Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Not my circus, not my monkeys

Apparently, the upheaval of the last nine months has resulted in the ability to think things through better. I've been trying to embrace the 'not my circus, not my monkeys' philosophy. It's harder because it's Vicky's circus. The ex is the biggest part of the problem, but she told us last Wednesday their former landlord is suing them, and the court date is tomorrow. She still doesn't have a lawyer.

Not my circus, not my monkeys. Not yet, at least. Unless there's a miracle and the ex starts taking some personal responsibility, we will likely have to hire a lawyer to evict him. He says he has nowhere else to go, which I have no trouble believing since he's spent the best part of the last seven years sponging off friends and family, and no one wants to go there again, not even his parents. The hardest part is keeping our involvement to phone consultations for now. Well, that and not going off on him via text. He got nasty when I reminded him they're behind on rent.

I have gotten some good stuff for my emotion journal from all of this!

Other than that, things are quiet here. The apartment is almost back to normal and we have a couple weeks of downtime before there is anything more than a blip on the calendar. While the Boys were here I was more mindful of my eating, so I didn't gain weight like I usually do. Walking about 12 miles in 3 days helped a lot, too. I'm focusing on nutrition and exercise more now that it's going to be quiet for a while. Need to shed a few pounds. Nothing new there.

On the plus side, the weather is supposed to be great the next few days. I'm planning on taking some longer walks to explore a little further afield. I really need to get back to writing, too. There's the mission for this week.

1 comment:

Jean said...

I have utmost sympathy for the ex situation. I have no idea how to resolve it short of changing the locks while he's gone one the legality of him living there is resolved. My niece was that guy until she got into a stable relationship with a decent guy. If she hadn't found that, she still be "that guy."

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