Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hugs Wendy

I was soooooo lonely here.   I'm so glad you're here.  Here's how my week went:

The Good Stuff:

  • The stretching exercises are working well.  Well, I sense they're helping a little bit.  FYI, I do them first thing in the morning after I get up.  Putting the heating pad under my lower back while I lay on the floor and my feet rest on a chair has an interesting effect.  Let's just say, if you ever have a problem with constipation, try that approach.  The heating pad relaxes more than the lower back muscles.
  • Riding the bike.  Oh, my. But for the last two days, the knees and ankles have rotated smoothly, so I guess the rough edges got smoothed off my knees, and they are working better now.  Note to self -- do not stop doing this.  As an aside, the heart rate adjusts quickly.  The first day, it got up to 117, and it's dropped every day since.  Today, I don't think it got above 90.  So, yes, my heart likes to ride the bike.  Must keep heart happy.
  • I'm trying a few other things hit and miss to try to get my left knee and right hip looser.
  • I have been making reasonable progress on PBOTL this week.  I'm up to page 180 of 320.  I'm checking a few things over, because I wound up combining two scenes and have been having to speed up the timeline.  I had this segment of the book happening way too slowly.
  • Got the lawn mower blades replaced on the riding mower this morning.  Also greased and lubed the beast.
  • Weight is holding it's own.
  • Water leak at the store has been repaired
  • Gravel laid at the store and a couple of items moved from the store to the shop and placed where we want them.
The Not So Good Stuff:

  • I'm thinking it was a pretty good week, and I'm having trouble coming up with not so good stuff.  I'm kind of happy about that.
The Week Ahead:
  • Ultrasound at the VA Tuesday afternoon to try to determine if anything's wrong or if I'm just at that place in menopause where these things happen
  • Waiting for word the downspouts have shipped and try to make sure we're here when they arrive
  • Make a quick run to San Antonio on Saturday to help friends celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary
  • We'll be planning the trip to PA soon.  Some planning has been done, but I imagine once hubby gets his newsletter out the door (he's having an awful week getting that publication put together), he'll begin that in earnest.
  • I'll use the PA trip to brainstorm for NaNo.  If any ideas come to me over the next month, I'll try to remember to jot them down.  That, of course, includes the next week.


SBB said...

Sounds like a great week, and I'm excited to read you're working on PBOTL. I'm so looking forward to reading it.

Nano! Eeek! I haven't even thought about it. Thanks for the reminder. I think. :)

Wendy said...

That's exactly what I thought when I read NaNo!

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