Thursday, February 3, 2011

*crickets chirping*

Wow, y'all have been so quiet lately! I guess we've all been hunkered down, trying to stay warm, except for Jean, of course, who has been fixing broken pipes.

I'd love to say I've had my nose to the grindstone lately, but I can't. I've tried to work, but I'm stalled. I don't know whether to print the story and read it to see if I can find where I went wrong or just scrap the whole thing. Okay, I don't really want to scrap it. I'm doing the love/hate thing with it right now. Right now my MC's transition from scared to confident and happy has been too easy. I've thrown illness, death, angst, cajoling, and all manner of annoyances at her, but it's not enough. She's living with a handful of people in an isolated area. I've even gotten her stuck outside in a freak snow storm in late October. Not sure what the problem is. It's almost like she's seeing the light all at once, and she's going, "Oh! That's what I missed! All right, it makes perfect sense now. I think I can marry you after all." Pleh. Pleh, I say. If I was reading it, I'd donate it to the library without finishing it, and I'd be hard pressed to buy anything else by me.

I know the first draft is supposed to stink. It's supposed to be full of holes and inconsistencies. All of the ones I've finished to this point have been that way. Unfortunately, I have a whole string of unfinished stories under my belt since the last finished one. Part of me wants to just scrap the whole writer gig and knit for the rest of my life, but I have to write or I get cranky, and I don't think blog posts are going to cut it in the long term.


On a positive note, while I haven't been to the gym this week, I have gotten a workout scraping ice and shoveling snow. I finally got my creche put away. I've cleaned the kitchen twice in two days and almost have a handle on laundry, and I've stopped clenching my jaw every time I try to minimize a window on the right side of the screen instead of the left. (The screen, by the way, still seems ginormous. It's only a couple of inches bigger than my laptop, but it feels like it goes so much further across my desk.) In short, I've pulled up my big girl panties (sorry, Stephen) and started channeling my self-loathing into useful things.

I do have another visit to the Apple store to look forward to this weekend because Eric's iMac died two days after we brought it home and refuses to turn back on. Both the Apple Care people and the Apple store people have told him to bring it back and they'll replace it. Drat. More shopping. ;-)

So I guess I'll go curl up with a book tonight and troubleshoot my story tomorrow when I'm fresh.


Tammy Jones said...

Keep hanging in there, Wendy. Are you in the 'muddle in the middle'? If so, I think that's normal. Just keep plugging on to the end, and you can tighten it up later, even if tightening means ripping out several scenes or chapters. It CAN be don, hon! {{huggs}}

I'm not getting much more than housework done around here, either. Managed a little sewing, but the book is aggravating, so I'm currently glowering at it until it decides to behave. ;)

Keep writing! You can do this!!

Jean said...

I'm not getting much done either -- including fixing pipes. Hubby picked up the cap for the exploded pipe as well as pipe dope to glue it on. That would only affect outside faucets, so I thinkthere's another problem we haven't found yet.

Hubby and I, mostly hubby, got plastic over three windows with missing glass panes on the shop building. He got half of them done last year, and it made a huge difference in interior temps. Thermometers in the shop registered 42 today while the outside temps were 19-22. The bathroom temp was 34 before hubby got the plastic up, so it should be warmer now. The sink faucet was frozen, but the faucet just inside the big door was fine, so hubby put his kerosene stove in the bathroom for a little while, and it thawed quickly.

Wendy, I'm with Tammy -- keep pushing through. Tomorrow when you are fresh is also a great idea.

Wendy said...

I don't know if it's the muddle in the middle. It should be heading toward the end like a semi with no brakes on a steep grade. I could fast forward to them living HEA and try to figure it out later, but that strategy hasn't worked for me in the past. I guess if by middle you mean everything between the prologue and The End, yes, it's the muddle in the middle.

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