletter out the door (he's having an awful week getting that publication put together), he'll begin that in earnest.
  • I'll use the PA trip to brainstorm for NaNo.  If any ideas come to me over the next month, I'll try to remember to jot them down.  That, of course, includes the next week.

Wendy's Week(s)

How'd I manage to miss a week? I'll blame it on conference hangover. The most important conference bits are on Facebook, so we'll just let that stand on its own.

Good Stuff:
- The book is finished and printed. The first read-through is nearly complete. Overall it's in better shape than I expected. Doing the chapter summary before the synopsis helped a lot with that.
- Focus is shifting to the rendezvous. I've started daily lists of things to do to get ready for that.
- I may get to meet with my bard mentor this week in a non-Games setting, which will be weird because I've never seen him wearing pants before.
- Story research is about to kick into high gear. The Scottish Games is the weekend after the rendezvous, and I'm telling Bodicea again. I wanted to tell Queen Maeve of Connaught, too, but she is proving to be elusive. Long story.
- I've started running. That's a long story, too. I'm taking it very slowly with interval training, and so far it hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be. Once I got the knack of breathing it got much easier. At the very least, it's not as scary as I remember it being.

Not So Good Stuff:
- Balancing all the facets of life is still a challenge. It's getting easier to make better use of time. Switching focus is my current trouble area, but multiple important projects is apparently good training. Between editing and rendezvous prep, plus a short trip to MI to see the parents, there's a lot going on around here.
- Alex took the dining room table and chairs to school with him (he's renting a house with 2 guys this year), so we used the open space to put together the rendezvous bed Eric and the Boys made to make sure the dimensions are right and it will hold our combined weight. It will, easily, although we need to get some plywood for added support because the futon is a little mushy with only 2x4 slats. It's a work in progress, and the futon is currently dominating the dining room floor. The cats like it, but it's in my way.

This Week:
- Lots of sewing to do, but first clear the kitchen table because the dining room table is gone.
- Move the futon. Yeah, that'll be fun.
- Stain the pieces of our rendezvous bed.
- Keep the brussels sprouts starts alive. Pick tomatoes again.
- Inventory camp gear.
- Finish the edit.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Into Each Life A Little Rain Must Fall

And ours fell today.  Four-tenths of an inch worth. We're not complaining.  In fact, we wouldn't mind if a little more fell.

The Good Stuff:

- Kind of a mixed bag with the osteopath, but I'm mostly pleased with the outcome of the visit.
- I got good work done on PBOTL this week. 
- Musical televisions is completed.  Sort of.  The returned television has been accepted and refunded by Amazon.  There are complications, but it's mostly the operator. (Not me.  Someone else.  I'm going to leave it at that, because I probably won't be nice if I go into detail.)
- I think I still need a HDMI splitter to get things working more the way I want them to with the setup. I have one picked out on Amazon to try.
- Blog posts are caught up with, but I'm not getting them done a week ahead of time like I'd like.  I'm struggling with the positive one.  I think maybe I need to change it to gratitude or something like that.
- We got some rain today, and it stayed out of the shop.  We ordered new downspouts for the shop this week, and we think that will help. (Shipping was almost as much as the downspouts -- yikes.)  Hubby has a plan.
- I've ridden the recumbent bike twice this week.  Good improvement from time one to time two.
- I got my rear tube replaced on my road bike, so it's roadworthy again.

The Not So Good Stuff:

- I can't believe how painful it was to ride the recumbent bike with no resistance.  It was better today than on Thursday, so maybe he's right about the repetition "grinding" off the rough edges on the knee joints.
- We repaired the water leak at the store, but the repair didn't take, so there's still a leak.  We hate plastic pipe.  We bought another set of parts, and we're ready to do the repair again.  I'm not sure when.  Hubby had said Sunday, but it didn't sound like he was on board for Sunday when he was talking today, so...whenever.  Water is turned off at the meter, and it's ready to do, so maybe sometime this week.  With today's rain, it will likely be muddy there anyway, so a couple of days might be better.

