Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday already??!

It is Monday, right? Oh, yes, it is. Thank goodness my online calendar highlights the day.

Good Stuff:
- I'm well on my way to being ready for the conference next week. I've done the one sheet and an additional marketing sheet, the synopsis, and a full chapter summary. Chapter one has been polished. Everything but the chapter summary is off to my writing partner to be looked over.
- Finally remembered to make an appointment to get my nails done before I go.
- Hair is trimmed. Color will be refreshed Friday, sometime after I swim.
- We put up the new tent yesterday and hauled the new camp bed out to make sure we have adequate space. Oh, boy, do we. I hope to post pics on the blog in the next couple of days.
- Eric has been a super trooper. He's been cooking dinner, doing laundry and dishes, and generally picking up what I've ignored so I can write. In fact, he frequently tells me to go back to work. I finally had to explain that I need to take breaks to avoid tendonitis in my arms and eye strain!

 Not So Good Stuff:
- Still adjusting to the contacts. The doc changed the prescription in my left eye, and I'm only wearing the one lens because we couldn't go lower in the right eye. It's great for distance and they feel good, reading isn't an issue, but computer work is still tough. For some reason, my eyes do not want to focus properly. Increasing font size helps. I suspect I will only wear them if I'm not doing heavy duty computer work like I have been the last two weeks. I am only wearing them now so I can try to get my eyes to play nice.
- Weight is creeping up again, and I haven't figured out why. I'm exercising regularly and not exceeding my points. Most of the time I don't even touch the weekly points; I only eat the daily and activity points. I suspect I'm going to have to take a good look at my food logs and see if there is a common food or food group that I eat more of during the weeks I've gained weight because I should not be if I follow the plan. That, of course, will not happen for at least two more weeks.
- Vicky has moved to St Louis with the boyfriend. She is still here on the weekends, for now, until she finds work over there.

This Week:
- Polish Chapters 2 and 3, minimum.
- Pack.
- Check in here early since I fly out Sunday afternoon.
- Nail down pitch and premise.
- Read up on the proposed 2014 referendum for Scottish independence so I can talk about it intelligently as a marketing point.
- Focus on the small projects that need to be done so I don't freak out. Or, in the immortal words of the Queen Mum, keep calm and carry on. That should be my mantra this week!

Have a good week, friends! If you're a glutton for punishment and want to read any of what I've been working on, let me know.


SBB said...

I'm a glutton for good writing; let me read what you're working on!

You know, it sounds like a good week, but it does sound like you're a bit stressed. And stress makes your body store fat. Maybe that's contributing to the weight gain.

There's a referendum for Scottish independence? I didn't know that.

Wendy said...

Oooooh. Good point about the stress.

Yeah, they're voting sometime in 2014 and from what I've read, it looks like an even split. Whether they vote yes or no, I hope it makes the news over here to creat buzz for my book! It would help if Will and Katie would have a baby.

Jean said...

By the way, regarding the contacts and eye strain. Would it make any sense at all to use a pair of drug store readers to help you focus on the screen at the middle distance so your eyes aren't straining to focus? (Get them from the BX, they'll be cheaper.)

How to tell what you need or if it might help? Wear your contacts to the BX. Find the reader display. Stand at the approximate distance you prefer to work from your computer screen, and see if any of the lines are better than the others to read. If so, that's the "booster" you'll want to fight the eyestrain of working on the computer and to keep your contacts comfortable.

Then, of course, you only need them when you're working on the computer, so you can leave them near the computer screen.

Wendy said...

That's a good thought Jean. If they don't straighten out I'll give it a try. Actually the doctor did say they could correct only for distance vision, and then I would use readers, but that's more or less the opposite of what I do with my glasses. I take them off to read. I dunno, it just seems like its the same thing only more complicated.

Wendy said...

So, about the stress. I don't guess it matters if it's good stress or bad stress, does it? Because the last three weeks I've felt like I have a real purpose again. Yeah, I've been working like crazy, but it's been really good.

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