Saturday, July 26, 2014

Quiet Snoopy Dance

Good news! It appears the ex is moving out. We had to agree in writing not to sue him for back rent, so we stipulated that he has to be out by August 15 and not cause damage. We're quietly hopeful that the situation will soon be resolved and not telling family yet. Don't want to jinx it. Also, Vicky's court case has been continued. Unless her lawyer (yes, she got one at practically the last possible minute) can get it dismissed altogether, they'll go back to court August 28. Apparently, the former land lord was very surprised to see her with legal counsel. Wish I had been there!

I've gotten some writing done. Writing The Third Wish for Blackbirds helped get my mojo going a little again, so I've started on Weeping Willow again. I feel very tentative about it, like I'm not really sure I'm doing it right. I'm over-thinking, I know. In some ways I feel like it was a mistake to take all the advanced writing classes. I made some good contacts and learned cool stuff, but I feel like it's really blunted the edge of what I was doing by instinct. I can't help but wonder if Hemingway ever doubted himself like I do.

I was cleaning up my desktop the other day and found my 2014 goal list. I'm so far behind. It's almost August and haven't marked anything off. Well, I could rationalize that I've pitched three stories since Stephen has a publishing company, but it wasn't what I intended when I made the list. Then again, if I decide to self-pub again it would count. Mostly when I think about that list it just makes me tired.

Overall, things are looking up. I've been controlling food pretty well, exercise sort of well. I told stories at an MS Support Group last Wednesday. I got up in front of them and the next thing I knew, an hour had passed. Plus I got cheap parking! Bonus! I have two more stories, bits of stuff I've written, that I'm adapting for storytelling. Jeff will be back mid-August and I hope to have at least one ready to tell him.

So I think that's about it. This week I need to write some more, but I also need to get some organizing done. I have piles on my desk again, but the desk is smaller than the one I used to have. There's more nesting coming on. Y'all have a good week!


SBB said...

Woohoo on the ex! But I'm going to celebrate quietly so I don't jinx it.

I'm glad "The Third Wish" has helped get your mojo flowing again. I have enjoyed working on it with you. It's a tight, smart, wise story.

And yes, pitching to me counts! If I didn't like the stories or the concepts, I wouldn't be publishing them. I want "Blackbirds" to be good! And it's shaping up to be just that. :)

Wendy said...

I'm in no way minimizing our work together on "Blackbirds" because it's been fun and a great learning experience. However, my vision when I wrote my list was to do complete query packages and send them to agents with the goal of getting a novel published by a traditional publisher. If I have a positive experience with "Blackbirds" I may revisit self-pubbing, but at this point I'm just not sure. It's something to think about.

SBB said...

Well, no, they didn't have complete query packages, but you did submit them to me. And actually, you are traditionally publishing. You aren't self-publishing. Many Rivers Harbor, my company, is publishing "Blackbirds First Flight." You're going to be paid in a contributor copy. :) (I know what you meant. I'm just being contrary.)

Tammy Jones said...

Wendy, I think it pretty much all sounds FABULOUS!! Yeah, the goals not all checked off and yeah maybe the classes didn't help 'right now' (in the future they probably will), but still...

Progress on ALL FRONTS. SWEET!! {{hugs}}

Jean said...

Sounds good on many fronts. Quiet high five.

I can guarantee virtually any writer you pick has had doubts from time to time. Two months ago, I was feeling very bad about Polar Bear on the Loose. Over the last month, I've been feeling very excited about it (until I send it to my beta readers, who will certainly dash those feelings--grin!). The frustrating thing for me has been the amount of time it's taken, but I'm finally beginning to see the fruits of my labor. I was in the first How To Revise Your Novel course, and Holly kicked that off when, in 2009? I'm just now finishing it, which contributed to my discouragement. I think I spent three years on Lesson 17! (the bulk of the rewrite came in that lesson) But I think all the pain will be paying off. I think the course is well worth it.

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