The Week Ahead

- Continue stretching exercises and riding the bike.  I'm sure I'll notice a better improvement after about a week.
- Continue work on PBOTL.  I'm posting updates on Holly's "Write A Book With Me" board, and it seems to be helping keep me working.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Osteopath Visit

I met with my osteopath yesterday.  Not unexpectedly, there was no immediate lifting of all pain.  (Darn.)  He did find some alignment problems.  He was able to fix a couple (I heard some things pop, anyway), he was definitely unable to fix a couple more in that one session.  He doesn't do a lot of drawn out "come back and see me once a week" kind of things (thankfully -- that's not what I was looking for).  He did give me a series of exercises to do -- mostly to loosen up my hip cradle.  It's all screwed up.

He did say with the family history of osteoarthritis, there wouldn't be much he could do there.  He also bluntly said in closing, he couldn't do too much until I lost weight, because the extra weight causes me to be out of alignment. 

I begin the exercise session on a heating pad on the floor with my feet up in a chair for fifteen minutes -- a self-traction sort of thing, and I'll tell you, that was uncomfortable. Everything felt like it wanted to spasm.  Then I pull one knee at a time up to my chest and hold it (at some point, maybe I'll be able to reach my chest with it; for now, I'm stretching as far as I can) then release.  I alternate this three times.  Then I repeat with both knees at the same time.

Now, I sit in the chair and lift my foot and lay my ankle across my opposite knee with the leg flat and lean forward.  Of course, I cannot do this, so I do the best I can and hope to get the hip flexors stretched enough at some point to do this a little closer.  I have a rubber strap I use to pull my foot up and hold it in position.  I do this three times on each side.

Then I put my knees together and hold them with my hands while trying to spread them apart for three repetitions.  Next, I place my forearm between the knees -- one elbow on one knee, my hand on the other and hold the knees apart while I try to press them together for three repetitions.

The last exercise is to stand in a doorway and try to press my arms through the doorjamb for three repetitions.  He says I can also do an "Angry Cat' if I want, and I think he mentioned wall climbers, but they dropped out when I was writing down the instructions.  I'll need to look those two up, because I think they're going to help with my shoulders. 

After all that, I ice for fifteen minutes.  I go back in a month for a followup visit.  I hope he can accomplish a couple more manipulations on my neck and hips.  After that, it will probably be up to me to keep up with the exercises and the weight loss.

Oh, yes, I also need to ride the stationary bike for 20 minutes a day at no resistance.  He says the repetitive motion will cause the rough areas on my knees to smooth out and will help them a little.  I think that motion will also help loosen up the muscles and tendons in the leg, even though he didn't mention that.

In an aside, a new pillow I ordered from Amazon came yesterday, and I think it may do the trick. I used it last night, and my neck felt supported and comfortable in both the side and back positions throughout the night.  That's a first.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Different Week, Same Heat

Thank you, Wendy, for that cute card.  Good luck at your conference!

The Good Stuff:
- I got lawns mostly mowed this week
- Watering done and some weeds pulled
- I did get a little more work done on PBOTL.  I'm doing a little back tracking, though, because I realized I had some good material in the original version, and I can weave it in with the revision.
- Kept up with the anti-inflammatory basics.  I haven't been tracking, but I think the basic anti-inflammatory changes have made it easier for me to stay on plan.  I've lost weight this week.
- Hubby finally made it back up here to Central TX, and we unloaded the trailer.  That was nearly 100 five gallon buckets of dirt and rocks.  That was a workout!
- I asked Zette to create an archive folder for me on FM.  Then I moved what appeared to be no-longer-relevant posts out of the FAQ and Where Do I Find? forums to get them cleaned up.  I'm not very active on the front end of FM, but I do enjoy my back end work.
- Things 2 was released this week.  It syncs to Things Cloud.  I was a little leery of it at first, but it works very well.  Wendy, if you've been wondering, it's worth the update.  I find the Daily Review feature a little annoying, but only because I can only defer the task or add it to the to do list.  It doesn't give me the option to check it off right there if it's already done.

