Mr. L wants me to give him attention, and he's been pretty adamant about it. It's not a completely unreasonable request, but I'm still not happy about it. I have to continue to navigate the path between the electronic work that calls me and the human who wishes to spend undivided time with me.
The Gentle Yoga class has been good. The teacher has this machine that supposedly reads anti-oxidant levels from your skin. Healthy is supposed to be in the 75,000 range. My reading came back at 19,000. The goal, of course, besides having a healthy reading, is to sell vitamin supplements. I'm leery of this. A high school friend had been selling this a couple years ago, and I hadn't heard much from her recently about this product, so I asked her. She believes the product is no better or worse than what can be purchased at GNC. I am toying with the idea of trying some of Stephen's shakes or smoothies. I don't have anything as fancy as Stephen's Nutribullet, but my step daughter gave us something similar about ten years ago, and I haven't found a use for it yet. I keep thinking I should try it. Have you tried ice to get a more shake-like or Icee-like consistency, Stephen?
Mr. L finished his project on the front of the house -- replacing drip rail and the bottom board of siding and painting to the bottom of the windows. It looks good -- as all his work does. He is more and more easily exhausted from work that used to be easy for him. I know this contributes to his nearly constant angry state of being these days, but I don't seem to be able to discuss it directly with him nor find a way to alleviate his anxiety. I told him the other day he should be nicer to himself, because he deserves it, but he won't. He must have a powerful internal negative monologue. I've heard a little of it, and it makes me sad for him. He's such a gifted person, but someone drilled into him at a young age that he was an idiot, and that's what he's fighting (my impression -- I could be totally wrong). Sure, he produces wonderfully skilled work as a result to prove whomever (clearly long dead) wrong, but at what cost to himself?
The Week Ahead:
- Continue work on Kitty City, PBOTL, and 129 Amselstrasse
- Get trees trimmed back from the roof of the house
- Get grass planted and watered in; mow lawn
- Go to yoga class
- Get cats (and me) safely back to Central TX