Friday, February 11, 2011

It's a tambo life

I haven't been online much the past few days, I just have so many things going on, plus I'm in 'withdrawal mode' wherein I pull away from most everything but my inner self and, well, hide. But I shouldn't do that, there's too much to get done, so, in an effort to be friendly and chipper and shit, here goes my list of how things are.

First - because she's here pestering me - Miss Princess Malaysia Stinky Butt has fully recovered from her surgery and its after effects and is doing so well she's taken to stealing things from my desk and running off with them or simply knocking them to the floor. Thankfully she only does this while I'm within 'chase her' range, because I have yet to find anything on the floor when I get up or come home. It's a great fun game and she suggests that everyone's cat give it a try to keep their humans entertained.

Bill finished the new floor in the spare bedroom, and it's been freshly painted and turned into a tv room/video game room/guest room. New rug, new curtains, artwork on the walls... It looks really nice. And I can play Fable again on the XBox, which is also nice. If a time suck.

I've been trying to get caught up with housework, but the creepy crud keeps clogging up my pipes. I'd rather nap, but napping doesn't get much done. Today, since Bill and Laura are out of town, I'm vacuuming, dusing, and mopping. Whee!

Sewing is going great. I've finished Sammie's baby quilt and have cut the fabric for a one block wonder quilt, plus I'm about halfway through a sewing class for a very complicated quilt called a diamond jubilee, and it's looking fantastic! I might post some pics on my tambocreates blog or facebook.

Writing isn't going so well. I'd kind of like to work on Stain - I have a great scene in mind where Jess freaks out over her men getting hurt - but I need to get M finished. Only it's such a mess, a daunting, overwhelming task. And I've been creepy-cruddy and would prefer to nap. Or watch mindless TV. Or eat junk food. But after I get today's cleaning tasks finished, I'm back to work on a complete rewrite from scratch for the second half of chapter seven. Only 25 chapters to go. ;)

I won't even talk about exercise. Or dieting. Or that kind of stuff. 

Aw crap, I just did. ;) 

Have a great weekend, everyone and get lots done, even if it's just a lot of good naps! 

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