Monday, July 14, 2014

Still stumbling along

Things are going well, other than LittleMiss has been at her dad's all week and I miss her terribly. I'm ready for her to be back home, and I get to pick her up Tuesday.

Took my daughter and a young friend of mine - now also a friend of hers, yay! - to lunch and a movie today. Was really fun to get out, just us girls, and do something. I spend too much time either at home or doing the things I'm 'supposed to do', whether grocery shopping, Dr visits, whatever, instead of things I enjoy. Anyway, I had fun. We saw Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, which I liked, but didn't love, if that makes sense. My company was more fun than the movie.

Writing is writing, coming in fits and starts. Been working on it daily, but I can't say that I'm making tons of progress. I keep hitting little snags. Currently, I'm working on the various people in Albin Darril's assassination/extraction team. I supposed technically they're a 'squad' of thirteen total people, including Albin (technically too big for a squad, but it's my book and it's not modern earth human history), but I'm having a little trouble deciding what all they can and cannot do, as a team and as individual members, especially as things are about to go BOOM! around and through them in a very big way. Despite the massive casts of my stories, I'm not used to writing scenes with 13 specific people in them. It's proving a little tricky.

I didn't have any interesting writing news this week that I can recall, other than some back and forth emails with my agent over last week's developments. She seems to be of the opinion that I ought to go ahead and write the screenplay. The local bookstore doesn't have any books on screenplay writing, but I'll be in DM on Tues to get LittleMiss, so I'll go to Half Price Books and maybe Barnes and Noble to find something.

Weight was up a smidge last week, but this week I'm back to tracking and have resumed exercising, so that's good. Baby steps.

My Mutinous Cyst surgery is scheduled for Aug 6. No idea what time yet. Still waiting to hear when I'll have my sinuses repaired.

In other medical news, my mother isn't doing great. She keeps having mini strokes and she's forgetting things. I'll see her when I'm in DM on Tuesday.

I keep thinking there's more to mention, but I can't remember anything else right now. Need to finish this scene I'm stalled on and go to bed. Planning on sewing all day Monday, which will be lovely. I have too many quilts I should have finished last year, let alone current ones. {{hugs}} and have a great week!


Jean said...

Liking the company better than a movie you liked sounds like a good, win-win thing. That sounds like a complicated scene. I can see where it would take some time to figure out.

Jean said...

You haven't mentioned one way or another on food costs, but are things cheaper in DM? As often as you have to go there, have you considered adding grocery shopping to the list of things you do there? We do that quite a lot with our travels to SA, and Temple.

Wendy said...

The end is in sight! August 6 is just around the corner. Is that something you'll be able to recover from quickly?

Hope you're having a great sewing day!

SBB said...

Glad you had a day out to do fun things. I haven't seen any of the rebooted Planet of the Apes movies. I watched the movies when I was a kid and they scared me. Guess I don't want to repeat the experience. :)

Several of my friends used Final Draft to write their plays and screen plays. It's about $200, but I've seen it on sale for $110. Might be worth checking out. They used to have a trial version that you could use for 30 days.

Sorry to hear about your mom's troubles. :(

Jean said...

I'm also sorry to hear about your mom's troubles. My parents are in moderate health. In fact, I think their health is worse than I admit, but I am troubled about it, so I can anticipate how you might be feeling.

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