The Not So Good Stuff:
- I didn't ride the recumbent bike this week -- I felt I got pretty good exercise with the lawn mowers and the buckets, so I'm not distraught.  I probably could have used the cardio benefits, though.
- I didn't get the store lawn completed mowing, because there's a problem with the mower that I haven't resolved yet.  It may require a trip to the Black and Decker Service Center in Austin.  And it just went out of warranty, too.  Sad face.  It works, but there's a lot of vibration and noise that isn't supposed to come from an electric mower.  I tried replacing the blade.  No change.
- While mowing at the store, I discovered a water leak at the meter box.  I reported it to the city.  Hubby and I went back to check on it on Saturday.  Hubby says, this is coming from our side.  I turned the water off at the meter.  Looks like we'll be doing some digging and water line replacement.  Sigh.  On the bright side, more exercise.
- Hubby told me a few weeks ago that the rear tire on my bicycle was flat.  I thought he meant it just needed air.  No. It's flat.  The stem and the tube became disconnected from one another.  I need a new tube.

The Week Ahead:
- I see the osteopath on Wednesday.  We'll see if anything positive comes out of it.
- I bought a TV from Amazon, decided it wouldn't be the right one, so I received it and arranged to have it shipped back the same day.  UPS should be picking it up on Monday. The replacement I ordered has apparently been shipped.  I learned the HD satellite boxes default to the lowest resolution on the network whenever that lowest resolution TV is turned on, so it behooves us to have the same resolution TV as the best one we have everywhere, which, at the moment, is 1080p, regardless of whether we need that resolution for the desired usage area.  If you have regular resolution anything on a TV, I'll tell you, it's much less finicky than HD. HD is nice but kind of picky. That's a long way of saying I'll still be playing musical TVs around the house this week.
- Eke out a few more pages on PBOTL
- Keep the blog posts working.  I think I might want to do a little tweaking, but I'll do the second month on the original schedule with some adjustments beginning in September.  I use an Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plug-in on both major blogs, but I have one blog blocked from search engines.  The SEO plug-in cannot understand why I would want to do that, and refuses to allow me to tell it not to tell me to unblock search engines.  Yes, I get it defeats the purpose of SEO.  Of course, I'm not listening to much else it's telling me about SEO either, so maybe I should just turn the plug in off.
- Do more evaluation of my on-line stuff and look for weaknesses I'm willing to address in either emails used for the site, usernames, or passwords as a way to address the vulnerabilities revealed this past week.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Wendy's Week

Good Stuff:
- I finished all the writing and marketing for the conference ahead of schedule for once.
- Swam 4 times, walked and weeded once.
- Have started carb avoidance with more success some days that others. Breakfast and lunch seem to be harder because my go-to meals include bread. Substituting fruit seems to help some.
- Went to dinner with friends the other night. We sat outside and visited over dinner and scotch, and I was so thankful that I busted my tail to get everything done. That made the evening more enjoyable--no to do lists looming over me.
- Got my nails done for free! My boss gave us gift certificates our last week, and I saved mine.
- We have a low key Saturday on tap. I'm doing laundry so Eric will have clean clothes while I'm gone (not that he isn't willing to do it, but I'm being extra nice). Later we'll run a couple of errands.
- Finally got the prescription for my contacts right. I might need reading glasses for super close stuff, but the computer screen and my cell phone are finally clear.
- The teachers from the retreat I took in February are going to be at the conference. I'm really looking forward to touching base with them.

Not So Good Stuff:
- Gained more weight. That made my packing a little more difficult. I haven't exactly been packing on the pounds; it's a slow creep. I hope reducing stress and carbs will turn this around.
- All the extra typing the last couple of weeks has aggravated the tendonitis in my arms. Lucky for me I have a really great muscle rub that smells like wintergreen, so it's pain relief and kitty discourager in the same tube.
- I'm getting nervous about pitching. I know it's all going to work out for the best in the end, but I feel very strongly that the market is ripe for my book, and if I blow it, I'm going to be upset, especially after all the work I put into it. I do, however, have instructions from my writing partner to text her when I know what time I'm pitching so she can pray. I know I can't fail, but being human I can't see the whole picture, even if it is representation by someone I won't meet next week.
- I think the body degradation has begun. My left shoulder has been bothering me lately, hitching a little in rotation and such. Coincidentally, that's the shoulder my dad had to have worked on last spring. Are bone spurs hereditary?

