Saturday, February 19, 2011

7 Weeks into 2011

We're seven weeks into the year.  Next week will be two whole months -- one-sixth of the way.  How'd things go this week?

Fooling Mother Nature (First Draft):  Nada

Polar Bear on the Loose (Revision, using How To Revise Your Novel):  I have spent some time working on this one. I've written at least my 750 words each day and have a current streak of 250 days.  I've written 15,556 words so far this month.  I'm still working toward my next badge, the Double Flock -- 250,000 words.  I'm currently at 240,332 words, so I'm creeping up on it.

Internet Responsibilities:
- I blogged twice this week -- doubling my output for last week.
- I've worked on an FM project.
- I want to learn some WordPress CMS techniques, and my goal is to learn one thing a month.  I did not do anything on that this week.  Only one week left.  I guess I'll do something this week, won't I?

- Everyone is doing fine.  I have some empty boxes that need to go to the garage, but the kittens think I've left them here for them to use as a playhouse.  Who am I to argue with them?

- I spent fifteen minutes each day in the blue room (a back bedroom named such for it's blue wallpaper) pulling boxes of my stuff out to take to the store for storage and sorting.  I have six more boxes of my stuff to pull from the room.

- The boxes from the blue room are in the parlor.  I'm giving them a cursory look through and redoing a few things in preparation for taking them to the store.  I've managed to throw a few things out.  Yay.
- I have my Today area of Things down to virtually nothing.  I've done a great job over the last two weeks of clearing out tasks I was procrastinating on.  What a relief to have some of those things done.  Unfortunately, I also broke a globe from one of the ceiling fan lights while I was cleaning it.  We may be able to get a replacement at Lowe's.

- Did a weekly review -- something I've gotten out of the habit of doing, and it's important for the overall success of GTD to do one. 

- I rode the recumbent bike twice, on custom 1 setting, which increases resistance one level until it maxes out then it decreases the same way and tapers off to a light load to finish out program.  I call it the peak setting.  I increased my time to 12 minutes, but max heart rate was still only 140 (calculated max heart rate for me is 170).  Average heart rate was 119.  Since I said at the beginning of the year, "When the max heart rate gets down to 153, I'll increase time," I increased time to 15 minutes, and that got the max heart rate back up to 161 and the average up to 140. 
- I bought and downloaded the book FlyLady has been pushing for the last couple weeks -- The Mouth Trap: The Butt Stops Here by Pam Young.  I don't like the title, and I don't like the picture on the cover, but the content appears to be something I might be able to use.  I cannot imagine buying 23 bags of flour to store somewhere until I can donate them to the food bank as I lose the weight.  I don't have room on my counters or anyplace else to display that number.  I'm trying to think of something we have that weighs 115 pounds to use as an example, and I'm drawing a blank.  I came up with two fifty pound bags of dog food, and a smaller bag of dog food.  The thought of carrying those with me everywhere I go is just stunning, but that's what I'm doing.  Every. Single. Day.  I'm still trying to get my mind around it.


Tammy Jones said...

Wow on pretty much everything but the writing!! Let me know how the mouth trap book goes - the idea of having something to represent the weight is a good one. Maybe I should try that, too! {{huggs}}

SBB said...

Jean, you impress the heck out of me! Good job!

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