Saturday, January 10, 2015

All spinny-brained

I'm having a hard time focusing on things lately. I blame the cold. The good news is we might have wind chills ABOVE 0 next week! That was a teaser for the weather on the news the other night.

I have definitive proof now that writing contributes to my mental wellness. I was cranky and grousing yesterday about not being able to get a handle on the end of the short story. Finally, I gathered up my laptop and notes and took them to bed. The change of venue seemed to help and I cranked out the last 1800 words. I feel better today. Still can't keep hold of a thought, but better. I'm glad to have that done and submitted for Second Flight. Now I just have to polish up the poem and I should be done with my submissions. That gets me a poem and two stories, right, Stephen?

I leave Wednesday for Florida, and I hope the break will help me get centered again. I'll be away 12 days, and for the first time, I'll be at the rendezvous for most of set-up as well as break-down. Dad is happy about that. I will be AFK except for short bursts while I'm away. I hope to post pictures to Facebook while I'm there, but my phone will be off most of the time to save the battery since, obviously, I won't be able to charge it without leaving camp.

About the most exciting thing I've dealt with this week is ice inside my windows. I'm still further south than where I grew up in MI, so of course I thought there must be broken seals. Turns out, when air can't circulate around the windows when it's really cold, the condensation freezes. Luckily only my north facing windows were affected, and I thawed them out pretty easily between the space heater in the bedroom and the hair dryer in the living room. We've been ice-free for two days.

If you need anything from me for the rest of the month, let me know before Tuesday. You might be able to catch me Wednesday since I'll be traveling, but don't rely on me for anything after that. And try not to hate me because I'll be warm. :-) See y'all on the flip side.

1 comment:

Jean said...

It sounds like a great time to spend 12 days in Florida! And yay you for "cranking out some words"!

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