Sunday, January 10, 2016

A listing report

As I shared last week, I started making lists again in an attempt to make my life more productive at least in the sense of things you can do that work on a list. For instance, listing that you want a happier life is a good goal, but hard to cross off when completed. If you follow me.

Thus my list contains items I can complete in a day, maybe in a hour or two or less. Mostly less. Nothing terribly exciting: making my bed, doing laundry, dusting, washing dishes, vacuuming, writing a page or two on my various projects, making birthday cards, and so on.

So far, so good. I'm getting things done. Getting out of bed. Moving. Movement is life, as the physical therapists say. The idea behind lists and schedules to give that movement meaning. To have a purpose behind the activity.

This week I should get the results from all the medical tests I took last week. Hoping for a good outcome. I'll let you know when I know.

How are things going for you? We've barely started 2016. Don't be discouraged if you've already slipped. Although we make a big deal about New Year's Day, that's just hype. You can start anew every day. Every morning is a new chance. That old cliche -- "Today is the first day of the rest of your life" -- isn't a cliche because it's not true. It's true. The trick is to remember to start anew and do better.

Anyway, I'll close now. Have a great week!


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