Saturday, January 16, 2016

Looking Up

Mr. L is back on his feet and not taking as much of my time now that he's feeling better. If he'd been bedridden, I could have understood the time suck, but a zombie-like man sitting behind you and droning on and on about how he can't sleep and how he feels so terrible, and how he's going to go back to bed (but then he sits there for an hour and falls asleep in the chair) really kills any productivity for anything.

I've conducted an unscientific survey this week for Goldfish cracker substitutes. Neither Annie's Homegrown Cheddar Bunnies nor Great Value Penguins are competitive for flavor and texture to Goldfish crackers. Thought I'd save you the time and effort if you were curious.

I am completely off for writing and revising. I have, however, been building an followup series in Aweber for essential oils. It's 20+ messages going out over an extended period of time designed to teach about essential oils (geared for the absolute newbie). I'm going to need to create a checklist for things to make sure each message has before I finalize it. (Logo, signature, link to join, etc)

We're back to working with socializing Sapphire. I had to use gloves to get her out of the cage and tuck her under my sweatshirt yesterday, but once she was there, she snuggled in for a couple hours. Today, I used the gloves, but didn't really need them to peel her off the top of the cage. She snuggled under my sweatshirt, and, after three hours, she was purring. She was much more relaxed today. We're keeping this up until kitty surrenders and lets us approach her. She wants out of the cage. We want her out of the cage, and she's going to learn the way out is via the human. Rossie understands that. Sapphire will get there.

The week ahead:
  • Write more followup series posts.
  • Get back on track for writing and revising
  • Continue working with the cats.

1 comment:

SBB said...

Sounds like things are looking for Mr. L and you. Wish you could be writing more, but you have a lot on your plate. Looking forward to reading your essential oils posts. Should be interesting and informative.

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