Saturday, January 2, 2016

Listing in 2016

And now we face a new year. 2016. I thought about doing a post about 2015 and looking at my successes and failures, but frankly, I don't care. 2015 is done. Glad it's done. Looking forward to what comes next.

This week, I go for another diabetes checkup. I'm both looking forward to it and dreading it. I think I'm doing better -- in fact, I'm sure I am -- but whether or not I'm doing as well as my doctors would like, I don't know. If not, it may mean new meds or a new diet or whatever. It's always worrisome. Well, it will take place, and I will adapt, come what may.

No real New Year's Resolutions. Just usual: Write more, get my weight under control, control my diabetes better, publish a couple of books, etc.

I am making lists again. I hadn't for a while. I let the depression pull me down and take my will and productivity. Going to work on that. And make lists again. They motivate me. I need motivation. And maybe a good kick in the pants sometimes.

Anyway, here we are at the beginning of a new year. Got your snacks? Got your playlist? Okay, then. Let's get this trip started!


Jean said...

I find even if I don't look at the lists, the act of making them embeds what needs to be done in my subconscious, and when I go back and check the list, a lot is complete.

SBB said...

Yes, it's not that the I need the lists to remember what I should do -- well, depends on the length of list -- but it's a way to organize my day. A way to set priorities, too.

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