This Week:
- Focus on the positive.
- Do my best. I'm certainly well enough prepared.
- Keep a close eye on my diet.
- Wait until Friday, when I'm home, to collapse.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday already??!

It is Monday, right? Oh, yes, it is. Thank goodness my online calendar highlights the day.

Good Stuff:
- I'm well on my way to being ready for the conference next week. I've done the one sheet and an additional marketing sheet, the synopsis, and a full chapter summary. Chapter one has been polished. Everything but the chapter summary is off to my writing partner to be looked over.
- Finally remembered to make an appointment to get my nails done before I go.
- Hair is trimmed. Color will be refreshed Friday, sometime after I swim.
- We put up the new tent yesterday and hauled the new camp bed out to make sure we have adequate space. Oh, boy, do we. I hope to post pics on the blog in the next couple of days.
- Eric has been a super trooper. He's been cooking dinner, doing laundry and dishes, and generally picking up what I've ignored so I can write. In fact, he frequently tells me to go back to work. I finally had to explain that I need to take breaks to avoid tendonitis in my arms and eye strain!

 Not So Good Stuff:
- Still adjusting to the contacts. The doc changed the prescription in my left eye, and I'm only wearing the one lens because we couldn't go lower in the right eye. It's great for distance and they feel good, reading isn't an issue, but computer work is still tough. For some reason, my eyes do not want to focus properly. Increasing font size helps. I suspect I will only wear them if I'm not doing heavy duty computer work like I have been the last two weeks. I am only wearing them now so I can try to get my eyes to play nice.
- Weight is creeping up again, and I haven't figured out why. I'm exercising regularly and not exceeding my points. Most of the time I don't even touch the weekly points; I only eat the daily and activity points. I suspect I'm going to have to take a good look at my food logs and see if there is a common food or food group that I eat more of during the weeks I've gained weight because I should not be if I follow the plan. That, of course, will not happen for at least two more weeks.
- Vicky has moved to St Louis with the boyfriend. She is still here on the weekends, for now, until she finds work over there.

This Week:
- Polish Chapters 2 and 3, minimum.
- Pack.
- Check in here early since I fly out Sunday afternoon.
- Nail down pitch and premise.
- Read up on the proposed 2014 referendum for Scottish independence so I can talk about it intelligently as a marketing point.
- Focus on the small projects that need to be done so I don't freak out. Or, in the immortal words of the Queen Mum, keep calm and carry on. That should be my mantra this week!

Have a good week, friends! If you're a glutton for punishment and want to read any of what I've been working on, let me know.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Welcome to August

Yes, it's August.  Good ole hot August.  Here's how last week went:

The Good Stuff:
- I did everything I planned for the week ahead.  I sort of stacked the deck, but I'm especially pleased to have gotten several pages done on PBOTL this week.
- Hubby (I referred to him as Mr. PB on Twitter today), didn't get everything done on the driveway he planned this week, so he asked me to come down to SA for the weekend.  It's an unplanned trip, but the yard needed mowing and watering, so here I am.  The laundry needed folding and the dishes needed washing too.  I guess I'm needed.  Sigh.
- My doctor doesn't believe in the value of osteopathic manipulation, but he told me I could make an appointment if I wanted to.  He also ordered spinal X-rays to make sure I didn't have any structural problems in my spine, and I'm thankful he could not detect any.  I scheduled an appointment with the osteopath in Family Practice.

The Not So Good Stuff:
- I was tired most of the week.
- The fig and peach tree didn't get enough water while we were in SA, so most of the leaves have fallen off the fig.  Hopefully, I got it some water before it was too far gone.  The peach seems to have retained most of it's leaves.

The Week Ahead
- Continue working on PBOTL
- Continue watering to keep the grass and trees growing
- Get one session on the recumbent bike this week
- Continue the anti-inflammatory efforts I began (they're still going well, but I'm still doing the easy stuff).